Based on a true story, this film tells of an expedition into the Amazon jungle to find an archaeologist who had vanished three years previously. They run into a tribe of warlike headhunters, who are determined to add the expedition members' heads to their collection (in the real story, the archaeologist was found to have been murdered by a tribe of Brazilian headhunters).
에스키모의 삶을 촬영한 다큐멘터리 (1922)의 성공에 힘입어 플래허티는 파라마운트로부터 폴리네시아에 관한 다큐멘터리를 제작할 것을 제안받게 된다. 아내와 함께 사모아 섬에 도착한 플래허티는 백인들이 이 섬에 도착하기 이전의 원주민들의 삶의 방식을 자신의 카메라에 담고자 하였다. 는 낚시, 요리, 축제 등 현대문명에 노출되지 않은 폴리네시아 원주민들의 일상이 담긴 영화로, 플래허티는 인위적인 연출을 통해 작품에 극적 긴장감을 불어넣기보다는 객관적이고 관조적인 시선으로 원주민들의 소박하지만 아름다운 삶을 응시하고 있다. (부산시네마센터 2011 - [개관영화제]백화열전)
At the center of the story is Ann Land. Ann is a small factory worker and has only ever dreamed of great fame, recognition as an artist and applause ...
Rev. Robert Martin is an ex-minister who has lost his faith because of his wife's faithlessness, and taken up a life of crime as head of a band of pickpockets masquerading as religious workers who ply their trade in the wake of a traveling carnival company. He tries to keep the true nature of his work secret from his daughter Julie, but she learns the truth while traveling with his band for a week.