Marco DiFelice

참여 작품

코드 8: 파트 2
Music Supervisor
초능력자들이 로봇의 엄격한 감시를 받는 세상. 출소한 코너는 부패한 경찰로부터 십 대 소녀를 지키기 위해 싫지만 마약 조직의 보스와 힘을 합쳐야 한다.
Music Supervisor
Natasha takes place over the course of one summer. It is the story of Mark Berman, 16, the son of Russian-Jewish immigrants living in the suburbs north of Toronto. When his uncle enters into an arranged marriage with woman from Moscow, the woman arrives in Canada with her fourteen year-old daughter, Natasha. Mark, a slacker, is conscripted by his parents to take responsibility for the strange girl. He learns that, in Moscow, she’d led a troubled and promiscuous life. A secret and forbidden romance begins between the two of them that has bizarre and tragic consequences for everyone involved.