A psycho with a hair fetish is caught in the act of disposing of a body and the lonely housewife that witnesses it must fight for her life.
Three episodes: 1) "A Christmas dinner" where the family members fantasize about being somewhere else. The fetishist father wants to put on feminine clothes. The son longs for another transvestite adventure. The daughter yearns to be a singer and destroy the saints of the church with her voice. The youngest son wants to stab everyone dead. 2) "Game of mirrors". Two young classmates kiss on a picnic, but the girl's brother accuses the couple of being immoral. Bizarre things develop. 3) "Tetrahedron". A very fat man faces his girlfriend's longing for love.
Three episodes: 1) "A Christmas dinner" where the family members fantasize about being somewhere else. The fetishist father wants to put on feminine clothes. The son longs for another transvestite adventure. The daughter yearns to be a singer and destroy the saints of the church with her voice. The youngest son wants to stab everyone dead. 2) "Game of mirrors". Two young classmates kiss on a picnic, but the girl's brother accuses the couple of being immoral. Bizarre things develop. 3) "Tetrahedron". A very fat man faces his girlfriend's longing for love.
Three episodes: 1) "A Christmas dinner" where the family members fantasize about being somewhere else. The fetishist father wants to put on feminine clothes. The son longs for another transvestite adventure. The daughter yearns to be a singer and destroy the saints of the church with her voice. The youngest son wants to stab everyone dead. 2) "Game of mirrors". Two young classmates kiss on a picnic, but the girl's brother accuses the couple of being immoral. Bizarre things develop. 3) "Tetrahedron". A very fat man faces his girlfriend's longing for love.
Three episodes: 1) "A Christmas dinner" where the family members fantasize about being somewhere else. The fetishist father wants to put on feminine clothes. The son longs for another transvestite adventure. The daughter yearns to be a singer and destroy the saints of the church with her voice. The youngest son wants to stab everyone dead. 2) "Game of mirrors". Two young classmates kiss on a picnic, but the girl's brother accuses the couple of being immoral. Bizarre things develop. 3) "Tetrahedron". A very fat man faces his girlfriend's longing for love.
Three episodes: 1) "A Christmas dinner" where the family members fantasize about being somewhere else. The fetishist father wants to put on feminine clothes. The son longs for another transvestite adventure. The daughter yearns to be a singer and destroy the saints of the church with her voice. The youngest son wants to stab everyone dead. 2) "Game of mirrors". Two young classmates kiss on a picnic, but the girl's brother accuses the couple of being immoral. Bizarre things develop. 3) "Tetrahedron". A very fat man faces his girlfriend's longing for love.
Three episodes: 1) "A Christmas dinner" where the family members fantasize about being somewhere else. The fetishist father wants to put on feminine clothes. The son longs for another transvestite adventure. The daughter yearns to be a singer and destroy the saints of the church with her voice. The youngest son wants to stab everyone dead. 2) "Game of mirrors". Two young classmates kiss on a picnic, but the girl's brother accuses the couple of being immoral. Bizarre things develop. 3) "Tetrahedron". A very fat man faces his girlfriend's longing for love.
Regina, who lives with her son Daniel, loses her teaching job because his illegitimacy. She opens a sewing shop and keeps her child away from people. The movie narrates the dramatic relationship between a mother, her illegitimate child and the puritanical society around them.
Pantheon's Bar Owner
예수를 닮은 한 사내. 이름 모를 기이하고도 그로테스크한 곳에 떨어졌다. 그는 벌거벗은 채로 난쟁이를 따라 얽히고 설킨 ‘세상’에 조금씩 눈을 뜨게 되고, 복잡한 세상을 정신없이 헤매던 그는 기묘한 여정에 들어서게 된다. 우선 사내는 우연히 신비의 지도자를 만나게 된다. 지도자를 통해 ‘연금술’의 능력을 배우면서 인정을 받게 된 그는 세상에서 가장 부유하고 영향력 있는 7명의 인물을 만난다. 이 7명의 인물들은 태양계의 행성들을 각각 수호하고 있다. 이후 예수를 닮은 사내와 지도자, 7명의 수행원들은 속세의 물건을 모두 버리고 신의 일을 대신하고 있는 불사의 현자들을 찾아 성스러운 산으로 길을 나선다. 그들이 성스러운 산을 오르기까지 과연 어떤 놀랄만한 사건들이 그들을 엄습해 올 것인가. 성스러운 산에 올라 깨달음을 얻기까지의 과정은 절대 쉽지 않다.
The inmates of an insane asylum take over the institution, imprison the doctors and staff, and then put into play their own ideas of how the place should be run.
총잡이인 엘 토포는 어린 아들과 함께 사막을 횡단하다, 산적들에 의해 온 주민이 몰살당한 마을에 당도한다. 산적 두목의 여인이었던 마라와 사랑에 빠진 엘 토포는 그녀의 요구대로 사막의 총잡이들과 차례로 승부를 벌인다. 그러나, 승부 도중 부상을 당한 엘 토포는 사막에 버려진다. 혼수상태에 빠진 그의 몸은 깊은 동굴로 옮겨지고, 오랜 시간이 지난 다음 깨어난다. 난쟁이 여인과 함께 마을에 나갔던 엘 토포는 수도승이 된 아들과 조우하고, 그들의 운명은 비극으로 치달아간다. '폭력의 피카소' 조도롭스키는 이 기괴한 서부극 형식의 전위 영화를 통해 성경, 폭력, 권위, 성 등 기존의 금지된 주제들을 충격적인 영상을 통해 다루고 있다. 신부인지 총잡이인지 알수없는 한 사람의 여정을 따라가며 진행되는 이 영화는 기존의 어떤 영화와도 유사성을 찾을 수 없다. 관객에게 던져지는 문제들은 그 폭과 깊이에서 관객의 의식을 오랫동안 자극하게 된다.