Lynn Lemon

참여 작품

The Haunted World of Edward D. Wood, Jr.
Often called the worst director in the history of cinema, Ed Wood is nevertheless a beloved figure among cult-film aficionados for his oddball productions. This documentary takes a look back at Wood's unique career at the margins of 1950s Hollywood, speaking to those who loved him and hated him. Bela Lugosi Jr. discusses his father's work in the abysmal "Plan 9 From Outer Space," while a Baptist reverend recalls how he was tricked into financing the film.
외계로부터의 9호 계획
"외계에서 날아온 무덤강도에 들어본 적이 있는가?" 나래이터의 이런 질문으로 영화가 시작된다. 한 쌍의 외계인이 캘리포니아의 한 묘지에 도착하고, 그들은 시체를 살아나게 하는 계획을 세우는데..