Toby Haggith

참여 작품

German Concentration Camps Factual Survey
On the 29th September 1945, the incomplete rough cut of a brilliant documentary about concentration camps was viewed at the MOI in London. For five months, Sidney Bernstein had led a small team – which included Stewart McAllister, Richard Crossman and Alfred Hitchcock – to complete the film from hours of shocking footage. Unfortunately, this ambitious Allied project to create a feature-length visual report that would damn the Nazi regime and shame the German people into acceptance of Allied occupation had missed its moment. Even in its incomplete form (available since 1984) the film was immensely powerful, generating an awed hush among audiences. But now, complete to six reels, this faithfully restored and definitive version produced by IWM, is being compared with Alain Resnais’ Night and Fog (1955).
밤이 걷히면
1945년 나치 강제수용소의 해방에 관한 다큐멘터리. 시드니 번스타인을 중심으로 한 이 프로젝트에 알프레드 히치콕, 빌리 와일더, 리처드 크로스만 등도 참여했지만, 6개월 사이 영국과 미국 정부가 영화에 대한 지원 철회를 결정하면서 미완성인 채로 제국전쟁박물관 아카이브에 소장되었다. 그리고 그 영화는 70년이 지나서야 비로소 완성되어 관객들을 만난다. (2014년 제6회 DMZ국제다큐영화제)
One Continuous Take: Kay Mander's Life in Film
Kay Mander kept training and social issues to the fore in the 1940s with her innovative documentaries. Mander, now living in Kirkcudbrightshire, recalls her life and work, with clips from many of her films.