The protagonist Mikhail Nosov is a simple worker. His life consists of work at the machine tool and loneliness in a small rented apartment, TV, the Internet and visiting cheap night clubs. Once Nosov gets acquainted with a prostitute by the name of Diana. Nosov likes Diana and hires her as escort. Diana should live in his apartment. However, Diana turns out completely different to what Nosov imagined her to be, and his life takes an abrupt turn: unexpectedly he goes against his firm principles, changes priorities and understands that life is not as one- dimensional as it seemed to him from the conversations with colleagues and news programmes.
...On the roadside of a country road a parked car. A lonely man unsuccessfully tries to fix the breakage, refusing the help of passing drivers. Who is that man?.. And what does he want?.. But don't worry: he'll get it done. And you're welcome to unexpected and cruel final...
철의 장막을 배경으로 하는 러시아판 '헤어 스프레이'. 스탈린이 죽은 지 2년이 지난 1955년. 흐루시초프가 가져온 해빙의 분위기도 젊은이들이 미국음악과 패션에 열광하는 것을 막지 못한다. 학생 멜은 모스크바의 브로드웨이라 불리는 고르키/츠베르스카야 거리에서 만난 무리에 합류하고 폴리야를 만나 사랑에 빠진다. 힙스터즈는 소비에트 시절 사회를 보내던 사람들의 다양한 심리와 라이프 스타일을 재치 있으면서도 과장된 장면들로 보여주면서 복고풍 뮤지컬의 향수를 불러 일으킨다. (2010년 제4회 충무로국제영화제)
A group of American pilots from Alaska ferry Airacobra fighter planes across the ocean on Lend-lease. The orderly course of life is disrupted when it becomes clear that the American pilots are attractive and charming young women. The feelings of the Russian young men collide into barriers of culture and language resulting in a host of awkward, funny, and sometimes tragic situations.It is the story of Russians, Americans, and natives of the Far North. It is the story of man and woman in war. Love and death are squeezed between the hills as human fates are destroyed and born.