Follows a woman grappling with the meaning of love and commitment in the face of an uncertain and tumultuous world. A sunny-day panic attack and a wholly new take on the wedding film, the movie follows her over the course of her “non-wedding” day.
Jess is thrilled to be the surrogate for her best friend and his husband, but when a prenatal test comes back, it creates a moral dilemma that threatens their friendship.
A closeted young woman brings her girlfriend home for Thanksgiving, only to have her coming-out efforts thwarted by the unexpected arrival of her male roommate.
호화로운 맨션에서 벌어지는 사교파티. 아이리스 등 3명은 파티 도우미로 위장하여 도둑질을 하려고 한다. 하지만 이 곳은 프로페셔널 킬러들과 사이코 연쇄 살인범들이 친목을 빙자하여 모여 벌이는 비밀스러운 회의 모임이다. 도둑이 든 것을 알게 된 킬러들은 본능을 주체 못하고 살인 게임을 벌이게 되고 3명의 도둑들은 목숨을 걸고 싸울 수 밖에 없게 된다.
Cecile wants answers, but, actually, she doesn't. After her ex-boyfriend's return to New York triggers overwhelming feelings of doubt and confusion, she embarks on a series of telephone conversations, all of which ultimately only distract her from the one conversation she really needs to have.