Teen Reviewer
출판사를 운영하던 아빠가 치매로 요양원에 계셔 가업을 이어받은 엘리자베스는 뚜렷한 히트작을 내지 못해 회사가 매각될 처지에 빠진다. 그러다 오래전 아빠와 거래하던 작가 해리스를 만나게 돼 책을 출판하게 되는데..
Ophelia is a whip-smart 12-year-old girl who must solve a vexing problem: she’s never been kissed. There are several candidates in her class, but none have Tommy Lemenchick’s smile.
Morgan loves fly fishing in the river near her home. She also likes boys. But boys don’t like girls who fish. Morgan can't seem to reconcile her two interests. Will she have to choose one and abandon the other?