Robert Macfarlane

참여 작품

Eric Ravilious: Drawn to War
One of Britain’s greatest landscape artists, Eric Ravilious, is killed in a plane crash while on commission as Official War Artist in Iceland in 1942. His life is as compelling and enigmatic as his art, set against the dramatic wartime locations that inspire him. This film brings to life this unique and still grossly undervalued British artist caught in the crossfire of war 80 years ago, whose legacy largely sank without trace, until now…
지구의 역사 동안, 강은 풍경과 여정의 형태를 만들고 우리의 문화와 꿈 속을 흘렀다. ⟨리버⟩는 관객들을 공간과 시간의 여행으로 데려간다. 위성 촬영을 포함한 놀라운 현대적 촬영 방식을 통해 지금까지 보지 못했던 시점과 규모로 6개 대륙 속 강의 모습이 드러난다. 영상과 음악, 짧고 시적인 대본이 조화를 이룬 영화는 강의 야생성과 취약성을 동시에 담으며 꿈 같지만 강력한 분위기를 선사한다. 배우 윌렘 데포가 내레이션으로 참여했다.
Ness is a Super-8 adaptation of the book by Robert Macfarlane and Stanley Donwood. It concerns the strange, folkloric reverberations surrounding the ex-weapons testing facility, Orford Ness.
Ness is a Super-8 adaptation of the book by Robert Macfarlane and Stanley Donwood. It concerns the strange, folkloric reverberations surrounding the ex-weapons testing facility, Orford Ness.
Filmed entirely from the air, Upstream follows the course of the River Dee in Scotland, all the way to its source in the Cairngorm mountains, the highest of any river in Britain.
Weather Words
Film response to Colin Riley's Weather Words as part of the In Place project. Weather Words is a musical response to the many different words for weather as collected by Robert Macfarlane in his book Landmarks. For more information, visit
Weather Words
Film response to Colin Riley's Weather Words as part of the In Place project. Weather Words is a musical response to the many different words for weather as collected by Robert Macfarlane in his book Landmarks. For more information, visit
마운틴 콘체르토
영화와 음악의 멋진 합작. 명망 있는 다큐멘터리 연출가 제니퍼 피돔과 세계 최고의 체임버 오케스트라 중 하나인 호주 체임버 오케스트라(ACO)가 협업해 만들었다. 22개국을 넘나들며 2,000여 시간 동안 촬영한 장엄한 산악 풍경 위에 ACO의 훌륭한 오케스트라 연주가 정교하게 오버랩된다. 눈 덮인 봉우리를 오르는 등반 행위를 비롯해 수직과 수평의 산악 세계에서 열리는 모든 종류의 산악 활동은 매혹적인 음향 아래 하나의 춤이 되고, 초대형 뮤지컬이 된다. 배우 월럼 다포가 내레이션을 맡았다.
The Attempt
Reader (voice)
An essay drama film looking at Edward Thomas' attempted suicide a few years before he was killed in World War One.
A film adaptation of the Holloway book by Robert Macfarlane, Stanley Donwood and Dan Richards. The film was made alongside Macfarlane who has written and recorded its voice-over, Donwood who allowed the use of many of his Holloway inspired prints, composer Richard Skelton who has recorded an entirely new piece of musical score for it, and sound artist, James Bulley who let us use his Holloway recording project. More info can be found here:
A film adaptation of the Holloway book by Robert Macfarlane, Stanley Donwood and Dan Richards. The film was made alongside Macfarlane who has written and recorded its voice-over, Donwood who allowed the use of many of his Holloway inspired prints, composer Richard Skelton who has recorded an entirely new piece of musical score for it, and sound artist, James Bulley who let us use his Holloway recording project. More info can be found here: