In post-apocalyptic Los Angeles, an evil pack of outlaws is systematically turning civilians into prisoners and slaves. Worse yet, the spread of a terrifying deadly flesh-eating virus threatens to destroy all of humanity. As good and evil ferociously battle for power and control, three heroes race against time to find the cure for the virus... before it's too late.
애인 로렌을 잔혹하게 살해한 누명을 쓰고 전기 의자에 앉아 사형에 처해진 주인공 알렉스(에릭 마비우스)는 복수를 위해 부활한다. 로렌을 살해한 '미스터리 맨'을 추적하던 중 알렉스는 이 '미스터리 맨'보다 더욱 미스터리한 사건에 접한다. 로렌의 동생 에린(커스틴 던스트)의 도움을 빌어 사건의 실체에 접근하던 알렉스는 로렌의 끔찍한 죽음에 그녀의 아버지가 개입됐다는 사실을 알고 경악한다.
A 14 year old boy named Gunther moves to a small town with his parents and little brother. He meets up with a group of overly charitable paper boys who want him to sub for their friend while he's out of town. Gunther agrees so he can get enough money for concert tickets to take his blonde and beautiful crush too, all the while dealing with Chad, her wannabe boyfriend and his bully friends. All in all, Gunther learns to respect himself and other people and to have fun during it all.