Ocean Ramsey

참여 작품

Envoy: Shark Cull
Envoy: Shark Cull is a fascinating, deeply moving documentary narrated by Eric Bana, which sheds light on the real story behind the coastal ‘shark safety’ programs in Queensland and New South Wales. The current methods of baited drum-lines and nets have not only been scientifically proven to be ineffective in protecting swimmers and surfers, leaving them at risk in the sea, but these outdated solutions continue to be allowed to negatively impact entire marine ecosystems—including the Great Barrier Reef. Follows some of the biggest names in ocean conservation, such as Sea Shepherd, Ocean Ramsey and Madison Stewart. We will join these experts as they explore and expose this scarcely understood topic. We will also learn the importance of sharks in our oceans while uncovering the longest marine cull in history.
쉬즈 디 오션: 그녀의 바다
Herself - The Spellcaster
여자는 바다와 같다. 깊이를 알 수 없는 자연의 힘이기 때문이다. 바다를 통해 꿈을 실현할 수 있는 힘을 얻은 9명의 여성의 이야기를 따라가보자. 이것은 바다에 대한 깊은 사랑이라는 공통점을 공유하는 모자이크 초상화이다. 이 사랑은 너무도 깊어서 그들은 바다를 그들의 육체적, 철학적, 그리고 직업적 삶의 중심으로 삼기로 결정했다. (2022년 제7회 울주세계산악영화제)
Saving Jaws
OCEAN RAMSEY attributes her unparalleled connection with sharks to over a decade of research, but many are convinced it is something more... The media has dubbed her "The Shark Whisperer". Battling a looming extinction, Ocean and her team of marine biologists will travel the globe for 12 months, conducting research and expanding their conservation efforts. From renowned scientists and PHDs, to elite athletes and celebrities, "The Shark Whisperer" will lead humans from all walks of life out of their element and into the deep... free-diving with some of the worlds most dangerous sharks. Her goal: To give the world the opportunity to see sharks the way she does.
Shark Land: Welcome to Cocos Island
Self (Shark Behaviorist/Water Inspired Founder)
“Entourage” star Adrian Grenier ventures to Cocos Island off the shore of Costa Rica to bring attention to the plight of endangered sharks who are being threatened by poachers and ocean pollution.