Xavier Sirven

Xavier Sirven


Xavier Sirven is a French film editor, writer and director.

프로필 사진

Xavier Sirven

참여 작품

A former gang member who believes his daughter is the only one who save his community from an curse uttered by a rival gang member in his dying breath.
파더 앤 솔저
1917년, 바카리 디알로는 강제 징집된 17세 아들 티에르노의 곁을 지키기 위해 프랑스군에 입대한다. 두 사람은 함께 전선에 투입되고, 전쟁에 직면한다. 티에르노가 남자가 되는 법을 배우는 동안 바카리는 그가 무사히 돌아올 수 있도록 할 수 있는 모든 것을 한다.
한 소녀가 목숨을 끊는다. 수녀원에서 지내던 소녀의 동생 엘리자베스는 집으로부터 온 전갈을 듣는다. 이제 맏이가 된 그는 집안의 노동력에 도움을 줘야 한다. 돌아가기 싫은 소녀는, 자신의 기도가 어디서 잘못됐는지 묻는다. 엘리자베스와 세 청년은 숨 막히는 공간에서 벗어나려고 몸부림치지만 매번 벽에 가로막힌다.
Soy Libre
Arnaud is looking for his place in society. Soy Libre shows his insatiable desire for freedom on a nearly ten year long quest, which brings him from Northern France to Spain to Peru. A portrait of a little brother growing bigger and bigger, through the eyes of his elder sister.
Bachelorette Party
A film like spring, a bittersweet coming-of-age tale that feels very real in a joie-de-vivre way. This is a film about complex relations and about celebrating freedom, told as a nature-saturated love story with secret doors that sometimes even creek when closed, with everyone bathed in that special kind of light from that sun that only seems to shine for adolescents.
The Departure
Morocco, 2004. Adil, aged 11, spends the summer playing with his friends and waiting for his idol, Olympic runner Hicham El Guerrouj, to compete in his last Games. The arrival of his father and older brother from France for a few days will mark him forever.
보도 사진가 카미유 르파주는 내전을 보도하기 위해 중앙아프리카공화국으로 간다. 그곳에서 그녀는 자신의 운명을 영원히 바꾸게 될 만한 사건을 목격한다.
I See Red People
After twenty-five years spent in France, I return to Bulgaria, camera in hand, with a vertiginous suspicion: what if my family had collaborated with the political police of the communist regime? And what if they were part of the "red trash" that the demonstrators on the street want to see disappear? I decide to investigate and to film, constantly, ready for anything. My adventure transforms itself into a tragic comic odyssey; a film that combines espionage with family.
I See Red People
Sound Editor
After twenty-five years spent in France, I return to Bulgaria, camera in hand, with a vertiginous suspicion: what if my family had collaborated with the political police of the communist regime? And what if they were part of the "red trash" that the demonstrators on the street want to see disappear? I decide to investigate and to film, constantly, ready for anything. My adventure transforms itself into a tragic comic odyssey; a film that combines espionage with family.
I See Red People
After twenty-five years spent in France, I return to Bulgaria, camera in hand, with a vertiginous suspicion: what if my family had collaborated with the political police of the communist regime? And what if they were part of the "red trash" that the demonstrators on the street want to see disappear? I decide to investigate and to film, constantly, ready for anything. My adventure transforms itself into a tragic comic odyssey; a film that combines espionage with family.
I See Red People
After twenty-five years spent in France, I return to Bulgaria, camera in hand, with a vertiginous suspicion: what if my family had collaborated with the political police of the communist regime? And what if they were part of the "red trash" that the demonstrators on the street want to see disappear? I decide to investigate and to film, constantly, ready for anything. My adventure transforms itself into a tragic comic odyssey; a film that combines espionage with family.
Building of the Braves
“In Sofia, the residents of a mythical building had been evicted. I had come to hunt for film locations.” After this brief introductory title card, we discover what makes this Bulgarian building mythical, why its residents were evicted and how location-hun­ting turned into a film.
Return to Bollene
Nassim, in his early thirties, lives in Abu Dhabi with his American fiancée, Elisabeth. After several years of absence, he returns with her to Bollene, a town in the South of France where he grew up. But Nassim must face his past: a dead city now governed by the far right party, a complex relationship with his family, and a father, he no longer speaks to.
Diquà Dai Monti: Where the Mountains Begin
Beneath the blazing summer sun in Corsica, sixteen-year-old Horace loses his dog. After a trying to find the animal, Horace and his gang suspect a man of Arab origin who lives outside the village.
Rase campagne
Not K.O.
Joanne is leaving. For Polly, the local mecanic's daughter, there is now just one thing to do: overcome innuendo and give full flight to their love affair. Polly is ready to do anything if it means experiencing life with Joanne.
Not K.O.
Joanne is leaving. For Polly, the local mecanic's daughter, there is now just one thing to do: overcome innuendo and give full flight to their love affair. Polly is ready to do anything if it means experiencing life with Joanne.
Struggle for Life
Marc Châtaigne, an intern at the Ministry of Standards, is sent to French Guiana to implement European construction standards at Guyaneige: the first Amazonian ski slope, intended to boost tourism in French Guiana. There, he meets Tarzan, an attractive intern at the National Forestry Office, with whom he’ll get lost on a journey through the jungle that will take him far, far away…
사라예보의 다리들
Thirteen European directors explore the theme of Sarajevo; what this city has represented in European history over the past hundred years, and what Sarajevo stands for today in Europe. These eminent filmmakers of different generations and origins offer exceptional singular styles and visions.
Round Trip
For Walid, a taxi driver in Damascus, the only place he can steal a private kiss with his love, Suhair, is in his car. When Suhair is invited by her friend to visit Tehran, she and Walid together board a train from the Syrian capital to Tehran. As they follow the stunning scenery captured beautifully on film, Walid and Suhair finally have an opportunity to get to know each other outside of his taxi…