Noémie Veissier

참여 작품

더 히어로우익스
Costume Designer
Michel is an eternal kid who dreams only of motorcycles and hangs out with his big son Léo and his friends. At fifty, he has to deal with the baby he just had with his ex, and fights not to make the same mistakes and be a good guy.
두 아들
Costume Design
Joseph and his two sons, Joachim and Ivan, form a close-knit family but fail to see that each one is losing control of his life. Joachim is supposed to be studying psychiatry but spends most of his time daydreaming about his ex-girlfriend, Ivan cannot fit in at school despite being very smart, and Joseph has secretly quit his job as a doctor and is trying to become a writer. While there is plenty of affection at home, all three are also, clumsily, searching for love...
세상을 가져라
Wardrobe Master
파리에서 삼류 인생을 살던 주인공이 크게 한 탕하여 폼 나게 살기 위해 마약 운반을 시도하면서 벌어지는 이야기
Victoria's Client
싱글맘 빅토리아는 여자친구 살해기도 혐의로 기소된 옛 친구 빈센트의 변호를 맡기로 하고 과거에 변호해준 적 있는 샘에게 집안일을 부탁한다.
Gates of the Sun
Costume Design
An Algerian secret agent has to destroy an undercover paramilitary organization that plans to strike against the country and its people.