Yuri Amaral

참여 작품

O Policial e a Pastora
하시오나이스 MC스: 브라질 힙합의 전설
음악과 메시지로 무장한 브라질의 힙합 그룹 하시오나이스 MC스. 그들의 목소리를 담은 거리의 시를 강력한 사회 운동으로 발전시키고 영향력을 떨치며 세계 무대로 뻗어나간다.
The Wind Blows the Border
Editorial Services
On the violent border between Brazil and Paraguay, a war is being waged around the expansion of agribusiness. On one side sits lawyer Luana Ruiz, the heiress to contested lands and one of the strongest supporters of president Jair Bolsonaro. Ruiz, like other ruralistas—rural wealthy elites and agribusiness producers who advocate for Indigenous cultural annihilation—has become empowered and her ideas of hate have flourished under Bolsonaro's anti-Indigenous agenda. On the other side sits teacher, Guarani-Kaiowá leader and activist Alenir Ximendes, embodying powerful Indigenous resistance and communal ideals. Having personally suffered losses at the hands of the ruralistas, Ximendes emerges as a powerful force against Ruiz, fighting for the protection of her community, their lands and Indigenous constitutional rights. This film contains sensitive images and dialogue in its portrayal of this urgent struggle for sovereignty.
Bem-Vindos de Novo
Parents and children are reunited after 13 years apart. This is the starting point of the film, which follows the process of affective reconstruction of director Marcos Yoshi's family, crossed by the flow of migrations between Brazil and Japan, known as the dekassegui phenomenon. The story of a family of Japanese descent torn between the need to make a living and the desire to stay together.
유어 턴
지난 10년, 브라질의 경제와 사회적 위기가 심화되자 수백 명의 학생들이 거리로 나와 학교를 점령하고 공공 교육의 개선과 긴축정책의 폐지를 요구하기 시작한다. 은 2013년부터 자이르 보우소나루를 선출한 대통령 선거가 있었던 2018년까지 브라질에서 일어났던 학생 운동을 담고 있다.
It's election time for the student body. Four groups of students, with differing opinions and views of the world, create proposals, debate campaign strategies, and strive for improvements in school.
내 몸은 정치적이다
상파울루 빈곤 지역. 여기 네 명의 트랜스젠더가 있다. 이들은 각자의 자리에서 일상을 지킨다. 아이들을 가르치고 직장에 가거나 학교에 간다. 각자의 방식대로 나를 잃지 않으려 한다. 나의 존재는 연극과 노래로, 때로는 사진이나 말로 세상에 드러난다. 서로 다른 삶에서 나는 오늘도 나의 몸, 나의 정체성 그리고 내가 불리고자 하는 이름으로 살고 싶다. 일상이 곧 저항이 되는 내 몸은 정치적이다. (2018년 제23회 서울인권영화제)
Cine São Paulo
Chico has dedicated his whole life to CINE SAO PAULO. The building, inherited from his father, is now badly deteriorated. Refurbish it, in order to make the old movie theater get back to work, becomes his great obsession.
Anna K.
Assistant Director
Joana suffers from a double personality and is obsessed with Anna Karenina, the character from Tolstoy's novel. Embodying the myth of Narcissus, Anna K. is the image and resemblance of Joana, stronger and more seductive.
Anna K.
Joana suffers from a double personality and is obsessed with Anna Karenina, the character from Tolstoy's novel. Embodying the myth of Narcissus, Anna K. is the image and resemblance of Joana, stronger and more seductive.
Listening to the River
The artist Cildo Meireles in search of the sound of Brazil's main water basins in order to construct the sound sculpture Rio:Oir (River:Hear) created from the play on words and concepts. From Foz do Iguaçu to the Pororoca of Macapá, from the Águas Emendadas Park to the mouth of the São Francisco river, and later, in a studio, gathering the pieces and matching them to the cacophony of residual waters and human laughter. The documentary "Listening to the River" reveals the artist's simplicity, the relation of region's inhabitants with water, and it enhances our perception between sound and image.
Leonilson, sob o Peso dos Meus Amores
Through interviews and archival images, the short film unveiled tells the trajectory of Brazilian painter, draftsman and sculptor José Leonilson Bezerra Dias.