Carlos Reza

참여 작품

The Party Is Over
First Assistant Director
"The Party Is Over" tells the story of three unusual guys who are roommates at a Southern California university and whose privileged lifestyle and the freedom that goes with it lead to bizarre and obsessive, even twisted, relationships with three equally complicated women.
메가 파이톤 VS 게토로이드
Second Assistant Director
미국 플로리다의 에버글레이즈 국립공원. 어느 날 극렬 환경운동가 니키 라일리가 그곳에 대형 파이톤을 방생한다. 파이톤이 악어 등 공원 동물들을 해치자 악어에게 스테로이드를 먹여 파이톤을 제거하고자 하는 공원 순찰대원 테리 오하라. 하지만 스테로이드는 악어 알을 잡아먹은 파이톤에게도 효과를 미치면서, 결국 악어와 파이톤 모두 거대한 몸집을 갖게 되고 나아가 도심을 공격하기에 이르는데...
Polar Opposites
Second Assistant Director
When Earth's magnetic poles begin reversing, David Terran, the only scientist who predited the possibility of such a sci-fi disaster, must join forces with his estranged friend and lover to save the world. Though his writings found mass readership, scientists scoffed at his theories. But when an Iranian underground nuclear test sets off a global phenomenon that matches David's doomsday scenario, he must attempt to find a solution in order to avoid a catastrophic event of global proportions. -dpeavy
Spider's Web
Second Second Assistant Director
A wily businessman plots with a sultry executive to swindle $40 million from his father. But who is conning who?