뉴욕이 통째로 바다에 잠겨버린 미래
깊은 바닷속 산호초 동굴에 모여 살아가던 바다 생물들.
어느날 말썽꾸러기 문어 ‘딥’의 장난 때문에폭발이 일어나고 마을은 위험에 빠진다. 마을을 구할 ‘전설의 고래’를 찾기 위해 ‘딥’과 겁쟁이 ‘이보’, 흥새우 ‘앨리’, 다중이 ‘모라’까지, 바다사총사는 처음으로 바닷속 도시탐험을 떠나게 되는데…
Scott spends his days teaching at Space Defender camp, frustrated that he can't seem to find a woman with no baggage. His best friend Jake is no help, despite offering him his own brand of wisdom and truth. Scott meets Jessica who is seemingly the perfect woman - brains, beauty and a sci-fi nerd. When Scott learns the truth about Jessica's past he is forced to rethink his long held relationship rules in favor of accepting someone for who they are ... and maybe even himself.