Benjamin is a PhD student without scholarship support. Under the pressure of his parents, and in need of money, he becomes a substitute teacher in a middle school. Without training nor experience, and facing a declining public educational system, he discovers how tough this job can be. Hopefully, his supportive and committed colleagues will lead him to take a fresh look at the profession.
Lawyer, loving father and husband, Vincent is a fulfilled man, living the life he always dreamed of. And yet after a bad encounter, he unwittingly takes a date rape drug and wakes up with contusions on his face and blood between his legs.
Sanou, a bright 15-year-old, enrolls in the famous Henri IV school in Paris. In this prestigious institution, the young girl from the Saint-Denis outer suburbs finds herself dropped into a world a million miles from everything she knows.
In a working-class town, Anthony and Dylan, two inseparable 14-year-old teenagers decide to go on a walk for a retro house party in a nightclub called the Komplex. While one wants to join Océane, a young girl with whom he is in love, the other wants to escape from Joe, his brother's dealer, from whom he stole money and part of his stock.
열여덟 살 트랜스젠더 롤라는 수술을 앞두고 자신의 유일한 지지자였던 어머니를 잃는다. 어머니의 유언은 그녀의 유해를 먼 벨기에 바다에 뿌려 달라는 것. 롤라는 그 약속을 지키기 위해 연락이 끊겼던 아버지와 어쩔 수 없이 다시 만난다. 롤라를 받아들이지 못하는 아버지, 그리고 롤라는 그렇게 불편한 동행을 시작한다.