Eirik Nicolai Heim

참여 작품

A young man arrives at an old mansion to visit the upper-class family living there. He is a stranger with a sinister reason about to make itself clear. They are not expecting this knock on their door. This is a most unwelcome visit, but it may turn out that the family have more issues among themselves than what the stranger is about to bring.
A young man arrives at an old mansion to visit the upper-class family living there. He is a stranger with a sinister reason about to make itself clear. They are not expecting this knock on their door. This is a most unwelcome visit, but it may turn out that the family have more issues among themselves than what the stranger is about to bring.
In the northernmost part of Sweden and Norway, a conflict over land and borders seems to be eternally ongoing. Simon and Beatrice Marainen and their three kids are a part of an indigenous Sami semi-nomadic community of reindeer herders, that have traditionally always moved freely across northern Scandinavia, following the natural movement of their herds. But today, nationalism, bureaucracy and politics are a threat against their traditional way of life.
Camera Operator
Local citizens are gathered at the dock of a small fishing village. Hitler has decided that they shall all be forcefully evacuated. A girl witnesses and experiences a catastrophe again.
Reconstructing Utøya
Drone Pilot
This documentary picks up after the horror has ended. Almost 500 teens are in grief as 69 of their friends have fallen. They've been shot dead. How could this island ever become a safe place again? Here, we see how Utøya was first the safest place on Earth to the most terrible and how it was restored and stands as a beacon of hope for the survivors and the Norwegian people.
12번째 솔저
Camera Operator
1940년 4월 9일, 제2차 세계대전 중인 나치군은 노르웨이를 점령하고 히틀러는 노르웨이 연안에 요새를 구축한다. 노르웨이 군의 마틴 레드작전이 다음 해 3월 24일 시작되고, 영국군으로부터 중요 임무를 수행하기 위한 훈련을 받은 12명의 노르웨이 저항군이 노르웨이로 급파된다. 그들의 임무는 독일 항공기지를 파괴하는 것. 하지만 작전 도중 발각되어 이들 중 11명은 체포되고 단 1명, 얀만이 총상을 입은 채 탈출에 성공한다. 혹독한 추위와 험난한 설산 속에서 냉혈한 나치 친위대 쿠르트 슈타게는 집요하게 추격해 오는데...