Joseph Delorey

참여 작품

Cœur de slush
At 16, Billie is lingering behind in almost everything: in love, in her growth spurt which recently propelled her to almost 6 feet, in having her first period. In a hurry to catch up, she begins her summer as a lifeguard at the water park with her two best friends Rosine and Juliette, and her oh-so-perfect older sister Annette. In this summer in which anything is possible, everything goes wrong when Billie and Annette both fall for Pierre, a talented local racing cyclist. What ensues is a heartbreaking love triangle where Billie must once and for all take her place, shine bright and fight to live the love story she deserves, while protecting the bond with her sister, which will prove fragile, but ultimately indestructible.
In the summer of 1996, life throws a curveball in the face of Keven Guénette; and it strikes. Guided by his paraplegic baseball coach, Keven discovers the mutation, sex and love.
I'll End Up in Jail
A bored stay-at-home mom gets into trouble after speeding away from her small-town life.
플레저 오브 스킨 감각탐구
피부학 교수 마리는 섹스가 피부에 미치는 영향을 연구한다. 직접 다양한 남자와 관계를 맺으며 몸의 변화를 기록한다. 남편은 이런 연구를 이해 못하고 집을 나가버린다. 게다가 제자는 동료 교수를 성폭행으로 고소하고 딸은 벌써 많은 경험을 갖고 있다고 고백하는데… 여교수의 실전 감각 여행을 훔쳐본다!