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A group of travelers is stranded in a small country inn when the river floods during heavy rains. As the bad weather continues, tensions rise amongst the trapped travelers.
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A disgraced warrior planning the murder of a Japanese diplomat, and a ninja in the employ of a navy official are about to land in San Francisco when a band of thieves steal the money the diplomats are carrying. The two set off on a chase across the American west to catch the robbers.
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An illustration of the tragic lives of geishas at a popular geisha house, Shinonomero. Shortly after being sold to a geisha house at age 5, Shizu is befriended by a fellow older geisha, Tsuru. After years of living and working together, Tsuru and Shizu manage to run the operations of Shinonomero as the proprietress and assistant. Despite vows to never to let their lovers come between them or Shinonomero, moments of weakness leave Tsuru and Shizu caught up in a web of betrayal and plunged into debt. With the guilt of losing Shinonomero to Udo, a yakuza who loaned them money, it is now up to young Shizu to redeem Tsuru’s honor and restore Shinonomero as their own.
Approached by a friend about a matchmaking arrangement, Su-san goes to Hama-chan's home seeking help. Hama-chan is away on a business trip, but Michiko entertains Su-san late into the night. When he gets drunk and ends up spending the night, Hama-chan, begins to question his boss's relationship with Michiko.
A dying pianist composes one final song for his childhood friend.
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The indolent son of an oil vendor becomes a regular customer of a prostitute, racks up a mountain of debt, and is disowned by his parents.
An auto repairman's daughter questions him about what happened to her aunt during the war, but the father remains reticent. Finally the man opens up, and the girl is able to piece together her aunt's tragic story.
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Rin Jyoshima lost her father to death-by-gambling; years later, she's grown up in the Kosugi household and has fallen victim to gambling herself.
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오카모토 기하치가 반한 기타바야시 다니에의 호연이 돋보이는 통쾌범죄코미디영화. 세 명의 청년으로 구성된 조직에 유괴된 부자 할머니가 역으로 유괴범들을 조종하며 사건에 관계될 사람들을 농락한다. 몸값 백억엔의 '대유괴 광소곡' 과연 할머니의 진짜 정체는?
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In between the original 1963 13 ASSASSINS film and the 2010 remake by Miike Takashi, Fuji TV produced a version for TV. Starring Nakadai Tatsuya and Natsuyagi Isao, with strong support from Tanba Tetsuro and Tanaka Ken, this is the ultimate tale of samurai justice carried out in a historical masterpiece. The shogun’s half-brother, Matsudaira Naritsugu has been slated to join the Roju Council of Elders as a senior adviser even though he is criminally insane. His outrageous acts cause one of his top retainers to commit ritual suicide in protest over his lord’s crimes. Alerted to these crimes, Roju Councilor Doi asks Inspector General Shmada Shinzaemon to assassinate Naritsugu before he can be seated on the council. Gathering a band of 13 (including himself), Shimada sets out on a death-defying journey to cut down the lord before he can reach Edo. Can a band of 13 samurai defeat the vile Naritsugu’s 200 man entourage and enact justice against his cruelty?
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The rise to power of the famed Lady Kasuga no Tsubone, who established the 'Ooku' (the women's quarters at Edo castle) and acted as nursemaid to Tokugawa Iemitsu, the future 3rd Shogun is chronicled in this historical drama. Intrigue and suspicion abound as the two brothers Iemitsu and Tadanaga vie for the post of Shogun, while behind the scenes the remnants of the defeated Toyotomi faction, lead by Lord Ishida Mitsunari attempt to discredit the Tokugawa Shogunate and regain their former position as rulers of the nation. The hidden battles between Shogun Hidetada's wife and mistresses of the 'Ooku' come to light as they force the two brothers into a life or death struggle.
시오노 요헤이는 록큰롤 가수가 되는 것이 꿈이지만 대처승인 아버지의 뒤를 이어 절을 물려받아야 하기 때문에 엄격한 메이케이 사찰에서 1년 동안 수련 생활을 해야만 한다. 그의 여자친구인 아카이시 마스오는 그를 말리지만 1년 후면 부유한 생활을 할 수 있다는 생각에 요헤이는 수련 생활에 들어간다.
이쿠오와 함께 메이케이로 간 요헤이는 그곳에서 다양한 사람들을 만나며 승려로서의 삶을 시작하는데...
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A comedy about the lives of people living in the shopping district of Osaka.
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에도(지금의 동경) 막부의 3대 장군인 도쿠가와 이에미쯔는, 자애로운 군주로서 명망을 얻고 있었다. 그러나 말년에 술과 여자에 취해 정세판단력 마저 흐려져 끝내는 본 부인에게 얻은 첫째 아들 다께치요를 없애고 첩에게서 얻은 자식을 자신의 후계자로 올릴 생각을 하게된다. 이에 이에미쯔는 다께치요를 없앨 생각으로, 가관식을 빌미로 한 음모를 꾸미기에 이른다. 한편, 사쿠라 일문의 수장인 호타 마사모리의 저택에서 지내고 있던 다께치요에게 가관식을 치르기 위해 에도로 급히 돌아오라는 장군의 명령이 내려지고, 다께치요를 친자식처럼 보살피고 있는 호타는 장군의 명령이 의심스럽지만 장군의 영을 거역할 수 없어 할 수 없이 보내기로 한다. 대신에 다께치요를 경호할만한 무사 7명과 호타의 아들인 마사토시와 그의 병사들 그리고 유모 야지마 등을 같이 붙인다. 그러던 어느 날, 한 광산 근처에서 하룻밤을 머물게된 일행은 장군의 사주를 받은 로주 아베의 군대에게 공격을 받는다. 이때 처절한 혈투 속에 대다수의 병사들이 죽게되고 다께치요와 마사토시 그리고 7명의 사무라이들과 유모만이 살아남아 간신히 도망을 친다. 계속 되는 쫓고 쫓기는 적들의 공격에 7명의 무사들은 한 명씩 최후를 맞이 하게되고, 계속 다가오는 포위망 속에 높은 절벽과 깊은 계곡, 험한 산 속에서 과연 그들은 에도에 도착할 수 있을는지.
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In 1026, students in western China are shanghaied into the forces of crown prince Li Yuanhao of Xi Xia, who wants to control the length of the Silk Road. One student is Zhao Xingde, who becomes the favorite of his commander, Zhu Wangli. While sacking a fortress, Xingde discovers Tsurpia, princess of the Uighur. He hides her; they fall in love. When he's sent away to study Xixian, he leaves Tsurpia in Zhu's care, but returns to find her engaged to Li. Tragedy follows, and he and Zhu enter a pact to take revenge when Li arrives at Dun-Huang, the region's seat of learning and culture. Against overwhelming odds, they find a surprising way to leave a monument to their life and love.
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Hunting master Ginzo kills a man-eating bear. When he finds out the bear had a cub, Ginzo decides to raise the cub, but the bear later becomes a troublemaker.
Rising from the lowliest of country samurai to the heights of power as Taiko, Toyotomi Hideyoshi is one of the pivotal figures of the Sengoku period.
Original Music Composer
『極道の妻たち』(야쿠자의 아내들)은 1986년 토에이 쿄토 촬영제작소, 토에이 배급이 공개한 야쿠자 영화 이다. 감독은 고샤히데오로 계속 되는 호평으로 여 주인공 감독이 교체되면서 시리즈화 되었다. 통칭으로 『極妻(ごくつま)』。라고도 한다. 최신작은 『極道の妻たち 情炎』(15번째 작품)이다. 극장 개봉용으로는 1998년 발표한 10번째 시리즈 『極道の妻たち 決着(けじめ)』으로 일단락 지어졌다.
