Christian Jadah

Christian Jadah

프로필 사진

Christian Jadah

참여 작품

Agent Johnston
In the near future, when getting an abortion has once again become a criminal offense, Kara is confronted by a grim and brutal reality. Even though obvious dangers are at play, she seeks out the services of an illegal mobile abortion clinic. Once inside the meanders of this morbid clinic, she is confronted with the consequences of her painful decision. Not only are her life and freedom in danger, but Kara is unprepared to face the emotional repercussions that her decision will have on her and those around her.
The Whale
Executive Producer
Two journalists travel to a remote coast in search of a giant, ancient whale skeleton.
The Whale
Two journalists travel to a remote coast in search of a giant, ancient whale skeleton.
The Sisterhood
Rick Shields
Ashley Shields has had a rough year following the death of her mother, the disintegration of her marriage, and getting passed over for a promotion at work. So when her sister Jasmine brings her to a women's group, The Sisterhood, she is intrigued, and hopes to feel empowered enough to change her life. Led by the enigmatic and charismatic Desiree, The Sisterhood delivers to Ashley everything it promises. She gets a raise at her job, her divorce is resolved in her favor and she finally feels fulfilled and happy. But she soon discovers that the benefits of The Sisterhood come at a steep, and sometimes illegal price. As Ashley learns more about The Sisterhood and is forced to participate in its questionable activities, she realizes that she is in over her head and must get out - even if it's at the expense of her relationship with Jasmine - or her life.
벌새 프로젝트
FBI Agent #3 / Emergency Doctor
뉴욕 출신으로 사촌 관계인 빈센트와 안톤은 주식시장에서 백만 분의 일초 차이로 승부가 갈리는 고위험 초단타 매매 게임의 플레이어들이다. 그들의 꿈은? 그들을 백만장자로 만들어줄 광케이블을 캔자스와 뉴저지 사이에 직선으로 설치하는 것이다. 그러나 장점보단 단점이 많은 허술한 이 둘에게 간단한 것은 아무것도 없다. 안톤은 브레인이고 빈센트는 사기꾼으로, 자신들의 목적을 이루고자 주변의 모든 이들을 비현실적인 모험의 세계로 밀어붙인다. 여기에 이들의 목적을 저지하기 위해 수단과 방법을 가리지 않는 전 직장 상사인 에바 토레스가 가세하면서 그들의 계획은 차질을 빚게 된다. 하지만, 광케이블로 미 대륙을 관통하려는 빈센트와 안톤의 결심은 확고하다.
Eye on Juliet
The story of an unlikely encounter between Gordon, a hexapod operator, and Ayusha, a young woman from the Middle East. Gordon, guardian of a pipeline in this desert region, becomes fascinated by Ayusha, while piloting his robotic spider from the other side of the world, in America. Ayusha is promised to an older man she doesn't love. Despite the distance, their mutual fear and their imperfect interaction, he will do everything in his power to help her escape her fate.
Separated at Birth
Lab Tech Dustin
Lucy Pierce grew up believing she had a normal childhood. Until, one day, she discovers old articles about the "Baby Victoria" disappearance - a high-profile abduction case. She is shocked to see that her baby picture is front and center. Determined to find answers, Lucy tracks down her biological mother, Elizabeth Marshall, a criminal prosecutor running for Governor of Pennsylvania. While Lucy's reunion with Elizabeth is heartfelt, the same can't be said for her relationship with her newfound sister, Terri. The family reunion spirals out of control as Lucy finds herself in the middle of a police investigation. As Lucy questions who is really trying to defame her, is something more sinister happening to tear this family apart, yet again?
Private Combs
어느 날 전 세계 12개 지역에 외계 비행물체 셸이 동시다발로 출현한다. 450m에 달하는 거대 비행체가 가만히 서 있을 뿐 어떤 행동도 하지 않자 각국 정부는 각자의 방식으로 외계인과 접촉을 시작하지만, 완전히 다른 언어 체계 때문에 첫 단계부터 난항을 겪는다. 미국 정부의 요청을 받은 언어학자 루이스와 물리학자 이안은 말과 글이 통하지 않는 상황에서, 신체의 모든 기관과 감정을 이용해 미지의 생명체와 대화를 시도하고 서로의 문자를 배워나간다. 마침내 대화의 물꼬가 트이게 되지만 그때부터 루이스는 이해하기 어려운 환상을 연이어 보기 시작하는데...