Hutch Demouilpied

참여 작품

Executive Producer
A boy dies and can do one thing before he moves on. He tries to cry.
A boy dies and can do one thing before he moves on. He tries to cry.
The Debutante
A spirited young woman persuades a hyena from London Zoo to take her place at a dinner dance held in her honour. Their plan requires a surprising amount of artistry and violence.
Original Music Composer
2010년 12월 튀니지에서 촉발한 '아랍의 봄'은 북아프리카와 중동 지역에 민주화 바람을 일으켰다. 그 바람은 시리아까지 이어졌고 시민들은 반정부 평화 시위에 나섰다. 시리아 정부는 강경 대응했고 내전으로 번졌다. 고대 메소포타미아 문명을 간직한 시리아는 잿더미가 되었다. 시민은 난민이 되어 세계 각지로 흩어졌다. (제9회 디아스포라 영화제)
Cities of Ladies
A poetic animation documentary to foster hope, change and self-development.
Boys on Film 18: Heroes
Boys On Film comes of age with uplifting and powerful tales recounting the lives of everyday heroes striving for their own identities and fighting for the right for us all to be ourselves. Volume 18: Heroes includes ten complete films: Dean Loxton's "Dániel" starring Csémy Balázs, Hilda Péter, and Henry Garrett… Niels Bourgonje's "Buddy" starring Daniel Cornelissen and Tobias Nierop… Tamara Shogaolu's animated "Half A Life"… Victor Lindgren's "Undress Me" starring Jana Bringlöv Ekspong and Björn Elgerd… Sam Ashby's "The Colour Of His Hair" starring Sean Hart and Josh O'Connor… Hope Dickson Leach's "Silly Girl" starring Ciara Baxendale, Mollie Lambert, and Jason Barker… Søren Green's "An Evening" starring Jacob Ottensten and Ulrik Windfeldt-Schmidt… Alejandro Medina's documentary "AIDS: Doctors And Nurses Tell Their Stories"… Kai Stänicke's "It's Consuming Me" with Volkmar Leif Gilbert… and Mikael Bundsen's "Mother Knows Best" starring Alexander Gustavsson and Hanna Ullerstam.
더 레벨링
Clover is finishing a veterinary course when her brother dies and she is called home to her family's struggling Somerset farm.
Silly Girl
The story sees a 40-something trans man recalling and reliving his first romantic entanglement.