A mother fights to reverse her dismissal from her job as a telephone operator
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Three men sentenced to death are spared and changed into “shadows executioners”, a group of ruthless ninja working for mysterious high ranking officials. During their investigation on some illegal business, one of them, called “Yazuke the Viper”, finds his abandoned daughter, Ocho, who has now become a mistress of Denzo, a smuggler. After Yazuke’s death, Ocho is also recruited as a “shadows executioner”, with the task of completing her father’s mission.
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When a fugitive begins a romance with the woman hiding him from the law, it becomes uncertain whether he will ever escape the shadow of his heinous crimes--or the detectives hot on his trail.
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Drama about the difficult relationship between a former wrestler, his wife and their adopted children.
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Set in the icy wilderness of Hokkaido during the early days of the Meiji era, where the brutal warden of Kabato Prison terrorizes convicts sentenced to forced labor to build the roads needed to open up the territory.
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Japanese drama film.
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The Story of the three Japanese castaways Otokichi, Kyukichi and Iwakichi. After their ship the Hojunmaru was damaged, they drifted to America and landed on the US-Westcoast in 1834. They had the wish to return to Japan, a long journey was awaiting them.
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Yokiro was the most successful Geisha house in Western Japan during the first half of the 20th century and remains open to this day. At its peak, it was home to over 200 geisha, however behind the fabulous facade, there were many battles - between family members, men and women, and with the Yakuza. Momokawa was sold to Yokiro at age 12, and despite being the top geisha, her many complicated relationships provide unending challenges throughout her glamorous but turbulent life.
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Japanese film.
Original Music Composer
Accused of being a spy for a rival clan by Nanbu Clan samurai who then attack him, the 'Lowly Ronin' barely escapes with his life after being shot. Nursed back to health by Yamaoka Daijiro, the one Nanbu Clan retainer that believes him, he must find a way to prove his inno-cence to the others. The two team up together to uncover the mystery and find out who the real spy is that threatens the security of the clan. Against all odds, the two master swordsmen must rely on all their skills to defeat a vast conspiracy and save the clan from being abolished.
Original Music Composer
When the 'Lowly Ronin' helps an orphaned teenage girl avoid being turned into a prostitute, she then claims he is her father and they start a farm as father and daughter until fate steps in and he must draw his sword.
The "lowly ronin" meets a child who is being chased bymen that killed his father before his eyes. Feeling indebted to the child for buying him dinner, the Ronin takes the child back to his village. There, the Ronin reluctantly gets involved in a pathetic revolt by the cowardly villagers against their tyrannical governor. Mifune at his best!
Original Music Composer
To satisfy her lover's fetish for tattooed women, Akane agrees to have her body covered in eloborate tattoos by Kyogoro, an old craftsman. Kyogoro has developed a special technique, by which his assistant, Harutsune, keeps Katsuko's mind off the pain while Kyogoro does his work. After the work is done, Harutsune makes the shocking discovery of how Kyogoro mastered his technique.
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After a highly successful raid on Singapore Harbour, soldiers of Z Special Unit lead a new expedition in Singapore, with disastrous results.
Original Music Composer
After saving a young Lord from an assassination attempt the Lowly Ronin finds that he is now a wanted man! Accused of being a thief by those that tried to kill the young Lord he must now clear himself of the accusations. Befriended by an old woman, she then attempts to use him for her own designs.
Original Music Composer
A young man gets thrown into detention after an episode of sexual assault; he soon meets several impostors in the same situation.
The president of the Japanese National Railways is found dead during a period in which train service is plagued by numerous layoffs, strikes and shutdowns. The government says that the president was murdered; the police claim it was a suicide. A quizzical reporter follows the case for years, but the basic question remains unanswered: was the victim killed by members of the burgeoning Communist movement in Japan, or was the death stage-managed by the authorities in hopes of discrediting the Communists?
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Reprising his role from the popular TV series "Koya no Suronin" (The Lowly Ronin), Mifune Toshiro stars in this full-length, stand-alone made for TV movie. The wandering ronin is reminiscent of his most famous role as the samurai without a name in Kurosawa's "Yojimbo" and "Sanjuro". He travels about Japan, and while he may seek happiness, violence and tragedy always cross his path. This time, he reluctantly agrees when a girl hires him to kill a local offical who has unfairly taxed her villagers. But he soon discoves that not all is at it appears when he finds a direct link to his past.
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무대는 지금으로부터 머나먼 미래. 인류는 기술 발전의 폐해로 환경 파괴에 의해 멸망해 가는 지구를 재생시키기 위해 식민행성으로 이주했다. 컴퓨터 관리에 의해 정연히 살아가는 인류. 그 중에서 돌연변이로 탄생한 특수한 능력을 지닌 '뮤'라는 존재는 소외당한다. 가혹하게 탄압당하는 뮤들은 정부의 눈에서 벗어나 숨을 죽이면서도 자신들의 존재의의를 생각하며 지구로의 귀환을 꿈꾸고 있었다. 뮤의 리더인 솔저 블루는 아타락시아에 사는 소년 죠미를 자신의 후계자로 고르고 그 꿈을 계승시킨다. "고향인 지구로 돌아간다..." 그런 강렬한 소망을 품은 그들의 지구를 향하는 싸움이 시작된다. 모체의 출산이라는 현상을 거부하고 인공적이며 계획적으로 인간을 탄생시키는 SD(Superior Dominance) 체제. 핏줄로 이어지지 않은 가정 내에서 양육된 아이들은 14살이 되면 성인식을 치르고, 그 이후에는 어린 시절에 대한 기억이 희미해져 그 공백을 그랜드 마더로 통칭되는 체제에 대한 충성심으로 메우게 된다. 교육과정을 통해 아이를 기르거나, 정부요원 내지 군인이 되거나, 전문적인 기술자가 되는 길로 갈리며, 각각의 부류는 서로 다른 행성에서 생활하여 전체적인 교류가 적다.
Original Music Composer
The quiet life of a mother and her young son living on a farm in Hokkaido is changed by the arrival of a man who ignites flames of romance in the heart of the mother and shows her boy the importance of grit and kindness, but then he leaves with the autumn wind.
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This is a film about a real person. Sanada Yukimura fought a war against Tokugawa Ieyasu.
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The story of the silk industry and the young girls who worked as silk spinners in the early 1900s in Japan. The silk mills were located in Okaya which lies just beyond the Nomugi Pass. The women and girls worked in a hot, humid atmosphere without rest, and endured those conditions and sexual harassment to earn money for their poor families. Across the ocean, it was the great depression in America.
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Yataro Tanigawa, a one-eyed hired assassin, impresses yakuza boss Gomyo Kiyoemon with his skill. Gomyo hires Tanigawa as his bodyguard, or yojimbo, to protect him during an inter-clan conflict. Tanigawa quickly rises in stature in the clan, but finds his boss's enemies almost overwhelming.
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세계각지에서 UFO 목격담이 줄을 잇고, 목격자의 피가 파랗게 변한다는 소문이 퍼진다. 이 사태를 잠재우기 위해 정부는 비밀리에 그들을 없애려는 계획을 세운다. 그러던 중 국방성참모본부의 오키는 자신의 연인 사에코로부터 UFO를 보았다는 고백을 듣게 되는데...
Yakuza Gang War is at the height in North Kyūshū Area in the summer of 1950, particularly between the Okagen Group and the rising Hashiden Gang. Now with the mediation/interference of the Americans, they decide to settle it in a peaceful, *democratic* way, that is, to settle it with a baseball game. Now, with its money and power, The Hashiden group soon recruits a group of gamblers known to be good at baseball from the whole country. So, what is the Okagen Gumi gonna do?
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Taking the Chilean coup as an example, a group of young officers plan to overthrow the Japanese government on V-J Day. They aim to abolish the post-war constitution, restore the national army and revive the traditional spirit of Japan. As the conspiracy is exposed, the coup squadrons are wiped out one by one. The remaining squadron takes over a night train bound for Tokyo.
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일본 북부 홋카이도에 빙하조각을 타고 온 여우 후렙의 이야기.
Original Music Composer
Masao is falsely accused and jailed for the murder of a loanshark to whom he owed a lot of money. His sister Kiriko makes the long trip to Tokyo, specifically to accost Otsuka, Japan's top criminal defence lawyer, and plead with him to take her brother's case. They live in Kitakyushu which, though a city, she contends that the local lawyers are not up to the job. Otsuka contemptuously brushes her off. A year passes. Masao has suicided in jail, his appeal having failed due to the lack of interest and competence of the local defence lawyer. Kiriko returns to Tokyo, planning revenge on Otsuka for refusing the case and causing her brother's death.
The story of Sanshiro Sugata, a young man who wants to learn the new art of judo. A wise teacher reveals to Sanshiro that judo is not merely a means of combat nor a demonstration of physical skill, but an art which reveals the artist to himself.
Original Music Composer
The story is about a convict released from prison for an old murder who is thinking about returning to his ex-wife and his former life. If she puts a yellow handkerchief on the window, it would mean that she wants him back at home.
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Taro Kuroki, 42, is a stuntman with a samurai's heart. He loves adventures, plays pranks with the police, tries to cure a cat lady by reversing her trauma, and finally, rescues his niece who is about to be lured into prostitution.
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A Japanese sailor finds a colony of Eskimos in the Arctic and decides to stay with them. He comes off at a certain moment to look for his luck in the gold rush in Alaska. But he does not forget them.
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Okoto is blind since childhood. Her young servant Sasuke is in love of her. One day Koto is badly scarred on her face. In order to preserve the memory of her once beautiful face, Sasuke takes away his own sight.
Drama and intrigue about defense contracts and corruption.
Original Music Composer
호시노 관방장관의 비서가 2억엔을 빌리러 금융왕 이시하라를 방문하지만, 이시하라는 바로 거절한다. 이시하라는 이 관방장관을 신문기자 후루가키에게 조사하도록 시킨다. 후루가키를 통해 현 정부의 부패를 알게 된 이시하라는 가미야 의원을 통해, 국회 결산 폭로하려고 하지만, 가미야의 배신으로 결국 후루가키는 살해되고, 이시하라는 세금 탈세로 붙잡히게 된다.
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Based on the novel of the same name by Seichô Matsumoto.
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Based on the novel of the same name by Hisashi Inoue.
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사랑하는 여인 후지코를 위해 보석전시관을 털게 된 루팡은 제니가타 경부 앞에 나타나 자수를 한다. 지겐 다이스케로부터 후지코가 거대조직에 의해 납치감금 되었다는 얘기를 전해들은 루팡은 탈옥을 하게 된다.
With a Kansai syndicate setting their sights on Tokyo, a former yakuza boss gets dragged back into a world of violence.
Original Music Composer
오키나와의 아즈미 공주는 도시가 거대 괴수에 의해 멸망하는 끔찍한 환상을 목격한다. 한편, 동굴 탐험가인 시미즈 마사히코에 의해 알 수 없는 금속이 발견되고, 금속은 미야지마 교수에게 인계되어 조사된다. 한편 마사히코의 동생인 시미즈 케이스케가 이끄는 발굴단은 '검은 구름이 산 위에 나타나 세상을 멸망시킨다.'는 불길한 예언이 그려진 방과 벽화가 우연히 발견하고, 케이스케는 고고학자인 사이고 카네시로와 함께 예언서를 번역한 결과, 예언서의 내용과 동굴에서 발견된 조각상은 오키나와에 존재했던 전설의 괴물, 킹 시사와 관련되어 있던 것이 확인된다. 그때 갑자기 괴한이 카네시로의 집에 침입하여 킹 시사의 조각상을 탈취하려 하지만 시미즈 마사히코와 격투를 벌인 끝에 조각상 탈취를 실패하고 결국 도주한다. 머지않아 검은 구름이 산처럼 형성되고, 고지라가 후지산에 등장하면서 날뛰기 시작한다[스포일러]. 갑자기 안기라스가 등장하면서 고지라의 팔을 할퀴자, 고지라의 상처에서 금속이 살짝 드러난다. 그러자 고지라는 안기라스의 턱을 찢어서 안기라스를 제압하고, 싸움에서 진 안기라스는 결국 도망친다.
Original Music Composer
Deep in the mountains of feudal Japan, a group of children endure cruel and unorthodox training in order to become the Shogunate's most secret and deadly weapons - the Demon Spies! Their true identities are hidden - even from each other. Behind their demon masks, they are educated in the deadly arts of infiltration, espionage, assassination - and seduction! If they survive to become strong enough to kill their teachers, they will become - the Demon Spies! Sent on a suicide mission to uncover a deadly conspiracy, five inexperienced Demon Spies must infiltrate a powerful fief, discover the location of its secret arsenal, and destroy it. But Lord Shogen, the Demon Hunter, plans to brutally interrogate, ingeniously torture, and cruelly execute - the Demon Spies!
Original Music Composer
Adaptation of the novel by Toyoko Yamasaki.
일본열도를 뒤흔든 거대한 지진으로 인해 연쇄적인 화산폭발이 일어나고 이로 인해 일본 전역이 바다 속으로 침몰해가는 엄청난 참사를 생생하게 그려낸 초대형 재난 블록버스터
Original Music Composer
When his pistol is stolen, police detective Murakami is humiliated, especially when the gun is later implicated in a crime. Working with his superior, Chief Detective Sato, Murakami works feverishly to trace the location of his pistol, ultimately clashing with a gang of youthful Okinawans.
Original Music Composer
Final part of epic drama about war and its effects upon human beings, follows the fortunes of the Godai family through the Sino-Japanese War through the Soviet Union's sudden attack upon Japanese troops at the end of the war.
Original Music Composer
A beautifully told story of a woman hardened by marriage to a man she doesn't love, after giving herself to another. She dedicates herself to her work, designing and creating plaited cords for kimono.
Original Music Composer
About a girl who marries in the middle of the Pacific War, is widowed at 18, and her unflagging struggle to survive during and after the war with her son.
A woman looks after her father in law.
Original Music Composer
On a beautiful island in Seto Inner Sea, Seichi and Minko make their living by transporting rocks to construction sites by boat. They cherish the deepest affection for this piece of land they call home, and the simple life they lead. But rapid industrial growth makes it all but impossible to continue their chosen living style, and they are forced to leave their beloved hometown in search of a brighter future. But their hometown lingers on their hearts, and they dream of a time when they may once again return.
Japanese youngsters enduring hard training in Recruit Camp and then going to Iwo Jima in the last days of World War II.
A documentary about the 1972 Winter Olympic Games in Sapporo, Japan.
Original Music Composer
야쿠자 조직의 3인자이면서도 한발짝 뒤로 물러서 고독만 씹고 있는 남자를 그린다. 참고 참고 또 참는 야쿠자이지만 마지막 대혈투에선 참지 않는다.
Original Music Composer
태평양전쟁 말기 오키나와. 병력 증강은 꿈도 꿀 수 없는 상황에서 강력한 미군상륙부대와 맞서 싸우는 병사들. 군병원에 들어온 '히메유리'의 아가씨들, 철혈근황대(鉄血勤皇隊)가 된 학생들. 무고하게 희생된 수많은 사람들이 흘린 피가 흐르는 태평양전쟁 참극의 극전지 '오키나와'. 오키나와전의 전모를 오카모토 기하치 감독이 고발한다!
