Kae Bahar

Kae Bahar

프로필 사진

Kae Bahar

참여 작품

Baghdad in My Shadow
A wide variety of Iraqis in exile meet at Café Abu Nawas in London, including the architect Amal, the poet Taufiq and the gay IT specialist Muhannad. They all want to finally feel free in London - something that was denied them in their homeland. But adversity threatens...
No Friends But the Mountains
Will the Kurdish dream of independence and freedom ever become reality?With the rise of ISIS and the central role played by the Kurdish Peshmerga in the fight against them, the question of Kurdish independence has taken on greater urgency. To answer this pressing question, Kurdish author Kae Bahar travels from his London home to his rocky and mountainous homeland, finding a complex mix of Kurdish nationalism and internal division. ‘War or Peace?’ Bahar asks. The answer is not so simple.
No Friends But the Mountains
Will the Kurdish dream of independence and freedom ever become reality?With the rise of ISIS and the central role played by the Kurdish Peshmerga in the fight against them, the question of Kurdish independence has taken on greater urgency. To answer this pressing question, Kurdish author Kae Bahar travels from his London home to his rocky and mountainous homeland, finding a complex mix of Kurdish nationalism and internal division. ‘War or Peace?’ Bahar asks. The answer is not so simple.
No Friends But the Mountains
Will the Kurdish dream of independence and freedom ever become reality?With the rise of ISIS and the central role played by the Kurdish Peshmerga in the fight against them, the question of Kurdish independence has taken on greater urgency. To answer this pressing question, Kurdish author Kae Bahar travels from his London home to his rocky and mountainous homeland, finding a complex mix of Kurdish nationalism and internal division. ‘War or Peace?’ Bahar asks. The answer is not so simple.
No Friends But the Mountains
Will the Kurdish dream of independence and freedom ever become reality?With the rise of ISIS and the central role played by the Kurdish Peshmerga in the fight against them, the question of Kurdish independence has taken on greater urgency. To answer this pressing question, Kurdish author Kae Bahar travels from his London home to his rocky and mountainous homeland, finding a complex mix of Kurdish nationalism and internal division. ‘War or Peace?’ Bahar asks. The answer is not so simple.
앤드 오브 워
Wounded Man
마크와 데이빗은 종군 사진 기자이자 오랜 친구. 1988년 봄, 쿠르디스탄으로 간 그들은 산악 오지에서 전쟁 개시를 기다린다. 종군 생활에 지친 데이빗은 임신한 아내가 기다리는 고국으로 돌아가고 마크는 며칠 더 남아 전쟁의 참상을 카메라에 담기로 한다. 일주일 후 심한 부상을 입고 집으로 돌아온 마크는 먼저 떠난 데이빗이 아직도 돌아오지 않았음을 알게 된다. 회복이 더디고 이상 행동을 보이는 마크가 걱정된 아내 엘레나는 정신과 의사인 할아버지에게 마크의 상담을 부탁한다. 그리고 그 상담으로 언제나 냉철하고 냉소적인 성격의 마크가 숨기고 있던 전쟁이 빚어낸 또 하나의 가슴 아픈 사연, 참상과 그의 내면에 숨겨졌던 상처들이 밝혀지게 되는데…
Return to Kirkuk: A Year in the Fire
It was 30 years ago that 14 year old Karzan Sherabayani was arrested and tortured by Saddam Hussein's secret police, his only crime being that he was a Kurd. After 25 years in exile, Karzan, now a British citizen, has returned to his childhood home to vote in Iraq's first democratic election. Having been banished for so long, Karzan now asks the people of Kirkuk if they accept the path promoted by the West...a path that will inevitably lead to a divided Iraq or a bloody civil war. In this incredible documentary, Karzan exposes a city that sits on one of the world's largest oil deposits as a place where old ethnic and sectarian divisions are still rife. Kirkuk, he says, is a microcosm of the new Iraq. During the year it took to make the program, Karzan confronted old demons from his past and met with the heroes and villains who are fashioning the country's dangerous and uncertain future
Return to Kirkuk: A Year in the Fire
It was 30 years ago that 14 year old Karzan Sherabayani was arrested and tortured by Saddam Hussein's secret police, his only crime being that he was a Kurd. After 25 years in exile, Karzan, now a British citizen, has returned to his childhood home to vote in Iraq's first democratic election. Having been banished for so long, Karzan now asks the people of Kirkuk if they accept the path promoted by the West...a path that will inevitably lead to a divided Iraq or a bloody civil war. In this incredible documentary, Karzan exposes a city that sits on one of the world's largest oil deposits as a place where old ethnic and sectarian divisions are still rife. Kirkuk, he says, is a microcosm of the new Iraq. During the year it took to make the program, Karzan confronted old demons from his past and met with the heroes and villains who are fashioning the country's dangerous and uncertain future
A Kurdish Movie
A quirky motorcycle adventure in Iraqi Kurdistan with the 'Long Way Round' cameraman Claudio von Planta and his fellow biker friend Billy Ward (Biketruck) and supported by the Kurdish filmmakers Kae Bahar and Miran Dizayee.