Karin Baal

Karin Baal

출생 : 1940-09-19, Berlin, Germany


Karin Baal, real name Karin Blauermel, is a German film actress who has appeared in more than 90 films since 1956.

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Karin Baal
Karin Baal
Karin Baal
Karin Baal

참여 작품

German Grusel
A documentary directed by Oliver Schwehm.
Remember I'll Always Love You
A woman discovers with astonishment that her husband has committed suicide. Sumida in great pain decides to investigate the reasons that drove her husband to make a decision as tragic. But the symptoms of incipient disease begin to limit their target.
Maries Mutter
Seven Days Sunday
Adam's Grossmutter
Teenage dropouts Adam and Tommek pass their days hanging out and drinking in their grim housing complex, but as grinding boredom combines with Adam's need to prove himself and Tommek's penchant for petty crime, the two make a bet that plunges them into shocking and sudden violence.
Irren ist sexy
Wolfgangs Mutter
Fliege hat Angst
Mrs. Ludwig
The new tenant in a strange house: Vinzent.
Für immer verloren
Ute Schmieding
Betty - Schön wie der Tod
Hanna Theissen
Mutter Sass
The Tunnel
Marianne von Krausnitz
Inspired by true events, Olympic swimmer Harry Melchior defects from East Germany in the 1960s and hatches a daring plot to help his sister and others flee East Berlin through a 145-yard underground tunnel.
Alice auf der Flucht
5 Stunden Angst – Geiselnahme im Kindergarten
Frau Koch
Zu treuen Händen
Ingeborg Schoenbein
Cosimas Lexikon
Uschi Kowalski
The Terrible Threesome
Gertrud Grund
Black comedy about a lucrative business. Grandmother, mother and daughter live together in a love-hate-relationship and run their business with divided responsibilities: via marriage ads they are looking for candidates. It’s the daughter that gets dressed and styled according to the new mission: no matter if vamp or tree-hugger she twists the men around her little finger until they clear their accounts from all the savings. The money ends up in coffee tins stored in grandma’s fridge. But where do the men end up when they discover the secret of the trio?
Scheidung a la carte
Der letzte Gast
Blancheflower: The Devil's Daughter
Aunt Teresa
A story about love which can defeat even the Devil itself.
The Passenger – Welcome to Germany
Frau Tenzer
An American filmmaker travels to modern day Berlin to make a film based on a real-life incident from 1942 in which 13 Jewish prisoners from a concentration camp were promised freedom if they appeared in a German propaganda film. Unfortunately, the Germans lied. The psychological process undergone by the modern filmmaker while shooting the story provides the basis of this arty and challenging film.
Then Nothing Is the Same Anymore
Hilde Kalka
Influenced by the world of cinema, an 18-year-old escapes from everyday life in the big city and sees his own realization in the world of myths that the films seem to offer him.
Die Fräulein von damals
로자 룩셈부르그
Mathilde Jacob
1896년 로자 룩셈부르크는 독일의 민주정부 설립과 폴란드의 혁명을 위해 투쟁하면서, 그녀의 정치적 재능을 모든 사람에게 인정받게 된다. 그러나 레오 요기헤스(다니엘 올브리쉬스키 분)와 긴밀히 협동하면서 그들의 정치적 활동은 개인적인 관계에 어려움을 가져오게 된다. 국제적 긴장감이 감돌자 로자는 전쟁과 군국주의를 비난하는 연설을 하게 되고 그녀의 사회주의자 동지들은 로자를 급진적 인사로 치부하게 된다.
Die Mitläufer
Tod eines Schaustellers
Le dernier civil
Tausend Augen
Love Is Not an Argument