(2011년 한국영상자료원 - 오카모토 기하치 감독전)
Original Music Composer
Second part of an epic drama of war and its effects upon human beings, follows the fortunes of the Godai family from 1935 through Japan's invasion of China. Based on the novels by Jumpei Gomikawa, who also penned The Human Condition.
Original Music Composer
Adaptation of the Shôji Yuki novel.
Original Music Composer
The story is set in 1970 during the time of the first EXPO in Japan. The film’s main figure is a miner who suddenly becomes unemployed because the mine he worked in was shut down. He decides to resettle with his whole family to Hokkaido in northern Japan and start a new life as a farmer.
Original Music Composer
An old man talks about a horse and human relations to his grandchild through the growth of the Derby horse. Akira Kurosawa's visual poem for the horse, the creature which he loved.
Keisuke Godai, head of the upstart Godai family conglomerate, plans to strengthen ties with the hardliners in the Kwantung Army as they plan military expansion into Manchuria.
Japanese crime movie.
Original Music Composer
An outlaw pushes the residents of Edo's red light district to rebel against a growing number of stifling, moralistic laws.
Original Music Composer
Near the end of the nineteenth century, as the balance of power shifts from Shogunate towards the Emperor, Japan restlessly awaits the dawning of a new age. But not all are content...The Shinsengumi, a small army of samurai, farmers and peasants, band together to do battle against the tide of history. Their leader, Isami Kondo is a man who rises from farmer to fighter to head the fierce Shinsengumi brigade. Using a stern hand and a heart of gold, he rallies his men in defense of the tottering Shogunate. But bloodshed and treachery lurk around every corner.
A crime story (with strong elements of comedy) that pits a determined detective against a gang of pickpockets in Osaka. The detective (played by Keiju Kobayashi) and the leader of the gang (played by Norihei Miki) have an interesting wartime backstory together that fuels much of the story.
In the 9th year of Genroku, Mitsukuni Mito Komon of Hitachi Province set out on a pilgrimage to various countries with his reluctant vassals, Sukesaburo and Kakunosuke, under the name of Koemon, a retired peasant.
Original Music Composer
Lord Oda Nobunaga gains control of nearly all of Japan and tries to enlist the aid of Magoichi and his 3.000 gunners.
Original Music Composer
가난한 하층민 이조는 사무라이가 되길 꿈꾸며 검술의 달인 타케치의 문하에 들어간다. 타케치는 이조를 꼭두각시처럼 조종하고, 이조에게 막부의 요인들을 닥치는 대로 암살하라고 지시한다. 명령을 따르던 이조는 뒤늦게야 이용당하기만 하는 자신의 처지를 깨닫고, 배신감에 타케치를 떠나기로 결심한다. 19세기 일본 막부 말기에 실존했던 ‘3대 칼잡이’ 중 한 명인 이조 오카다의 파란만장한 인생을 그렸다.
Music Producer
Japan and Russia clash in what comes to be known as the Russo-Japanese War. An attempt by the Japanese fleet and army to take Port Arthur fails, and a Russian fleet bears down on the Sea of Japan. Admiral Heihachiro Togo sends his fleet to confront the Russians, with results which stun both nations. Meanwhile, Major Genjiro Akashi makes secret negotiations with the Bolshevik revolutionaries in Russia, negotiations that have repercussions far beyond the conflict at hand.
Takeo (Kiniya Kitaoji), son of a wealthy car industry executive, is unhappy with his job and goes to Singapore to become a fisherman. At first ridiculed by the local fishermen, he eventually gets their respect but his rebel temper pushes him to find new adventures in Alaska.
The second film tells about the life of matured brothers and sister Sato. Taro became a foreman. He saves every yen to fulfill his dream of building his own house with stone gates. Jiro continues to work in the transportation office, he dreams of getting married. Saburo faces a moral problem: in order to get a good position, he must answer the questions of the entrance test differently than his conscience tells him. At the exam, Saburo does not hide his views on life and is deprived of the promised position. Orie and Suekiti believe that he did wrong and betrayed his older brothers. But the anxiety in the Sato family is not limited to these events. Orie was being asked to marry a handsome, well-established young man, but she suddenly announced her decision to marry Tozaka, who was suffering from radiation sickness. Sato's peaceful home is falling apart...
Original Music Composer
A guilt-haunted samurai warrior attempts to stop a massacre taking place.
Original Music Composer
The return of a man to Japan from Borneo creates chaos in a village.
Original Music Composer
Kansuke Yamamoto is a samurai who dreams of a country united, peaceful from sea to sea. He enters the service of Takeda, the lord of Kai domain. He convinces Takeda to kill the lord of neighboring Suwa and take his wife as a concubine. He then convinces the widow, Princess Yu, to accept this arrangement and to bear Takeda a son. He pledges them his life. He then spends years using treachery, poetic sensibility, military and political strategy to expand Takeda's realm, advance the claim of Yu's son as the heir, and prepare for an ultimate battle with the forces of Echigo. Has Kansuke overreached? Are his dreams, blinded by love, too big?
"Young People" is a story about the lives of four brothers and a sister, Sato. After the death of his parents, the older brother, Taro, who works in construction, decides to replace them. The second brother, Jiro, is a truck driver. The third, Saburo, is a student, dreams of a better future for the whole family are connected with him, with his career. Brothers and sisters are fighting to give him a higher education. And, finally, the youngest of the brothers, Suekichi, is also going to enter the university after graduation. The life of the Sato family is complicated. Taro is kind, but limited, not always able to find a common language with his brothers and sister Orie. The girl cannot stand the despotism of her brother, leaves her home and goes to work at the factory. With her departure, everything in the house goes upside down. Suekichi fails her university entrance exams, Orie is forced to return to her family.
Based on a story by Akiyuki Nosaka.
Original Music Composer
1945년, 여름. 학도병 아이쓰는 일본이 항복헀다는 사실을 알지못한채 어뢰를 장착한 드럼통 속에서 대기하면서 여러가지 생각에 빠져있었다. 전쟁 속에서 한알의 곡식처럼 가볍게 치부되는 청년의 모습을 그린 영화.
오카모토 기하치가 전중파로서의 자신의 사상을 그려낸 작품으로, 아련하고 슬픈 한편의 시같은 영화. (2011년 한국영상자료원 - 오카모토 기하치 감독전)
Original Music Composer
미·일 전쟁을 피하고자 했지만 이를 더이상 피할 수 없게 되자 진주만 기습 전격전을 기획해 전쟁을 일찍 종결 짓고 일본의 승리와 종전을 얻어내고자 했던 야마모토 이소로쿠 제독의 용단과 고뇌.
With his penultimate film, Uchida revisited one of his popular prewar titles, 1936’s Theatre of Life, an adaptation of Shiro Ozaki’s eponymous novel. Three-time Seijun Suzuki collaborator Goro Tanada wrote a gangsterized adaptation of Ozaki’s story for Uchida at a time when the yakuza had eclipsed the samurai genre as Toei's main cash crop. Protagonist Hishakaku murders a man in a quarrel over a barmaid and goes to jail. In his temporary absence, his girlfriend Otoyo, a former geisha, falls for Hishakaku’s brother, inciting a dangerous love triangle that, in typical yakuza fashion, ends tragically.
Original Music Composer
야마모토 슈고로의 소설『砦山の十七日』을 영화한 시대극.
에도 말기, 폭력과 비윤리가 지배하는 구마현 오코노기 영지. 어디선가 불현듯 나타난 두남자가 가로 살인사건을 계기로 시작된 번정개혁에 가담하게 되는데… 아군인가 적인가! 베고, 베고, 또 벤다! 엔터테인먼트의 진수를 보여주는 작품.
