Production Design
This is the story of a teenage illegal migrant girl Ademoka who lives in Kazakhstan and is forced to be a beggar to survive. But at the same time she’s bright and talented and dreams of studying all the time. Her illegal status and absence of citizenship is a serious obstacle for that.
Production Design
The Kazakh village Karatas has long been subjugated by a criminal boss called Poshaev. He provides housing and jobs for the locals but will ruthlessly execute anyone who dares to oppose him. This is the lesson the pauper Arzu is about to learn first-hand—his wife Karina has informed the police about the crimes that are taking place there. Arzu is a cripple; now he must raise his little daughter alone. He is so helpless and grief-stricken that he doesn’t even seem to be contemplating revenge. Poshaev takes him under his wing and offers him the position of a guard at a building site. Soon Arzu has a chance to prove his loyalty, and he becomes Poshaev’s right hand. But where do Arzu’s real loyalties lie—with his boss or with the idea of justice?
Production Design
테러리스트로 보이는 정체불명의 사람들이 카라타스 마을의 한 학교를 점거하여 아이들을 인질로 잡아두고 어떤 협상도 하지 않고 있다. 게다가 거센 눈보라로 외부와의 통신이 끊겨 경찰 역시 지원군을 요청할 수 없다. 그러던 중, 인질로 잡힌 한 아이가 목숨을 잃게 되고, 지역 교사인 타즈시는 인질로 잡힌 아이들의 부모들과 함께 테러리스트를 공격할 팀을 조직한다.
Production Design
Selkeu Uashev is a local police officer at Karatas village. He’s not a man of high morals and can hardly be called a role model as a policeman. He turns a deaf ear to lots of criminal offences and takes bribes. For that he’s loved a lot by local criminals and frauds. But one day the commission arrives from the city to declare the big audit all over the village due to pandemic…
Production Design
Life in Karatas Village runs along an untroubled path, until its patriarchal way of life is challenged by Ulbolsyn, a woman whose coldblooded heart and blazing temperament are not afraid of setting everything on fire.
Production Design
카자흐스탄의 시골 마을에서 한 소년이 살해되는 사건이 발생한다. 벡자트 형사는 현지 경찰관들이 용의자를 찾아내자 가능한 빨리 이 사건 수사를 종결할 작정이었다. 그러나 도시에서 한 기자가 마을을 찾아오면서, 모든 것이 수포로 돌아간다.
Production Design
주인공 케르메크는 형기를 마치고 고향으로 돌아오는데, 그는 모든 것이 과거와 다르다는 것을 직감한다. 가혹한 범행을 서슴지 않는 범죄조직이 고향을 지배하고 있는 것이다. 케르메크는 이 범죄조직의 압력에 시달리고, 결국 범죄에 휘말린다. 그가 가지고 있는 유일한 희망은 연인 에바와 함께 자유를 찾아 떠나 극장을 짓는 것이다.
Production Design
The film tells the story of a street thug Atbai, who decides to take part in MMA tournament, where the winners are already decided. But Atbai is going to win, because for him this victory is a chance to start a new life: to return to big sports and to get his beloved woman back.
Production Design
콴디크와 살타낫은 벽지 시골 마을에서 도시로 온다. 살타낫의 가족은 부채에 시달리고 있다. 이 상황에서 살타낫은 선택의 순간에 직면한다. 그녀는 부유한 사업가의 동거녀로 살아갈 것인지 아니면 엄마의 빚으로 계속 고통 받는 삶을 살아갈 것인지를 결정해야 한다. 살타낫을 사랑하는 콴디크는 육체노동을 하면서 번 돈으로 그녀를 구하려 한다. 그러나 그가 낯선 도시에서 그녀의 빚을 대신 갚아주는 것은 불가능하다.
Production Design
A new mayor comes to the remote village Karatas. A very strange illness reins over here. However somebody is used to live with it and says this is a simple flu.
Production Design
A film director and an actor have worked till midnight at a film studio. A security guy locked all doors and so now our heroes have to look for an exit, walking through the studio and meeting various people on their way – famous Kazakh film directors, film critics and just strangers.
Production Design
25 year-old John, his teenage brother Erbol, and their sickly 12 year-old sister Aliya, are forced to leave their house in the Kazakh city of Almaty. By luck their mother left them a house in a remote village, where they plan to prepare their comeback. But the house appears to be on the wish list of the District Officer’s alcoholic brother, who has lived there illegally for 10 years.