Anna Jung

참여 작품

Erik and his best friend Sebastian are two teenagers in a small town on the German border that once ran between East and West. Their parents are struggling with their own demons and they are bullied at school. Life doesn't seem to offer the two outsiders any perspective either. And so they start planning their revenge on their tormentors and do shooting exercises with the old NVA rifle of Erik's father. Driven by a voice from the swamp, Erik increasingly drifts into the darkness. Only when he meets a young punk girl his world suddenly turn upside down. And so he has to choose between what makes him happy and his dark thoughts, which seem inseparable from his friendship with Sebastian. But in a world of violence, there is inevitably an escalation that will shake the foundations of the small village on the edge of the former German-German border forever.
For 17-year-old Jennifer, gaming has always been part of everyday teenage life. Recently she has been feeling uncomfortable and lonely. Not so long ago she moved to Munich with her parents Frank and Ariane from another city. In her new home, the girl does not find a real connection with her new classmates. Fixed by the virtual reality game "Avalonia", gaming is gradually becoming the elixir of life. Jennifer neglects her school and family responsibilities. She ignores all admonitions, restrictions and prohibitions for every precious second of the game and betrays her parents. Only the secret, excessive immersion in the virtual fantasy world of "Avalonia" seems to make Jennifer happy. The Parents have to watch as their daughter's life gets completely out of balance between the real and the virtual world.
A Final Truth
The Waitress
1977: Elga, 60, now resides in a hospice waiting for the end of her life. Her comfort comes in visits from her physician Sara, whom she entertains with tales of her former love in 1930's Berlin. 1933: Elga (and Weimar Germany) are succumbing to the National Socialists. But she is remembering her true love, a beautiful young Jewish woman. Now, for the first time, Elga tells Sara the true ending to her story and looks to the one moment that defined her life.
걸 라이징
Line Producer
원치 않는 결혼이나 아동 노동 같은 세상의 부조리함과 맞닥뜨린 각기 다른 나라에 살고 있는 아홉 소녀의 이야기. 그러나 이 용감한 소녀들은 각기 직면한 장애물을 딛고 ‘교육’을 통해 굳건한 장벽을 넘어서서 세상을 향한 도전을 계속해나가는 모습을 보여준다. (2013년 제7회 여성인권영화제) 빈곤, 자연재해, 3세부터 시작되는 노예 노동, 물물 거래와 같은 결혼, 가족과 남자 형제를 위한 희생...... 특별할 것 없는 이유로, 또 영화에 언급되지 않는 다양한 이유로 소녀들은 여성으로 태어난 순간 ‘숙명’과도 같은 인생을 강요받는다. 그러나 소녀들이 ‘변화’하기 시작한다. 앤 해서웨이, 매릴 스트립 등 유명인의 나레이션이 불편한 사족으로 느껴질 정도로 매력적인 9명의 소녀들은 ‘교육’을 통해 인생의 주체성을 획득하려 한다. 이 용감하고 재기발랄한 소녀들의 도전은 숙연한 마음이 들 정도로 성스럽고 위대하다. 소녀들이여, 구경꾼일 필요가 있는가? 일어서라. 바로 지금이다.