Ágnes Mógor

참여 작품

Ott torony volt
Egy Mindenkiért
A young mother flees her country in the midst of a revolution, revealing to her daughter a history of abandonment that crosses three continents and four generations.
살아남은 사람들
제2차 세계대전 직후 헝가리 부다페스트. 부모가 행방불명 된 소녀 ‘클라라’는 홀로코스트로 가족을 모두 잃은 의사 ‘알도’를 만나 나이를 뛰어넘는 친구가 된다. 점점 딸과 아버지처럼 서로를 돌보며, 오랫동안 잊고 살아온 삶의 달콤함과 따뜻함을 다시 맛본다. 하지만 스탈린 지배 하의 경직된 헝가리 사회는 둘의 관계를 차갑게 예의주시하는데… 시대의 비극 속에서도 온기를 잃지 않은 아름다운 사람들의 이야기가 시작된다.
The first woman rabbi in the world, Regina Jonas, comes to light, courtesy of Rachel Weisz – who plays her – and her father George Weisz, who was the executive producer for this poetic and beautiful documentary. The daughter of an Orthodox Jewish peddler, Jonas was ordained in Berlin in 1935. During the Nazi era and the war, her sermons and her unparalleled devotion brought encouragement to the persecuted German Jews. Regina Jonas was murdered in Auschwitz in 1944. The only surviving photo of Jonas serves as a leitmotif for the film, showing a determined young woman gazing at the camera with self-confidence.
A boy's secret trek from his country town to Budapest to claim a prize evolves into the hopeful search for his missing father. Lali, a Roma boy, wins a chocolate bar from a friend in a card game and discovers that the wrapper makes him the lucky winner of a red motor scooter. How to claim the prize in person, as required, when you're only twelve and look much younger? First-time director Groó creates a sure and realistic depiction of childhood on the cusp of manhood in this sensitive and lovingly crafted coming-of-age story.
Interviews with 3 people who had near death experiences.
A Hungarian film