James Bruce

James Bruce

프로필 사진

James Bruce
James Bruce

참여 작품

Case 219
A journalist tries to uncover the circumstances that led to a shocking episode of violence in this drama from director James Bruce. Leonard Grey was a troubled seventeen-year-old who one day went on a shooting spree, injuring several students at his high school and killing one before he took his own life. A reporter for the Los Angeles Times is assigned to research and write an investigative piece about Grey. The journalist studies interviews conducted by the police with the boy's friends and family as well as conducting several of her own as she tries to understand what turned a seemingly ordinary youngster into a killer. She finds an especially intriguing subject in Cameron Porter, Leonard's best friend, who may have been involved in the shootings through he carefully refuses to incriminate himself.
Case 219
A journalist tries to uncover the circumstances that led to a shocking episode of violence in this drama from director James Bruce. Leonard Grey was a troubled seventeen-year-old who one day went on a shooting spree, injuring several students at his high school and killing one before he took his own life. A reporter for the Los Angeles Times is assigned to research and write an investigative piece about Grey. The journalist studies interviews conducted by the police with the boy's friends and family as well as conducting several of her own as she tries to understand what turned a seemingly ordinary youngster into a killer. She finds an especially intriguing subject in Cameron Porter, Leonard's best friend, who may have been involved in the shootings through he carefully refuses to incriminate himself.
Den of Lions
A Hungarian gypsy working for a Russian mobster becomes a double agent for the FBI.
Den of Lions
A Hungarian gypsy working for a Russian mobster becomes a double agent for the FBI.
Mark and Tony may be adopted, but they're as tight as brothers can be. They even have the same occupation: They're double-dealing hit men, one for the mob, the other for the CIA. When a scheme to embezzle money from the government surfaces, Mark and Tony are targeted by both groups, leaving the brothers to defend themselves from -- and avoid getting whacked by -- either the "good" or the "bad" guys.
A lawyer is on a business trip to St. Petersburg. When a beautiful woman on the run runs into him and asks for help, he is thrown into a dangerous world of jewel thieves and gangsters.
The Girl Gets Moe
Importing illegal automatic weapons for resale is a big business and Moe is the middleman. Even with the huge monetary rewards available, he finds that his love life is suffering and he is looking for that special someone. When he finds her, he wants to become respectable and marry, but it seems that business and a double date conspire to end this romantic relationship once and for all.
Headless Body in Topless Bar
An ex-con holds a group of people hostage in a topless bar.
Dirty Money
A random man's life is torn apart after he's pulled into the aftermath of a payroll heist. He retaliates by stealing the loot, setting off an international manhunt as he's pursued by the cops and the murderous thieves.
The Suicide Club
The only way to get into this exclusive club is to play it very, very cool.
And the Pursuit of Happiness
In 1986, Louis Malle (himself a transplant to the United States) set out to investigate the ever-widening range of immigrant experience in America. Interviewing a variety of newcomers — from teachers to astronauts to doctors — in communities from coast to coast, Malle paints a humane portrait of their individual struggles in an increasingly polyglot nation.
God's Country
In 1979, Louis Malle traveled into the heart of Minnesota to capture the everyday lives of the men and women in a prosperous farming community. Six years later, during Ronald Reagan's second term, he returned to find drastic economic decline. Free of stereotypes about America's "heartland," GOD'S COUNTRY, commissioned for American public television, is a stunning work of emotional and political clarity.
알라모의 총성
월남전이 끝난 후 많은 월남 난민이 새로운 삶을 찾아 미국으로 망명한다. 텍사스주 멕시코만 연안의 알라모 항에는 월남 난민촌이 형성된다. 알라모의 베트남 난민촌을 찾아온 베트남 청년 딘은 월리의 수산회사에서 일하게 된다. 월리의 딸 글로리는 아버지 사업을 돕기 위해 고향에 왔다가, 옛애인 셍을 만나 다시 사귀지 시작한다. 새우잡이를 생업으로 하는 어부인 셍은 자금난에 몰려 어선을 압류당한다. 셍은 새우잡이의 불황을 베트남인들 탓으로 여기고 그들을 고용한 월리를 증오한다. 미국 남부의 뿌리깊은 백인우월주의 비밀결사 KKK단의 선동을 받은 셍과 그의 친구들은 조직적으로 베트남인들의 생필품 구매를 막고 어민들의 조업을 방해하고, 딘의 배를 불태우는 등 실력행사를 한다. 셍과 그의 일당들은 여기에 그치지 않고 베트남 난민들을 알라모에서 쫓아낸다.
앙드레와의 저녁식사
Assistant Editor
Wallace Shawn and Andre Gregory, apparently playing themselves, share their lives over the course of an evening meal at a restaurant.
앙드레와의 저녁식사
Production Coordinator
Wallace Shawn and Andre Gregory, apparently playing themselves, share their lives over the course of an evening meal at a restaurant.
아틀란틱 시티
Editorial Services
환락과 퇴폐의 도시 아틀란틱 시티의 싸구려 하숙집에 사는 샐리와 루는 각자의 과거로부터 고통을 받는다. 샐리는 어두운 과거로부터 도망치기 위해 카지노 딜러가 되려하고, 왕년에 갱단의 수하로 거들먹거렸던 루는 화려했던 그 시절을 그리워하며 살아간다. 이 두 사람의 세계에 뛰어든 샐리의 전남친 때문에 일어나는 파문. 과연 샐리와 루의 꿈은 이루어질 것인가?