Elliott James Thomas Moore
Teenager (uncredited)
427페이지 시나리오를 외우는 능력자! 매일매일 요일별로 깔맞춤 하는 패션리더! 알바생들 깜짝 놀라게 만든 샌프란시스코 최고의 썸녀! 근데 ‘웬디’가 나보다 ‘스타 트렉’을 더 좋아하는 거 같아 고민이애오! ‘스타 트렉’ 시나리오 작가가 꿈이라고 무작정 LA로 떠난대오 멍무룩! 5월에는 ‘웬디’ 하고 싶은 거 다 해!
James is about a 12-year-old boy growing up with a disability and the fantasy world he creates around it to face his tormentors at school and heal his fractured family.
In 'Resurrection Slope' A young boy at the brink of adolescence takes a harrowing journey through a mystical dreamworld, confronting his emerging questions of individuality and gender. Through splintered fantasies of his reckless, fading beauty of a mother and cruel, alcoholic father, he performs a holy ritual that will one day form into a defiantly singular adult persona.