Dancer (uncredited)
아버지가 누군지 모른 채 사랑하는 독단적인 어머니와 살며 상처받은 중년 남자 보는 매사 두렵고 불안하지만 그렇지 않은 척하기 일쑤이다. 그런 그가 어머니를 만나러 고향으로 돌아가던 길에 초현실적인 상황과 직면하게 되는데…
A fish attempts to escape his alienating routine through his dreams.
A rivalry between two actors who seek the same role.
A rivalry between two actors who seek the same role.
A rivalry between two actors who seek the same role.
A rivalry between two actors who seek the same role.
Margot, 60 years old., lives in a remote country house and takes care of her autistic son, Marc-André. The sudden disappearance of the dog disrupts their quiet life on the frozen lake in Northern Quebec.