Original Music Composer
A killer-for-hire gets mixed up with a cast of wacky characters involved in a gold smuggling route from Beirut to Tokyo.
Original Music Composer
태평양의 외딴 섬인 소겔 섬에 주둔하고 있는 과학자 팀은 기상관제 시스템을 완벽히 하려고 시도한다. 그들의 노력은 거대 사마귀와 늘 소란스러운 기자인 마키 고로가 섬에 도착하면서 방해받는다. 기상관제 시스템의 첫 번째 테스트는 순조롭게 진행되다 싶더니 섬의 중심에서 발생한 알 수 없는 신호로 인해 방사성 풍선의 리모컨이 걸려버리면서 실패하고 만다. 풍선이 폭발하면서 방사능 폭풍을 일으켜 거대 사마귀는 카마키라스로 변한다. 과학자들은 카마키라스들이 흙더미에서 알을 파내는 것을 발견한다. 알이 부화하면서 미니라가 태어나고, 과학자들은 미니라의 울음소리가 그들의 실험을 망친 방해의 원인이었다는 것을 깨닫는다. 곧 고지라가 미니라를 지키기 위해 돌진하면서 우연히 과학자들의 근거지를 밟으며 섬에 상륙한다. 고지라는 상륙하자마자 카마키라스 두 마리를 박살낸다. 한 마리는 반복되는 슬램을 뚫고 산산조각이 나고 다른 한 마리는 고지라의 방사열선에 폭사당한다. 세 번째 카마키라스는 고지라에 의해 몸이 꺾이면서 죽고, 마지막 한 마리는 결국 달아난다.
Original Music Composer
1945년 8월 6일과 9일 원자폭탄이 투하되고 8일 소련참전이 이뤄지자 궁지에 몰린 일본은 결국 포츠담 선언을수락한다. 그러나 끝까지 항전할 것을 외치던 일부 군인들은 8월 15일 정오에 발표된 옥음방송(항복방송)을 저지하기 위해 쿠테타를 계획한다. 그렇게 종전까지 24시간, 일본의 가장 긴 하루의 막이 열린다! 오야 소이치의 논픽션을 원작으로 전중파 오카모토 기하치 감독이 제연출을 맡은 토호전기대작 8・15 시리즈 중 제1편.
(2011년 한국영상자료원 - 오카모토 기하치 감독전)
Original Music Composer
A war breaks out on the streets between rivalry Yakuza clans.
Original Music Composer
A nerdy young college instructor named Shinji Kikyo returns home one day to find himself the target of a mad assassin. Surviving somewhat miraculously, he fends off other assassins and with the help of reporter Keiko Tsurumaki and car mechanic Bill Otomo, eventually discovering that a "population control" association is really an assassination squad led by Shogo Mizorogi, who has been training patients of a mental asylum to become killers.
When a gifted Japanese craftsmen dies, his three daughters are summoned to decide who will take over the family ribbon business in this family drama. Only one daughter cares to carry on her father's work, but she is met with resistance from her stepmother. One sister cares nothing for the artisan tradition, while the other is an icy opportunist whose only love is for money. It is the daughter who cares the most for her father's work who wanders away in a symbolic journey of self discovery.
Original Music Composer
모스라가 사는 인펀트섬을 점령한 테러리스트들, 일명 '붉은 대나무'는 이곳을 기지로 삼고 주민들을 강제로 일을 시킨다. 바다에는 에비라랍스터가 지키고 있어서 탈출은 불가피하다. 그때 주인공 일행이 동굴에서 고지라를 발견하고 고지라 머리에 칼을 올려놓고 고지라를 깨운다 깨어난 고지라는 테러 리스트들의 기지를 파괴하고 에비라와 한판 뜬다. 그때 모스라가 돌아오고 고지라랑 협공해 에비라를 해치운다.
Original Music Composer
A touching story following young shamisen string maker, Saku. Beautiful Saku moves to Lake Yogo, known for its production of quality shamisen strings, only to find her peaceful life turned upside down when a master musician takes personal interest in her.
Japanese war movie.
Original Music Composer
When an only child is struck by a car and dies, the child's mother seeks vengeance against the driver in this thrilling drama. The car was driven by the wife of a company president who is having an affair. The woman's husband manages to buy silence about the incident, but the victim's mother discovers the identity of the driver. After she secures a job in the home of the company president and his philandering spouse, the woman plans to murder the couple's son when he reaches the age of her late son.
Original Music Composer
Natsuko, a Tokyo bar proprietress, and Yuki, a Kyoto Ryokan owner, vie for the affections of an advertising professional.
Original Music Composer
류노스케는 분노죠오와의 경합을 앞두고 비열한 수를 써 그를 죽음으로 이끈다. 코겐 일도류의 원한을 사게 된 류노스케는 고향을 떠나 신선조에 가담하지만 그의 비열함은 여전하고 분노죠오의 동생인 효마와의 결투를 앞두게 된다. 효마는 류노스케와의 결투를 앞두고 전심전력을 다하여 수련하던 중 도망간 류노스케를 따라 교토로 가게 된다. 거기서 류노스케가 죽인 노인의 손녀인 오마츠를 기방에서 다시 만나게 되고 그녀는 그를 위해 류노스케의 뒤를 캐게 된다. 신선조는 홍쟁으로 어지럽고 끝내 자신의 검에 홀린 류노스케는 정신이 나가 신선조 대원들과 싸움을 벌이게 된다.
Original Music Composer
Before leaving prison, Oida uncomfortably enters into an agreement with his cell mate: in exchange for a half-share of 30,000,000 yen, he is to assassinate three strangers given to him on a list. However, upon meeting his first potential victim, Oida has second thoughts. Yet, even as he tries to back out, the body count starts climbing. Oida must now try to alert the people on his list of their impending danger, and find out why they are being targeted in the first place.
Original Music Composer
After being mistaken for an Interpol agent, a man who was just supposed to go on vacation gets mixed up in a war between two gangs intent on winning the favor of a notorious arms dealer.
Young widow Ine is suffering under the harsh treatment of her mother in law. As a former Geisha, Ine had struggled to be accepted into the well-established Rokujo family from the beginning. With the support of Jiro, a young man Ine's late husband had saved from homelessness as a young boy, Ine tries to keep the family's heritage of silk processing alive. Their close relationship soon causes gossip among the villagers and threaten Ine's position in the family even further ...
Original Music Composer
Charged with insubordination for punching a superior, Sergeant Kosugi is shipped to China in the last desperate days of the Second World War. His commander, Captain Sakuma, is vicious and dictatorial. Sakuma places Kosugi in charge of training for combat what once was the military band. Kosugi must somehow prepare his inept soldiers for the rigors of combat.
Original Music Composer
Remake of Kurosawa's films Sanshiro Sugata and Sanshiro Sugata part 2. A young man, Sanshiro Sugata, troubled by personal problems, takes up judo. His teacher, Shogoro Yano, is a devout man who has aroused the enmity of the local practitioners of jujitsu, the older and more accepted of the two sports. Sugata uses his newly learned prowess to gain a measure of respect from others; however, Shogoro insists that the sport has a spiritual side, a lesson Sugata has yet to learn. Eventually, in hand-to-hand combat with the father of a young woman he loves, he comes to understand the true meaning of judo.
