RJ Coluccia
The Colucci siblings, in an effort to jog the memory of their grandfather who is struggling with dementia, set out to recreate their late grandmother’s legendary pasta sauce.
Country singer Charlotte is home for the holidays and brother Ryan's fellow ex-soldier Matt is in town. Writing her new album, Charlotte works with Matt to build a house for a friend in town.
Liam Irving
거짓으로 고등학교에 들어가게 된 주인공의 이야기를 그린 극영화
Rick Nason
Jennifer wins the bid on a vintage self-playing piano at an estate auction. The piano was owned by the late Carl Deats and Jennifer discovers that this wealthy philanthropist has a dark history.
Homecoming King (uncredited)
모범생 라이트 터너가 우연히 이름만 적으면 누구나 죽일 수 있는 신비한 힘을 가진 노트를 발견한다. 라이트는 숨은 십자군이 되어 거리의 범죄자들을 소탕하기로 마음 먹지만 곧 'L'이라는 가명을 쓰는 유명 형사에 의해 추적당하기 시작한다.