Cristóbal Fernández

참여 작품

An American filmmaker arrives in the Argentinian pampa to film Matadero: a founding narrative of class struggle where a group of laborers slaughter their bosses like cattle. It is 1974, the violent persecution of the left has just begun in Argentina, and the young actors in the film are on the verge of taking a leap into full time clandestine militancy.
MK Ultra
Set during the true and unconscionable Central Intelligence Agency MK ULTRA drug experimentations in the early 1960s. The journey of Ford Strauss, a brilliant psychiatrist, whose moral and scientific boundaries are pushed to the limit as he is recruited to run a subsect of the program in a rural Mississippi Mental Hospital.
Santi is a teenage father who lives in a small coastal town. During the day he has a job as a fisherman, while at night he smuggles seafood. While his girlfriend Lucia takes care of their baby all by herself, Santi, absent and overwhelmed by responsibility, seeks refuge and redemption in the sea.
Nine Sevilles
"Nueve Sevillas" is a heterodox psycho-geographical profile of the new flamenco in Seville. Nine characters coexist with the great flamenco artists of today.
아웃 오브 싱크
남자친구와 헤어지고 갈 곳이 없어진 사운드 디자이너, 스튜디오에서 밤을 지새우며 일에 몰두한다. 그런데 그녀의 뇌가 이상하다! 조금씩 느리게 소리를 인지하면서 싱크가 틀어지고 모든 것이 어긋난다!
Shooting for Mirza
Mirza Delibašić was one of the most outstanding European basketball players of the 70s. Beyond his sporting achievements, he is still remembered by those who knew him for his eccentric personality and his love for his country. Being the son of an Olympic champion and national treasure is not easy. Danko retraces the footsteps of his father as he embarks on a journey that will take him to his childhood memories of the war and to today's Sarajevo in order to understand and challenge what it means to be a hero.
Between Dog and Wolf
Three soldiers moving through the Cuban jungle: combat exercises and camouflage techniques are practised, but the battle never arrives. The nature of their mission becomes an ever-greater mystery, echoing unanswered in the impassive natural surroundings.
My Mexican Bretzel
Lies are just another way of telling the truth. The desire to believe is the hand of the man hanging from a cliff and clinging to the only stone that would seem to save him. But he always ends up falling because the stone is a mirage, just as the cliff is. Death is awakening from this dream in which the essential can be said and in which the continuous and infinite has a beginning, an end and a meaning.
Pa'trás ni pa'tomar impulso
Carmen arrives in Buenos Aires ready to celebrate her art: flamenco. The burden of what she's left behind impairs her reaching out for her dream.
Exile Diaries
A documentary made with homemade videos of the spanish exiled due to the dictatorship in Spain from 1939 to 1977.
파이어 윌 컴
방화로 감옥에 갔던 아마도르는 석방 후, 그의 어머니가 세 마리 소와 함께 살고 있는 갈리시아 산간 마을 돌아온다. 자연 속에서의 일상은 평안하게 흘러가는 것처럼 보인다.
케이퍼 무비 제작설명서
다큐멘터리 감독 엘리아스는 케이퍼 무비를 찍는 공상을 한다. 금융 위기로 어려운 시기의 스페인에서 긴급 지명수배되었던 은행 강도인 플라코는 현재 감옥에 갇혀있고, 엘리아스는 길거리에 있다. 몇 편의 영화가 미리 준비되어야만 한다... 『엘 콘피덴시알』의 마르타 메디나의 의견에 따르면,‘최근 스페인에서 제작된 가장 신선한 영화들 중 하나이다.’
The Spy Within
Juan is a mediator that struggled for peace between the ETA and the Spanish government. Roberto is the agent of the secret service who infiltrated his life for years. The Spy Within follows the story of the director’s father Juan and the man, Roberto, who spied on him — their friendship remained despite the betrayal. It also chronicles the filmmakers’ relationship with Roberto and their struggle to understand who he really is.
바다가 멀리서 바라본다
스페인 남쪽의 어느 작은 해안가. 고운 모래와 둥근 모래 언덕이 인상적인 이곳은 잊혀진 도시가 모래 아래 잠들어있다는 전설이 있다. 19세기 말까지만 해도 탐험가들의 모험 장소였던 이곳은 현재 어부를 비롯한 소수의 사람들이 조용히 삶을 꾸리고 있다. 땅에 깃든 기억과 이 땅의 사람들의 삶이 이룬 조화를 관찰하는 아름다운 다큐멘터리.
죽음을 앞둔 아랍권 수장 ‘셰이크’가 가족이 있는 고향에 묻히기 위해 카라반과 함께 아틀라스 산맥을 넘는 여정에 오른다. 하지만 도중에 그가 사망하자 일행 대부분이 산길이 두려워 여행을 포기한다. 오직 아흐메드와 사이드만이 그의 주검을 운반하기로 한다. 셰이크 본인의 도움 하에. (2016년 21회 부산국제영화제)
Atomic Age
Two young boys, Victor and Rainer, take the commuter train to spend the evening in Paris. In a nightclub on the banks of the Seine they go from one disappointment to another, from failed chat ups to street brawls. But as they get carried away by the night, they leave the city for the forest. In the silence of the moonlight nature, the desire between the two friends becomes increasingly vibrant. A new day is born from their friendship.
Val d'or
Two teenagers meet one Saturday evening to hang out together. While they cross Paris, meetings and disappointments are linked and push them to ask themselves about the feelings they have.