Original Music Composer
A tale of three Yakuza gamblers who traveled Japan during the samurai era living by their wits and sword skills. Told in 3 separate vignettes, each part tells the story of a different drifter’s life. Part 1: A man is on the run after killing two Hasshu Officials to avenge his Boss. He must make a life or death decision as he is asked to protect a gang from attack. Part 2: A pair of gamblers chased out of a crooked game must fight not only their pursuers, but the ghosts of their pasts as well. Part 3: A wanderer who wants to live according to the Yakuza Code, but is not sure that he can do so when asked to save a town from an evil official.
Original Music Composer
Three stories revolve around independence, a man searching for his wife, and a poor craftsman trying to make money.
Original Music Composer
나가사키에 있는 독일의료원에서 의학공부를 마치고 에도로 돌아온 야스모토는 시골 병원에서 인턴 과정을 밟게 된다. 귀족들을 상대하는 왕립의료원에서 일하기를 원했던 그는 하층민들이 주로 오는 공동 진료소로 오게 되자 불만을 품게 된다. 하지만 자만심으로 가득 차 있던 야스모토는 ‘붉은 수염’이라 불리는 시골 병원장의 진정한 모습에 점차 동화되어 가면서 진정한 의술을 배우게 된다.
Original Music Composer
미후네 도시로 주연의 통쾌시대극. 시현일류의 비책을 가진 검호 니이로시 쓰루치요는 자신의 출생의 비밀을 알지못한채 유유자적 하루하루를 살아간다. 그런 그가 사무라이가 되기 위해 다이로・ 이이나오스케 암살 계획에 가담하게 되는데... (2011년 한국영상자료원 - 오카모토 기하치 감독전)
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Set in the pleasure district of Kyoto, Tamiko (Yoshiko Mita, in her first lead role) is a young girl attending high school by day and training as a geisha at night She sees her future as an entertainer, not a prostitute, & she expects a happy marriage with a medical student, Yasuke (Katsuo Nakamura), a sweet fellow she deeply loves. but things started to getting worse for Tamiko and she's forced to become the mistress of the disgusting Tsukada (Seiji Miyaguchi).
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Misawa Ihei (Nagato) is traveling with his wife Tae (Iwashita Shima) who abhors the practice of sword fighting for prize money. Tae is the daughter of the clan's chief counselor who married the low-ranking Ihei to avoid becoming the clan lord's mistress. Into the mix comes Oba Gunjuro (Tetsurō Tamba), a mysterious ronin who will do anything for money. This leads to a fitting climax as the forces of hate and love converge while the couple attempt to break through the border!
Original Music Composer
During the mayoral election, two ex-prisoners decide to replace the lucky pen of an annoying candidate with a mini-bomb.
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In a village subsisting on its herring fishery, a one-eyed criminal named Jakoman terrorizes the inhabitants. One of them, the son of the head of one of the fish companies by the name of Tetsu, decides to overthrow Jakoman and his cohorts.
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Adaptation of novel.
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양주 메이커 홍보부에 근무하는 평범한 36살 남자 에부리만의 생활을 통해 전중전후를 힘겹게 살아온 샐러리맨의 비애와 굴절된 심정을 그려낸 걸작.
원작은 야마구치 히토미의 나오키상 수상작으로 대담한 편집과 애니메이션 삽입등 참신한 수법이 넘쳐나는 오카모토 기하치의 대표작 중 하나.
(2011년 한국영상자료원 - 오카모토 기하치 감독전)
Original Music Composer
With her family suffering from extreme poverty, Yuko, as the eldest daughter, is sold to a successful brothel in Kyoto. There she is assigned to serve Takamatsu, one of the brothel’s top customers. But while Takamatsu falls madly in love with Yuko, she finds herself attracted to a young priest named Kunugida. Torn by jealousy, Takamatsu hatches an evil plan to tear them apart.
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An adventurous and daring sailor sets sail to the castle of an ailing king to stop an evil premier, hungry for power and wealth, from succeeding the throne and marrying the king's beautiful daughter. Along the way, with the help of some courageous rebels and a lustful wizard, he must overcome the powers of a bewitching witch, a band of ruthless pirates, and the castle's Imperial guards. He must also free those kidnapped into slavery and restore the king's reputation.
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Director Jun'ya Satô's debut film focuses on the inhuman training of recruits, the brutal drill system that reigned in the Japanese army during World War II, where in the first two years of training, ordinary people were turned into inhuman killers. For his first film, the director was awarded the Blue Ribbon Awards in the Debutant of the Year nomination.
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Upon his release from the prison, Hishakaku joins the Kikkyo family who is struggling to regain their turf from their rival, Domoto family. To reciprocate the kindness of the Kikkyos, Hishakaku heads to meet the leader of Domoto, Osumi, and finds himself emotionally involved with her.
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During World War II, Japan sends gold to the Phillipines. After the war, the gold is lost in the bay of Manille. Former soldier Takeichi Matsuo is now working as a business executive. He meets Mintsura Gunji, the boss of a large company, who offers him to go to the Philippines and bring back the gold.
A brave, highly principled warrior resigns his post as a body guard to the head of a powerful clan after he learns that his employers have been smuggling arms to the enemy. The remaining samurai try in vain to coerce him back, but their efforts are thwarted by crooked warriors who launch an attack...
Original Music Composer
After eloping with a prostitute named Otoyo, Hishakaku takes refuge in the Kogane family’s turf. Indebted to Boss Kogane for his kindness, Hishakaku swears to dedicate himself to protect the Koganes in time of crisis. Hishakaku’s humble life comes to a sudden halt when the Kogane family becomes involved in a fatal feud with their rival, and Hishakaku’s services are called upon.
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신발 제조 회사의 중역인 곤도는 회사의 주도권을 잡기 위해 자신의 전 재산을 회사에 투자한 상태다. 어느 날 그는 자신의 아들이 납치됐으며 범인이 엄청난 몸값을 요구하고 있다는 통보를 받고 회사냐 아들이냐 하는 선택의 기로에 서게 된다. 하지만 정작 납치된 것은 그의 아들이 아니라 그의 운전사의 아들이란 사실이 밝혀지면서 곤도는 또 다른 고민에 빠지게 되는데...
After their father dies, his children try to get by on a house boat.
Original Music Composer
Soldiers on the front lines in China during World War II are besieged by guerrilla attacks and attempt to destroy an enemy fort.
Tells the story of Shintaro, a lawyer who quits his job to work at a camera factory, and his love adventures.
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As descendent of famed fishmonger Isshin Tasuke, young feisty Ishii Tasuke uses his talent to flourish his employer’s food business.
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늦은 밤 일군의 젊은이들이 외딴 집에 모여 그들의 성에서 일어나고 있는 부패를 일소하기로 결의한다. 하지만 곧 그들은 그곳에 또 한 명의 낯선 사람이 자신들의 얘기를 엿듣고 있다는 것을 알아챈다. 그는 산주로라는 이름의 떠돌이 사무라이로 그 젊은이들이 잘못된 판단을 하고 있다며 비웃는다. 그리고는 이 슬기롭지는 않지만 정의로운 젊은이들과 뜻을 같이 하기로 한다.
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A touching story about a young boy, Genta, who bravely takes on life's challenges in hopes of finding a better life for himself and his sickly mother.
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Four fishermen friends are caught up in a piracy plot.
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The story of two young men whose ambition is to become the personal bodyguards to the Shogun's uncle, Lord Mito Komon. Portrayed by a pair of up and coming stars, Sasaki Sukesaburo (Matsukata), the son of a widower and Atsumi Kakunoshin (Kitaoji), whose mother is a widow find themselves constantly in trouble and are forced to become two of the most powerful fighters in all Japan. The stories about Mito Komon and his travels througout Japan are many, but this is one that had yet to be told. The struggles of Suke-san and Kaku-san faced in order to join the Elder in his quest to fight against injustice and corruption during the samurai era.