The relationship of a married couple in their 40s is broken when the mother has an affair with her teenage daughter's boyfriend.
Unternehmen Arche Noah
Mutter Schlegel
Frau Fuhrmann
The Man on the Wall
Toni Vogt
An East German man finds a way to cross the border between East and West Berlin. But when he succeeds in bringing his wife out as well, things are not quite as expected.
Deadly Game
A hunting party arrives at a lodge in the Tatra mountains in Slovakia, where one woman in the party had “accidentally” shot and killed her first husband some time ago.
Desperado City
Eva Buchholz
Skoda is the son of a wealthy, overbearing banker and rather than put up with his father to keep a privileged lifestyle, he has chosen to ditch the relationship and drive a taxi for a living. The film follows Skoda on his nightly rides through the city, and though different characters come and go, Skoda meets a kindred spirit in the form of a teenage woman who finds her own home life equally difficult to shoulder. The two young people are gradually attracted to each other, and they end up one night in Skoda's room together. At that moment, the older woman that Skoda had been involved with opens the door and discovers his infidelity. Skoda is living in her house and driving the taxi she gave him -- her commitment was abundantly clear from the beginning. Pushed over the edge, the older woman commits suicide -- and Skoda is blamed for her death by her ex-husband. He swears to avenge her, and the hunt for Skoda begins.
Lola's Mother
서른 여섯 해라는 짧은 생애에 만든 마흔 한편의 논쟁적인 영화들 중 파스빈더의 최고 걸작이라고 말할 수 있다. 세계 2차 대전이 끝나고 경제 기적을 만들어낸 독일사회의 병폐를 온 몸으로 겪으면서 자라난 파스빈더는 이 시기 자본주의가 빚어낸 모순과 타락한 인간상을 다수의 영화에서 다룬 바 있다. 조셉 폰 스텐버그의 에서 이야기의 뼈대를 가져온 에는 살아있는 색깔, 한 씬 내내 원을 그리며 도는 특이한 카메라 움직임, 팬으로 길게 움직이는 등이 멜로드라마의 틀 안에서 우화적으로 사용된다. 반자본주의적인 조악한(?) 영화형식과 너무나 염세적인 결말은 내내 영화를 보고 마지막 화면을 맞이하는 관객으로 하여금 가슴 서늘하게 한다. 그러나 파스빈더의 말대로 세상은 여전히 타락해 있고 가난한 자와 힘없는 자들이 설 자리는 여전히 없다는 점에서 파스빈더가 염세적인 것이 아니라 세상이, 인간이 시니컬하다는 것을 새삼 다시 절감하게 한다. 마음이 아프다. 안톤 체홉의 ‘푸른 천사’와 장 르노와르의 ‘게임의 법칙’을 인용한 풍자극이다
Angels of Iron
Frau Lucie Gladow
The subject of this historical drama is a splintering Berlin in the years of 1948 and 1949. Played against the backdrop of social upheaval, the characters in the drama come to epitomize the best and worst of each pole of the political sphere. A 17-year-old hoodlum by the name of Gladow works hand-in-glove with a local white-collar criminal to rob and pillage every day and night, defying capture. While he and his gang of thugs are terrorizing the people of Berlin, the Soviets are trying to make the blockade of their region of control impermeable. The future casts long shadows over the drama, as Berlin's problems take the shape of times to come.
릴리 마를렌
Anna Lederer
1938년 취리히. 독일인 빌키는 술집에서 일하고 있다. 빌키는 스위스인 음악가 로베르트 멘델스존을 사랑하게 된다. 아들이 독일인과 관계하는 것을 반대한 로베르토의 아버지는 빌키가 스위스로 돌아오지 못하도록 할 수 있었다. 빌키는 일에서는 운이 좋았다. 그녀가 전에 취입했던 음반이 인기를 얻게 되며 스타가 된다. 그 와중에 빌키는 나찌의 비밀경찰과 엮이지만 결국에는 전쟁에서 살아 남는다. 하지만 로베르토는 결혼해서 행복하게 살고 있다.
Die Weber
Frau Dreissinger
Drei Freundinnen
Wo die Liebe hinfällt
The Night Miracle
Haus der Frauen
Scrounged Meals
Erika's Passions
