Nigel Betts
출생 : 1963-10-15, Howden, East Riding of Yorkshire, England, UK
Nigel Betts is a British actor.
A coming of age story for a young grieving boy, who, upon finding letters from World War II, begins an adventure to track down the author, believing him to be a pirate.
Tony Marsh
평생 골프 경기라고는 한 번도 해본 적 없는 골프 초보가 1976년 브리티시 오픈에 출전하면서 벌어지는 이야기를 담은, 실화를 바탕으로 한 영화
Alfred Moliere
19세기 후반, 잔인한 토지 남작이 로마 부족을 학살하고 가족과 마을에 저주를 퍼붓습니다. 그 뒤를 이어 마을 사람들은 악몽에 시달리고 남작의 아들은 실종되고 소년은 살해된 채로 발견됩니다. 지역 주민들은 야생 동물을 의심하지만 방문하는 병리학자는 숲 속에 더 사악한 존재가 도사리고 있다고 경고합니다.
Long time British game show host, Jonathan Robbins, finds himself questioning his mortality and legacy after the recent death of a close friend. When he comes across an unexpected letter from a young fan, he heads into the backwoods of America in search of deeper meaning for his life.
Mike Bartlett's play Albion, directed for the stage by Rupert Goold, is a tragicomic drama about national identity, family, passion and the disappointment of personal dreams. Filmed at London’s Almeida Theatre, the play is set in the garden of an English country house. The house has been bought by successful businesswoman Audrey Walters, who intends to restore the ruined garden to its former glory and create a memorial to the son she recently lost in a foreign war.
A fresh and distinctive take on Charles Dickens’ semi-autobiographical masterpiece, The Personal History of David Copperfield, set in the 1840s, chronicles the life of its iconic title character as he navigates a chaotic world to find his elusive place within it. From his unhappy childhood to the discovery of his gift as a storyteller and writer, David’s journey is by turns hilarious and tragic, but always full of life, colour and humanity.
Cemetery Worker 2
A young man, Stevie, awakes on a wasteland overlooking Bradford, still bleeding from a brutal attack that has left him with severe memory loss. Recent events are a total blank; his more distant memories are a blur. He slowly begins to piece together his identity: his name, his home, his family. At first it appears he returns to his former self but through a series of painful flashbacks and encounters, he comes to learn of the dark and disturbing events that led to his beating. Ashamed to learn of the person he has become – and the dangerous world he became mixed up in – Stevie realises he will have to pay. But at what price?
Mr. Armitage
In this epic two-part finale, the Doctor comes face to face with the mysterious Missy, and an impossible choice is looming. With Cybermen on the streets of London, old friends unite against old enemies, and the Doctor takes to the air in a startling new role.
The Midlands, 1984. Two young lads are about to learn what it is to be a miner, to be accepted into the close camaraderie and initiated into a unique workplace where sweat, toil, collapsing roofs and explosions are all to be met with bawdy humour. London, 1984. A conflicted Tory MP, a brash American CEO and an eccentric maverick are the face of a radical Conservative government preparing to do battle with the most powerful workforce, the miners. As the two sides clash, the miners fight for their livelihoods and families, and the government for its vision of a free Britain. Together they change the fabric of the nation forever.
Dr. Clem
Deep in the heart of the English countryside lies the enchanting village of Gladbury. Legend has it every 25 years an angel visits the village candlemaker and touches a single candle. Whoever lights this candle receives a miracle on Christmas Eve. But in 1890, at the dawn of the electric age, this centuries old legend may come to an end.
Lara is Palestinian and lives in London. She has everything she wants in her life: a husband, a son and a beautiful house in one of the best areas of the city. Nevertheless, her everyday life appears cold and grey, only brightened up by surreptitious sips of vodka. But one day, Inam, a sensual, resolute girl, knocks on her door. Lara seems to be transported back to her adolescence when she and Inam were close friends, and studied together in Ramallah. In Lara's astonished eyes we see a mixture of fear and desire towards the woman whom she had lost sight of. A deceptive tangle of memories which a trauma, a love affair and an experience with two Israeli soldiers in Jerusalem an re-surface. From a gripping, well structured emotional thriller that traces back their memories through recurrent flashbacks that take us to the West Bank in 1994, during the Intifada.
Home Office Detective
아프리카 사막 소말리아, 가난한 유목민의 딸로 태어나 세계적으로 유명한 톱모델이 된 와리스 디리. 13살 되던 해 강제 결혼을 피해 고향을 떠난 그녀는 우여곡절 끝에 런던에 오게 된다. 소말리아 대사관에서 가정부로 일하며 사춘기를 보낸 와리스는 내전으로 송환될 위기에 처하자 노숙자 신세가 되지만 우연히 만나게 된 친구 마릴린의 도움 속에서 영어도 배우고 패스트푸드점에서 일도 시작한다. 그러던 중 유명 사진작가와 에이전트의 눈에 들게 되어 패션모델의 길에 들어서고 점차 명성을 얻게 된다. 하지만 화려한 모델로서의 성공에도 불구하고 와리스에게는 운명처럼 짊어지고 있는 어린 시절의 아픈 비밀이 숨겨져 있는데…
Uncle Philip
Based on a true story, Mrs. Ratcliffe's Revolution is the tale of a family from Bingley in Yorkshire, who defect to East Germany. Here they find a nightmare of rationing, censorship and the most spied upon people in history rather than the Marxist utopia they were expecting. But if they thought getting in was difficult wait until they try to get out.
Cheery kids-TV characters of Pib and Pog lose their cool with one another, sparking a manic cartoon showdown between the two.
A bored little prince makes a poor rat hunter his whipping boy but after his pranks at the royal court almost causes a war with the neighbor king he runs away with the whipping boy to escape from his first spanking. After being in the real world his life will change making him a prince fit to rule.
Intertwined story of the lives of two women; an Englishwoman suffering abuse from her violent husband, and a Russian poet serving hard labour because of her subversive work.
Local Cop
Henry Jekyll is a troubled man. His wife died of pneumonia. He wants his sister-in-law, but her father forbids any contact. And his experiments into the dual nature of man have yielded a personality-splitting drug that he has tested on himself, changing him into an uninhibited brute who seeks violent and undignified pleasures. Jekyll quickly becomes addicted to the sordid freedom induced by the drug. He can commit the most enjoyably revolting deeds, then return to his laboratory and use an antidote to change back to his original form, so that his lofty persona remains untarnished.