Marcello Melo

Marcello Melo

프로필 사진

Marcello Melo
Marcello Melo

참여 작품

인비저블 라이프
1950년, 브라질 리우데자네이루, 구스망 집안의 두 딸, 에우리디스와 귀다는 보수적인 아버지 밑에서 자란다. 아버지 마누엘의 엄격함에 지친 언니 귀다는 잘생긴 항해사와 사랑에 빠져 몰래 그리스로 달아난다. 피아니스트가 꿈인 여동생 에우리디스는 언니를 그리워하며 기다린다. 한편, 임신한 채로 홀로 돌아온 귀다를 아버지는 매몰차게 쫓아내고, 에우리디스는 언니가 돌아온 사실도 모른 채, 귀다의 행방을 찾는데… 언젠가 다시 만날 거라는 희망을 놓지 못하는 자매 이야기, 운명에 맞선 여성 서사의 매혹적인 걸작!
The Family Doorman
Inacio is the doorman of his apartment building. When his father suddenly dies, his mental state is pushed to the edge. After becoming obsessed with a tenant, things take a dangerous turn.
Canastra Suja
Batista and Maria form a couple who, apparently, are very happy in their marriage. However, the truth is that appearances deceive and much; in the background, Batista, an inveterate alcoholic and Maria, who has an affair with her eldest daughter's boyfriend, Emilia, represents a family on the edge of the ruins.
What if life blindsided destiny? What if happiness was found in the unlikeliest of places? When do we allow ourselves to embrace the new without fear of letting go of the past? Gil is a twenty year old young man that questions himself and the world. He is an orphan, raised by his aunt Leila and his uncle César. His lifestyle is fulfilled by his guitar, poetry and alcohol, generating a family war that causes Gil to run away from home causing him to leave behind all his belongings, security and the only love that he had till then, the love of his aunt Leila. With his guitar on his back, without a destiny, money or the support of friends, Gil meets Otávio, a music producer that will change his destiny forever.
5x Favela, Now by Ourselves
The project '5 x slum, now by ourselves' gathered over 80 young people from Rio's favelas (slums), selected through workshops, script and filmmaking techniques to create a feature film consisting of five stories that reflect different facets of the daily lives of residents of these communities - with the promise of escape stereotypical representations.
Stray Bullet
As Alegres Comadres
Scoundrel João Fausto, a former Portuguese officer, arrives in Tiradentes,in the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Using his status of former Imperial Court member, he tries to become lover of both ms. Lima and ms. Rocha, with the intention of taking their money.