Assistant Costume Designer
쇄빙선 미하일 그로모프 호는 항해 도중 빙산과 충돌한다. 쏟아지는 빙산 파편은 가까스로 피했으나 오히려 해빙에 사이에 갇히고 만다. 선체가 망가지고 엔진이 고장나서 움직일 수도 없는 상황. 70명의 쇄빙선 선원들이 남극 한 가운데에 고립되고 만다. 과연 그들은 살아남을 수 있을까?
Assistant Costume Designer
흑해에 침몰한 나치의 유보트안에 실려있는 황금을 발굴한 해군 출신의 잠수함 선장 로빈슨과 그의 동료들이 폐쇄된 잠수함에서 서로를 위협하게 되는 과정을 그린 스릴러
Director of Photography
Is there a life after you got trapped in a rubbish chute? How long would you be able to live with your foot stuck in a bucket? Or with your head stuck in a turtleneck? And what if you enjoy it?..
Is there a life after you got trapped in a rubbish chute? How long would you be able to live with your foot stuck in a bucket? Or with your head stuck in a turtleneck? And what if you enjoy it?..
Is there a life after you got trapped in a rubbish chute? How long would you be able to live with your foot stuck in a bucket? Or with your head stuck in a turtleneck? And what if you enjoy it?..
He knows better how much you need - 0.5 or 0.7. No one needs him, though his phone rings off the hook. He is running out of time, but he can't stop. He is the pure one.