Erika and Franziska haven't seen each other for 4 years. 10 years earlier they both felt that they had the same chances in life: both were young, attractive and imaginative. They overlooked what would, right from the outset, separate them: their very different emotional make-up, their different character. In a long nighttime discussion the friends try to clear up these differences - not without some glimmer of hope.
Haus ohne Hüter
Witwe Bierlach
Ein für allemal
Das System Fabrizzi
솔란지에게 무슨 일을 한 건가?
Herta Rosseni
영국의 어느 카톨릭 학교, 이탈리아 출신 체육선생 헨리는 제자이자 학교 이사장의 딸인 엘리자베스와 불륜을 저지르는 중이다. 어느날부터 여학생들이 살해당하는 일이 발생하자 헨리는 용의선상에 오른다.
Hannibal Brooks
A POW in World War II is put to work in a Munich zoo, looking after an Asian elephant. The zoo is bombed by the Americans and the director of the zoo decides it is not safe for his Asian elephant Lucy to remain there. So he sends Brooks to safety with Lucy. They escape and go on the run in order to get to Switzerland.
Tragödie auf der Jagd
The Monster of Blackwood Castle
Jane Wilson
Scotland Yard must discover why people are being murdered by a monstrous dog at Blackwood Castle.
Herr Puntila und sein Knecht Matti
Eva Puntila
Ein Mädchen von heute
Schlagersängerin Ingrid
Der Mann aus Brooklyn
Betsy Crane
Michael Kramer
Liese Bänsch
Schloßpension Fürstenhorst
Das Blaue vom Himmel
Antje Doorn
Mission to Venice
Maria Natzka
An American polo player in Paris gets roped into intrigue when he's asked to find a family friend whom has gone missing.
Der Privatsekretär
Lucasta Angel
Straße der Verheißung
Zwischen Schanghai und St. Pauli
So toll wie anno dazumal
Susanne Veronika Schmidt
The Last Chapter
Julie d'Espard
So angelt man keinen Mann
Blond muß man sein auf Capri
Maria Gebhard
A german woman falls in love in Capri.
Vertauschtes Leben
Brigitte Bertram
The mistake of two infants on a night of bombing during World War II plunged their families into grief and conflict 18 years later, when both girls were marriageable.
Dead Eyes of London
Nora Ward
A disfigured killer with glazed-over white eyes is doing the dirty work so that an insurance agent-doctor can get the victims' insurance money.
Und sowas nennt sich Leben
Irene Dirks
The Young Sinner
Eva Reck
The Judge and the Sinner
Inge Schumann
A drama directed by Paul Verhoeven.
We Cellar Children
Nenne Briehl
Juke Box - Screams of Love
Othello's girlfriend
After serving a conviction for fraud Mario tries to continue with his life and promises Marisa to marry her...
Das letzte Aufgebot
Doctor Without Scruples
Birke Sawatzki
Bobby Dodd intervenes
Sylvia, beider Tochter
Jons und Erdme
Adaptation of Hermann Sudermann's novel about the troubled relationship between the strong willed Erdme and her irascible husband Jons in the Lithunian moors.
Der Eiserne Gustav
Anni Hartmann
West Germany in '50s is becoming an economic superpower. In such climate, Rosemarie is just one of many enterpreneurs who wants her piece of new fortune. She uses her charms to bring members of West German industrial elite to her bed. There she finds business secrets and later sells them to French competition. However, when scandal errupts, Rosemarie would find that she can't beat the system.
Das Herz von St. Pauli
Der müde Theodor
Jede Nacht in einem anderen Bett
Teenage Wolfpack
Sissy Bohl
The drama of a youthful triangle among gang leader Freddy, his brother Jan, and bad girl Cissy, in one of the first considerations of juvenile delinquency in post-war West Germany.