Mikhail Starodubov

프로필 사진

Mikhail Starodubov

참여 작품

The Three
A husband, a wife and another woman. Only three are in the frame.
쓰리 세컨즈
미국과 소련의 냉전이 극에 달했던 1972년, 뮌헨올림픽에선 양국의 자존심을 건 희대의 대결이 펼쳐진다. 구소련 농구 대표팀은 30년간 우승국으로 '난공불락'으로 불리던 농구 세계 최강 미국을 상대로 결승전에서 3초를 남기고 극적인 승리를 따내며 금메달을 건다.
Orange Juice
Грозное время
An angelic-looking but selfish and ruthless young man wanders from crime to crime without the slightest remorse. In the Russian film "Satan," the devil is a delicately handsome young man whose murderous opportunism is too easy to understand. While the film registers shock at its protagonist's absolute amorality, it also presents him as part of a bitterly divided and pessimistic culture. The world of "Satan" is one in which nothing really works, and therefore anything goes.
Hell, Or A Dossier Against Oneself
Autobiographical movie about soviet prison camp GULAG