Sister Marguerite
Joe Torre after failing to win a championship when he was a professional baseball player and as Manager to three teams is named Manager of the Yankees. And he finds himself having players like Dwight Gooden, Wade Boggs and Daryl Strawberry who are considered has beens. And players like David Cone who are ill. But nevertheless thinks he can win with them. At the same he deals with the loss of one brother and another brother battling the same condition that killed his brother.
Kliss Sparks
Teacher Jake Downey has relocated to a small town in Wyoming hoping to escape the urban problems of his last assignment. His myth of rural bliss is shattered when a former police officer comes unglued, builds a bomb and takes Jake's class hostage. The heroism of his true story unfolds as the hostage drama takes many surprising turns towards the phenomenal conclusion.
Store Customer
크리스마스 이브. 베이비 룩이라는 작은 도시에 아기 예수상이 없어지고 윌러드 가에 강도가 침입하는 사건이 발생한다. 결혼 12년째인 부부 개롤라인과 로이드는 늘상 끊이지 않는 불화로 부부문제 전문상담소에 다니며 치료를 받고 있다. 도망치던 강도 거스는 캐롤라인과 로이드를 인질로 잡고 그들의 집으로 들어간다. 때는 크리스마스 이브. 이들 부부의 집에 저녁 내내 손님들이 찾아오자 강도는 마음을 졸인다. 캐롤라인과 로이드 부부가 사는 집은 모두가 갈등관계. 선한 강도와 다툼만 하는 부부아 문제아 아들.