Sarah Ann Masse

참여 작품

그녀가 말했다
Emily Steel
미국의 대표 일간지 뉴욕타임스의 탐사 보도 취재 기자 메건 투히와 조디 캔터는 모두가 침묵하고 있던 할리우드의 악마 하비 와인스타인의 성추문 의혹을 취재하기 시작한다. 하지만 굳게 입을 다문 피해자들과 오히려 가해자를 보호하는 시스템이 이들을 막아서고 진실에 파고들던 두 사람은 생명의 위협까지 받게 되는데... 세상의 변화를 이끌어낸 이들의 집요한 진실 추적기가 시작된다.
The Right Girl
The story of Eleanor Stark, whose entire life has been leading up to this moment: her first day as Chief Creative Officer of the legendary movie studio, Ambrosia Productions. As Eleanor rises to the top of her game working side by side for years with the industry’s most respected men, we learn that one of them has been abusing women all along. What role does she play in the story of Hollywood’s most fiercely guarded secret?
Have It All - The Movie
Haveitall Commercial - Patient
Documentary about music and arts education with Jason Mraz, also includes mini-concert by Jason Mraz from "The Mranch" highlighting music from his new album "Know.".
Brand New Old Love
Yoga Woman
Former high school friends run into each other years later and drunkenly decide to make good on their promise to marry each other if they're both still single by 30 - only to discover too late all the things they liked about each other when they were younger have changed.
A More Perfect Union
Michelle Edelman
Henry, Stella and little Haley Berg are a happy family. But no family is perfect. When Henry contracts Covid-19 while on trial for stealing files from the government, his absence from his family becomes too loud for Stella to ignore. Stella strains under the stress of raising their child alone during quarantine, battling her fraying mental health, and guilty conscience over a secret from the past. Isolated from each other, Henry and Stella are forced to ask themselves--When do you fight for the ones you love, and when do you let them go? What is modern love anyway? How do you balance your family's needs with your own? The Berg family will wrestle with these questions together over the political and social backdrop of the 2020 Pandemic.
R Culture
Dark secrets from her husband's past start to reveal themselves, she has to decide how to reclaim her voice and protect everyone she holds dear, while her personal drama begins to unfold on a national stage.