Yedige Nessipbekov

참여 작품

세상의 부드러운 무관심
콴디크와 살타낫은 벽지 시골 마을에서 도시로 온다. 살타낫의 가족은 부채에 시달리고 있다. 이 상황에서 살타낫은 선택의 순간에 직면한다. 그녀는 부유한 사업가의 동거녀로 살아갈 것인지 아니면 엄마의 빚으로 계속 고통 받는 삶을 살아갈 것인지를 결정해야 한다. 살타낫을 사랑하는 콴디크는 육체노동을 하면서 번 돈으로 그녀를 구하려 한다. 그러나 그가 낯선 도시에서 그녀의 빚을 대신 갚아주는 것은 불가능하다.
Night God
Director of Photography
Two workers are having a leisurely conversation. More and more often people see in the sky red tails of comets, wonder creatures appear from nowhere and a roar is said to be coming from the underground. What is the meaning of it all? – asks one of them. The other replies that he has never seen anything like that in his life. And even if all of the above mentioned exists, is it worthwhile paying attention to it? The important thing is to do one’s job because life goes its own way.
The Plague at the Karatas Village
Director of Photography
A new mayor comes to the remote village Karatas. A very strange illness reins over here. However somebody is used to live with it and says this is a simple flu.
The Story of Kazakh Cinema – Underground of Kazakhfilm
Director of Photography
A film director and an actor have worked till midnight at a film studio. A security guy locked all doors and so now our heroes have to look for an exit, walking through the studio and meeting various people on their way – famous Kazakh film directors, film critics and just strangers.