Aglaia Mora

참여 작품

누오보 올림포, 기다리다
Madre Pietro
페르잔 와즈페테크 감독의 경험담에 바탕을 둔 드라마 영화. 여러곡절과 변해가는 삶의 여정에도 불구하고 한결같이 지속되는 영원한 사랑을 그린다.
La notte più lunga dell'anno
바람의 남자들
뻔뻔한 거짓말부터 첩보전을 방불케 하는 작전까지, 이 남자들 부단히도 애를 쓴다. 혹시 가족을 지키기 위해? 아니, 눈물겨운 노력의 목적은 단 하나, 아내를 속이고 바람피우기. 취향도 변명도 가지각색인 바람의 천태만상이 펼쳐진다.
L'ultimo piano
The Old Road
Like his father and grandfather before him, Nicola works on a field along an old mountain road. He sells potatoes grown by his family to passing motorists, while work on the "new road" is about to end. An unexpected encounter will give him the courage to take risks and ... change gears.
Il figlio sospeso
Il colore nascosto delle cose
Teo has a good job, a fiancee, a lover, no intention to assume any responsibility in his life. Meeting Emma, a blind woman, will upset his convictions.
How to Grow Up Despite Your Parents
More and more parents take competitive behavior towards the teachers of their children: deny votes and programs, vaneggiano of likes, dislikes, and conspiracies. So, instead of helping in the training of their children, they become insurmountable obstacles to their growth. Presumptuously they think: "We know better than anyone else our children and we know what they are worth and how and what you have to teach."
Dall'alto di una fredda torre
Il pranzo di Natale
Ti stramo - Ho voglia di un'ultima notte da manuale prima di tre baci sopra il cielo
Prof.ssa Martuccia
Friedberg/Seltzer-like spoof about popular Italian teen romance movies of the aughts (such as Tre metri sopra il cielo, Ho voglia di te, Manuale d'amore, Scusa ma ti chiamo amore, Melissa P., Notte prima degli esami).
Signorina Effe
A white and a blue collar worker fall in love during the 1980 strike at FIAT that marked the end for labor movement in Italy.