Ronald Rubin

참여 작품

Never Forget
Mr. Mermelstein (Leonard Nimoy) and Mrs. Mermelstein (Blythe Danner) a true-life California couple, thrown into the spotlight of judicial history in the 1980s. He is a Hungarian-born Jew, sole-survivor of his family's extermination at Auschwitz, and she is a Southern Baptist from Tennessee. Their four children are good kids, typical Americans, with just enough orneriness to irritate each other, but enough love and class to pull together when it counts. When challenged by a hate group to prove that Jews were actually gassed at Auschwitz, Mel Mermelstein rises to the occasion with the support of his wife and children, in spite of the dangers to himself, his business, and his family. William John Cox (Dabney Coleman) provides legal help (pro bono) as a lawyer, originally a Roman Catholic from Texas.
Living To Die
Poker Player
A burned-out private detective in Las Vegas gets involved in blackmail and murder.
Lost In London
Facing his parent's impending divorce and emotional upheaval, a young boy runs away and joins a gang of London street urchins who live by their wits, begging, and thievery.
A Doctor's Story
Executive Producer
A physician frustrates his family in his fight to prove that an elderly man is not senile.
A Doctor's Story
A physician frustrates his family in his fight to prove that an elderly man is not senile.
Don't Look Back: The Story of Leroy
The story of Leroy "Satchel" Paige, the legendary pitcher, from his barnstorming days in the 1920s, hoping to break into organized "negro" baseball, to his emergence at age 43 in the major leagues with the Cleveland Indians the year after Jackie Robinson broke baseball's color barrier.
Can Heironymus Merkin Ever Forget Mercy Humppe and Find True Happiness?
Skinny Writer
Heironymus Merkin screens an autobiographical movie of his life, growth and moral decay.
The Sergeant
Cpl. Cowley
THE SERGEANT is the story of the dark inner struggle of Master Sergeant Albert Callan to overcome the overwhelming attraction he feels for one of his charges. In the staid and stifling environment of a post-World War II army post in France, Callan's deeply repressed attraction to other men surfaces when he encounters handsome Private Swanson. Maintaining the rugged "man's man" image of a war hero, Callan barks orders to his underlings. Later, lonely in his solitude, he recalls the frightening experiences of war and the events that led to this crossroads. Filled with self-loathing and unable to act on the natural attraction he feels for Swanson, Callan's affection festers into antagonism. He pushes Swanson constantly with verbal assaults and undeserved punishments.
홍콩에서 온 백작부인
American Sailor
《홍콩에서 온 백작부인》은 1967년 개봉한 영국의 로맨틱 코미디 영화이다. 찰리 채플린이 감독과 각본을 맡았다. 영화 《파리의 여인》과 함께 찰리 채플린 연출작 중 그가 주연으로 출연하지 않는 영화 중 하나이며, 그의 유일한 컬러 필름이다.
베드포드 사건
Seaman 1st Class - Bridge
미국 해군 구축함 베드포드가 그린란드 연안에서 소련 잠수함을 발견한다. 민간인 기자 벤과 나토 해군 고문으로 2차 세계 대전 당시 U보트 함장을 지낸 볼프강 슈레프 준장이 경고했음에도 불구하고 사령부로부터의 명령도 무시한 채 함장 에릭은 무자비한 사냥감으로 내몰아 공격하고, 상대방 잠수함에서는 핵어뢰가 발사되고 마는데...