Costume Designer
Two siblings live in the industrial town of Elefsina. A bridge connects their neighborhood, inhabited mostly by Black-Sea Greeks, to an area inhabited by immigrants varied background. Social divisions give rise to hostility, reflected in the local sports scene and two siblings’ relationship.
Costume Designer
엘리자베스는 10년전 그리스 서부의 깡촌 사르가소로 좌천돼 온 경찰서장으로 술에 쩔어 살고 있다. 지역사회를 발칵 뒤집은 강력 살인사건이 발생하고 엘리자베스는 신비로운 성격의 리타와 엮이게 되는데… 과연 이들은 서로를 구할 수 있을까?
Costume Design
This is the story of Copa-Loca, an abandoned Greek summer resort. Paulina is the girl at the heart of Copa-Loca. Everyone cares for her and she cares about everyone – in every possible way.
Costume Design
Born on 1988 in Athens Zoo and abandoned by his mother, silver-back gorilla Ivo has never been able to mate. Now he needs to be transferred to another zoo. KING KONG is a story about a 50 years old man, working in the Zoo while taking care of his bedridden mother. Unable to form any type of relationship and express his sexuality, he will go down the path of violence and despair.