"Pubs Mister V" segment
A look back at the French Internet collective as they celebrate their 10th year anniversary.
An evening in a Parisian building where we discover nine situations that each evoke a hot topic of society: health crisis, feminist struggles, transhumanism, Islam, identity movements (non-exhaustive list!)... Without any judgment but with humor, sometimes burlesque, sometimes grating, and the whole sprinkled with a good dose of emotion. And all these colorful characters will be reunited in a flamboyant finale.
Ms. Limone
After insulting a contract worker, young Joshua is sent to do his Community Service in a retirement home, run by a couple whose name is Thenardier, and whose residents are all former forgotten comedians. Among them, two strong heads, who have lost none of their youthful enthusiasm: Julien Dorval, big mouth with tall verb and flowery language, and his best friend, the nice Daniel ... Joshua will quickly realize that something is wrong with the "Bleuets", and will try to make the lives of his residents smoother, by offering them one last lap ...
To accompany him in his business dinners, Lisa Barland, a hardened 37-year-old bachelor, uses the services of escorts. One evening, when her rider failed her, she decided to hire the worker who works at her house.
In the heart of the city, in the heart of life, in a public garden, there was once a bench, all alone. A moment of respite, a pause. A save haven, a place of shelter, a refuge. A stage. A crossroads. Just a little bit of wood and steel.
La secrétaire de Jacques Guérin
1940년대, 첫 번째 세계대전의 상흔이 가시지 않은 채, 프랑스에는 다시 전쟁의 그림자가 드리운다. 가난과 불안의 한 가운데에서, 비올렛은 작가가 되기로 결심한다. 사생아로 살아온 자신의 경험, 낙태, 동성애까지, 여성의 삶과 에로티시즘을 거침없이 표현한 비올렛의 작품은, 시몬 드 보부아르, 장 콕토 등 당대의 프랑스 예술가와 지식인에게 충격을 안겼다. 여성 해방의 대표 주자였던 시몬 드 보부아르와의 미묘한 긴장감이 흐르는 우정과 교류를 통해 20세기의 한 가운데를 돌파한 비올렛 르뒥의 삶이 드라마틱하게 펼쳐진다.