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An employee at an oil cartel (Mihashi) is haunted by an act years before when he euthanized a fellow soldier when the two were adrift at sea during the Pacific War. Matters are complicated further when he falls in love with the soldier's younger sister (Tsukasa).
Original Music Composer
떠돌이 무사가 어느 마을의 여인숙에 들린다. 그곳은 두 패로 나뉜 악인의 무리가 세력다툼을 벌여 유령 마을처럼 되어버린 야도바 마을. 무사는 악인의 무리 중에서 돈을 많이 주는 쪽인 비단을 파는 사람들의 요짐보가 되어 일을 해준다. 하지만 술을 파는 무리 중 한 명의 아들인 우노스케가 권총을 갖고 마을로 들어오며 상황은 급변한다. 우노스케는 자신이 속한 파와 적대적인 관계에 있는 무리들을 무차별적으로 죽인다. 운 좋게도 요짐보는 마을 여관주인의 도움으로 마을 밖으로 도망쳐 근처에 있는 절 가까이 숨어 있는다. 하지만 얼마 후 여관주인이 우노스케에 의해 납치당했다는 사실을 알고 다시 마을로 들어오는데...
Original Music Composer
에 이어 세키자와 신이치가 각본을 맡은 오카모토 기이치 감독의 '암흑가'시리즈 중 하나. 테스트 드라이버 였던 형의 사고사를 수상하게 여긴 한 남자가 사건의 진상을 파헤치던중 국제적인 산업스파이단이 관련있음을 알게되는데… (2011년 한국영상자료원 - 오카모토 기하치 감독전)
Original Music Composer
Follow-up to Desperado Outpost (1959) sees Japanese soldiers seeking the flag of a defeated regiment in China.
Senko Tamagawa is a third-year junior high school student, and she is the captain of the badminton club. Her father, Kinzo, remodeled her barn and lent it to her only Mikayo. Senko was somehow envious of her flashy life... In a tragedy with a girl living in the base as the main character, Katsumi Miki of "Life like a weed" adapted the original story of Muraji Uchiki and directed by Eisuke Takizawa of "Ajisai no Uta".
Original Music Composer
어느 대기업 회장의 딸과 회장 비서의 결혼식장에 케이크가 배달된다. 몇 년 전 기업의 뇌물 수수 스캔들을 잠재우기 위해 강제적으로 투신자살한 간부의 아들이 보낸 것이다. 케이크의 배달을 시작으로 그의 복수가 시작되는데...
Original Music Composer
Kikumori runs a cabaret on the docks, while his friend Kaji operates transport boats. When a gang of drug dealers tries to force the pair to cooperate in a smuggling scheme, conflict arises between the two friends. Falsely blamed for murder, Kikumori is blackmailed into an attempt to sabotage Kaji's boats and kill him. But the friendship between the two men proves an obstacle to the gangleader's plans.
Chuji Kunisada returns to his home village to find that Jubei Matsui, the corrupt magistrate, has been responsible for virtually destroying Kunisada's family. A final tragedy leads Kunisada to join with a band of rogues living in the forest in robbing from the rich and giving to the poor, always with an eye toward avenging himself on Magistrate Matsui.
Original Music Composer
약점잡힌 은행간부가 자기 은행을 터는 과정도 재미있지만, 협박범의 배후가 누구인지 드러나는 과정도 흥미진진하고 서로의 인성 밑바닥까지 드러내보이는 후반부의 구성도 좋다. 은행털이가 돈이 목적이 아니라 사적인 복수가 목적인 것, 은행은 털지만 실제로 없어진 돈이 없다는 점도 참 명민한 시나리오.
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Japanese police detective Saburo Fujioka is suspected of corruption, demoted, and sent to the city of Kojin. Kojin is the scene of fierce fighting between rival gangs. Fujioka is assigned to investigate the death of the wife of gangster Tetsuo Maruyama of the Kozuka gang, probably at the hands of one of the Oka gang. During a gang gunfight, Maruyama is rescued by Detective Fujioka and the two become friends. But Maruyama insists on avenging his wife's murder, even if it means conflict with his new friend.
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When Sergeant Okubo's brother is murdered at a Japanese outpost in Northern China during the Second World War, Okubo poses as a war correspondent and seeks out his brother's killer.
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A modern love story involving different affairs.
Kensaku Muro and his father manage a farm in Sakudaira at the foot of the Yatsugatake Mountains. One day Kensuke saves a suicidal woman, Fukiko Uzu, who jumps into a waterfall. Having injured his eyes in the process, he is brought to Tokyo for medical treatment. In Tokyo, Kensaku visits his mother Kaneko who left her son years ago. She now owns an exclusive club and has a son, Isao, with the president of Kobe Concern. Isao plots to steal Kensuke's farm as part of a land development scheme with Fukiko's husband. Without knowing they are blood related, their conflict over the farm intensifies.
On a post-war peaceful day in Japan, Toyomatsu Shimizu, a barber as well as a good father and husband, is suddenly arrested by the Prefectural Police as a war criminal and sued for murder.
Original Music Composer
At about the same time as lwami, president of a Tokyo company is murdered by an unknown assailant, it happens that an urgent call has been received from an airline company's office on remote Hachijo Island for a special serum. A Cessna aircraft which has been chartered by a man named Ohashi takes off for the island with the serum piloted by Ishida. But when airborne, Ohashi, who is the murderer of lwami, holds up Ishida at gunpoint and orders him to land on a small island west of Hachijo where a ship is waiting to take him to Hong Kong...
Original Music Composer
전쟁포로에서 탈출한 두 농부가 고향으로 돌아가던 중 우연히 황금을 발견한다. 그 황금은 비밀 요새에 은신 중인 유키 공주와 마카베 장군이 왕국의 재건을 위해 숨겨둔 것. 이제 유키 공주와 마카베 장군은 두 농부와 함께 황금을 짊어진 채 적진 한가운데를 관통하는 대장정에 나선다.
말을 타고 달리면서 벌어지는 군무, 위기가 끝나는 순간 다시 시작하는 위기, 두 장수가 만나서 벌이는 진검승부, 그리고 유머와 교묘한 극작술, 호쾌한 주인공들과 다양한 등장인물 속에서 구로사와 아키라는 이제는 더 이상 볼 수 없는 통쾌무비한 재미의 진수를 펼쳐보인다. 구로사와 특유의 호쾌한 액션과 유머 감각이 빛나는 작품으로 최고의 엔터테인먼트 영화 감독으로서 구로사와의 탁월한 능력을 확인시켜주는 영화. 조지 루카스의 스타 워즈의 모태가 된 것으로도 특히 유명하다.
Former boxer Daishiro lost his wife, and his only son, Kaoru, went missing, it was a heavy blow for Daishiro. One day, Daishiro got a call from his relative Morihiko. He said he forgot the winning lottery ticket of 2 million yen at the hotel, so he wants Daishiro to go and pick it up. Morihiko used the hotel for secret meetings, so he said he couldn't go there himself because he was afraid it would become public. When Daishiro entered the hotel, the Yakuza, who learned about the lottery from the newspaper, threaten the hotel maid Noriko, and want to rob her. Daishiro helps Noriko and safely picks up the lottery, but a message arrives from his relative Seikichi from Osaka. His missing son Kaoru is said to be a boxer in Osaka. "My son... He has the blood of a boxer in him..." Daishiro is heading to Osaka in a hurry...
Original Music Composer
Nuclear tests create a radioactive man who can turn people into slime.
Original Music Composer
The young Takako Kuramoto has come to Tokyo to study and starts working for the rich Tashiro family as tutor of the daughter, Kumiko, while she receives attention from her two older brothers, Yukichi and Shinji. Meanwhile, the exact parentage of Shinji comes to light.
