Simon Webb

참여 작품

라이딩 더 불릿
Grim Reaper
보름달이 휘영청 밝은 한 밤중에 지나가는 자동차를 얻어 타기 위해 노력중인 한 남자가 있다. 그가 왜 그런 행위를 하고 있는가에 대한 궁금증을 풀어주려는 듯 그의 인생에 대한 기록필름을 되돌려보는 장면으로 영화는 시작된다. 그렇게 한 번 더 장면을 도약하여 현재의 시점에서 수업을 즐기는 그의 모습이 보이게 됩니다. 재능은 있지만 항상 ‘죽음’에 대해 탐닉하며, 여자 친구와 사이가 벌어지자 결국 자살을 시도하게 되는 주인공. 하지만 그날 하루 과중되었던 스트레스는 사실 생일파티를 위한 깜짝 소동이었음이 밝혀지게 된다. 그렇게 다시 한 번 살아남게 된 주인공은 이번에는 어머니가 뇌졸중으로 쓰러지셨다는 연락을 받게 되고 서둘러 길을 떠난 것이었다. 히치하이킹을 하며 이런 저런 경험을 하던 중 그만 죽은 자와의 만남을 가지게 되고 촉박한 시간 속에서 삶과 죽음에 대한 선택을 강요받게 되는데...
Tales from the Neverending Story: Resurrection
The Childlike Empress lies in limbo between life and death and the only hope for her kingdom lies in the ability of a young boy to transcend the boundaries of fantasy in this tale of myth and magic that is certain to capture the imagination. As young Bastian opens the pages of "The Neverending Story," he learns that the Childlike Princess is near death and Fantasia is in danger of falling prey to the Dark Princess Xayide. Soon falling through the written page and into a world beyond his wildest imagination, Bastian's alter ego Atreyu must enlist the help of his trusty sidekick Fly Girl and mischievous hucksters Rip Rowdy and Wexlerian if there is any hope of unlocking the mystery of the Southern Oracle and awakening the Childlike Empress to bring order back to Fantasia. Part 4 of 4 in DVD releases
Tales from the Neverending Story: Badge of Courage
The Childlike Empress lies in limbo between life and death and the only hope for her kingdom lies in the ability of a young boy to transcend the boundaries of fantasy in this tale of myth and magic that is certain to capture the imagination. As young Bastian opens the pages of "The Neverending Story," he learns that the Childlike Princess is near death and Fantasia is in danger of falling prey to the Dark Princess Xayide. Soon falling through the written page and into a world beyond his wildest imagination, Bastian's alter ego Atreyu must enlist the help of his trusty sidekick Fly Girl and mischievous hucksters Rip Rowdy and Wexlerian if there is any hope of unlocking the mystery of the Southern Oracle and awakening the Childlike Empress to bring order back to Fantasia. Part 3 of 4 in DVD releases
Tales from the Neverending Story: The Gift
The Childlike Empress lies in limbo between life and death and the only hope for her kingdom lies in the ability of a young boy to transcend the boundaries of fantasy in this tale of myth and magic that is certain to capture the imagination. As young Bastian opens the pages of "The Neverending Story," he learns that the Childlike Princess is near death and Fantasia is in danger of falling prey to the Dark Princess Xayide. Soon falling through the written page and into a world beyond his wildest imagination, Bastian's alter ego Atreyu must enlist the help of his trusty sidekick Fly Girl and mischievous hucksters Rip Rowdy and Wexlerian if there is any hope of unlocking the mystery of the Southern Oracle and awakening the Childlike Empress to bring order back to Fantasia.
해피 길모어
다혈질의 말썽꾼 해피 길모어(Happy Gilmore: 아담 샌들러 분)는 프로 아이스하키 선수를 꿈꾸는 평범한 청년이다. 그런데 어느날, 해피는 우연히 골프 스윙 한번 한 것이 인연이 되어 자신의 의사와는 전혀 상관없이 필드에 나서게 된다. 골프의 경기규칙은 커녕 엉망인 자세로 난생 처음 필드에 나선 해피. 그가 아는 것은 단 한 가지뿐. 돈을 벌어 할머니의 집을 다시 되찾아야 한다는 것이다. 그런데 그가 믿는 건 엄청난 괴력의 어깨인데, 한번 스윙을 했다하면 400야드 지점까지 논스톱이다. 비록 경기 자체는 엉망이지만 엄청난 괴력의 소유자인 해피의 플레이에 매료된 관중들은 열광하고, 그는 계속 승리를 거두며 승승장구한다. 결국 해피는 매스컴의 주목을 받으며, 프로 골프대회에까지 나가게 된다. 한편, 프로 골프대회에서 우승후보로 주목받고 있는 슈터 맥가빈(Shooter McGavin: 크리스토퍼 맥도날드 분)은 해피를 저지하려는 음모를 꾸민다.
Miles from Nowhere
Dr. Lang
Frank and Cam have been friends all their lives, Cam is on the High School Football team, coached by his dad, Frank is a promising runner, with a dream of completing a sub 4 minute mile and beating his arch rival. Cam persuades Frank to go to a party, when Frank wants to leave and Cam doesn't Frank decides to run home in the dark, with fatal consequences. Devastated by his friend's death and blaming himself, Cam decides to move from football to running with the goal of completing the sub 4 minute mile for his friend. A race against Frank's rival leaves the rival injured after falling off the track. The rival insults Frank and Cam starts a fight which leads to a disciplinary hearing, causing Cam to be banned from the championships. The rival organises another race though, to prove that he is better than Cam. The race is a close thing and Cam comes in a very close second, but in doing so breaks the 4 minute mile dream.
The Grocer's Wife
A meek young man allows a stripper to stay in his house while his domineering mother is hospitalized.
Rainbow War
Blue King
Three kingdoms, floating separately in space, can each see the other nearby kingdoms but have no means to communicate or visit. Each has developed a fanatical obsession for a specific color for clothing, architecture, and even plant life: one blue, one red, one golden. A forbidden inter-kingdom romance and a war of conquest ensues when a means of travel between the kingdoms is abruptly found. This short film was created for Expo 86, the World Fair in Vancouver in 1986.