Original Music Composer
Udaka is a new, post-war city where corruption has already taken hold. A persistent district attorney wants to arrest and convict Katsumata, a laughing, self-confident thug. The D.A. gets an anonymous letter about the suicide five years' before of a city council member. Evidence about the case leads the D.A. to Tachibana, struggling to go straight after involvement with the mob and a prison sentence for killing the man responsible for the rape and suicide of his fiancée. One of Tachibana's friends is Keiko, the daughter of the dead councilman and the ward of another powerful official. How do these stories connect?
A movie adaptation of Funayama Kaoru's novel of the same name, which depicts the story of a modern youth who is attracted to the evil path. Saburi Shin, a well-known actor who also demonstrated his skill as a director in a bold social work, embodies a person with a complicated dilemma in a shadowy manner, and is a dramatic work that plays a part in the lead role.
An Ishiro Honda film.
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A former boxer gets involved with a club hostess trying to escape the clutches of her gangster employer.
Original Music Composer
사방을 둘러싸이고 햇빛이 들지 않는 에도의 변두리에 동할 연립 주택. 더러워져 몹시 황폐해진 이곳에 이미 인간임을 단념한 무리가 살고 있다. 하지만 외관의 비참함과는 반대로 연립 주택에는 낙천적인 공기가 떠돌고 있었다. 어느 날 이 연립 주택에 떠돌이 노인이 들어왔다. 이 세상의 거센 파도에 휩쓸려 온 노인은 연립 주택의 무리에게 여러 가지 이야기를 해주었다. 환자의 아침에는 평온함을 배우에 게는 알콜 중독을 달래 주는 말을. 그러한 노인의 말에 연립 주택의 분위기는 점점 이상해져 가고...
Original Music Composer
The actor Koheiji is terribly in love with the wife of his best friend, the playwright Takuro; to get her, he would even kill Takuro.
A sophisticated comedy about love games between men and women that arise from an intentionally dropped train ticket.
Original Music Composer
전쟁에서 이기고 성으로 돌아가던 와시즈는 산속에서 길을 잃고 헤매다가 마녀를 만난다. 마녀로부터 새 영주가 될 것이라는 예언을 들은 와시즈는 갈등에 휩싸이다 결국 영주를 죽이고 권력을 차지하는데...
Original Music Composer
나츠히사(이시하라 유지로)는 마음대로 여자를 가지고 놀며 방탕한 생활을 하는 소위 '태양족'이나 남동생 신지(츠가와 마사히코)는 형과는 달리 왜소한 몸에 아직 여자라곤 모르나 어느 날 우연히 스치고 지나간 에리(기타하라 미에)에게 순진한 느낌을 가지고 있다. 나츠히사 무리들이 모이는 파티에 에리를 동반했던 신지는 에리와 함께 빠져나와 차로 후미까지 달려 태어나서 처음으로 입맞춤을 하고 뜨거운 사랑을 느낀다. 그러나 나츠히사는 남동생의 마음을 알면서도 에리와 육체 관계를 가지게 된다. 에리는 신지의 순정을 사랑하는 한 편 나츠히사의 강인한 육체에도 강하게 끌리고 있다. 친구인 히라사와(오카다 마스미)에게 모든 것을 들은 신지는 모터보트로 두 사람을 쫓는다. 쨍쨍하게 내리쬐는 한여름의 태양 아래 신지의 보트는 두 사람이 탄 요트의 주변을 따라붙듯 선회한다. 싸움 끝에 나츠히사와 에리를 바다에 빠뜨린 신지의 보트는 바닷속 그들을 향해 질주해 간다.
Original Music Composer
The film tells the story of a group of high school boxing team members who spend their days drinking, sailing and chasing girls, and who more often than not spend their nights getting into brawls. In particular, it focuses upon Tatsuya, a sullen young man, who falls in love with Eiko, a proud upper-class girl.
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The story of a professional nude model stalked by a bizarre, unknown man wearing a hideous mask.
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Ise, a successful entrepreneur, accidentally murders his lunatic wife after he is spotted having an affair with his secretary, Harumi. In his attempt to perfect his crime, he drives to a remote quarry to bury his wife’s body, but along the way, he finds another dead body in the back of his car! Given no choice, Ise dumps both bodies. Meanwhile, Yoshie begins her search for her missing brother, Yoshihiko. After surprising twists and turns, Ise faces his fate.
Original Music Composer
주물공장을 경영하는 노인 나카지마 기이치는 원자폭탄과 수소폭탄의 위협을 피하려면 일본을 떠나야 한다며, 전 재산을 던져 브라질로 이민을 준비한다. 브라질 이민을 결코 찬성할 수 없는 가족들은 그를 한정치산자로 선고해 달라고 가정법원에 신청한다. 가정재판소의 조정위원을 맡고 있는 치과의사 하라다는 나카지마 노인의 주장에 마음이 흔들리면서도, 현실적인 선택으로 한정치산자 선고를 인정할 수밖에 없다. 아무것도 할 수 없게 된 나카지마 노인은 핵에 대한 불안과 공포 속에 점차 기력을 잃어가고, 공장을 포기하지 않으려는 자식들을 설득하기 위해 급기야 공장에 불을 지르기에 이른다.
Original Music Composer
Special Forces commander Captain Tadamori returns to Kyoto after successfully defeating the uprising of pirates in the western sea of Japan. But because the high courtiers dislike career soldiers gaining power and influence, they ignore the will of ex-Emperor Toba and refuse to reward the captain. Reward recommender Lord Tokinobu is punished, and the captain sends his son Kiyomori to the Lord's residence, where he falls in love with Tokiko, the Lord's daughter. Meanwhile, Kiyomori finds out that he is possibly the ex-Emperor's son... Written by L.H. Wong
Original Music Composer
Three competing parties all race against time to track down an elusive creature known only as the Snowman.
Original Music Composer
1955년에 개봉된 고지라 시리즈의 두번째 작품. 1954년에 개봉한 고지라가 대히트를 치게 되자 당연히 후속작에 대한 이야기가 나오게 되었다. 그러던중 칸사이의 스폰서가 강력하게 요구한 탓으로 두번째 작품의 배경은 오사카로 옮겨가게 되었다. 무려 3개월 만에(!) 뚝딱 해치운 이 영화는 츠부라야 에이지가 특촬감독으로 단독 기명된 최초의 작품이기도 하다. 이전 작품에는 고지라만 등장했으나, 이 영화에선 최초로 고지라와 맞서는 상대편 괴수가 등장한다. 안기라스[3]가 그 첫 타자로서 고지라와 오사카성에서 대혈투를 벌인다.
In the town of Yumoto, Asakichi, a left-arm-less gambler who had been winning at the gambling hall, was attracted by the sound of a faintly heard storyteller, Saman, and left his seat. Asakichi was fascinated by the voice of Oyasu, who sounded exactly like his wife Ochiyo, who had died three years earlier. Asakichi told Oyasu that Ochiyo had fled with him to his home town of Omigawa just before he was deposed by the samurai Shingo Inaba, but that he had put her through a lot of hardship to make her die. Oyasu's husband Tokujiro was a palace carpenter in Edo, but his skills were damaged and he came to take a cure. Asakichi heard about Oyasu's story and offered him money, and Tokujiro's arm was almost completely healed by Oyasu's nursing care.
The final part of the trilogy. It is about a younger brother, Suekichi. He learned well the lessons that life taught his older brothers. Therefore, he does not think to study, but strives for material well-being alone. To make a career, he ruthlessly pushes his colleagues with his elbows. For him, the high ideals of trade union activists Jiro and Saburo are an example of old-fashioned thinking, naive behavior.