Bradford Dillman
출생 : 1930-04-14, San Francisco, California, USA
사망 : 2018-01-16
Bradford Dillman was an American stage, screen, and television actor, as well as an author starred in the taut crime drama Compulsion (1959). The lanky, dark-haired Dillman also played Robert Redford's best friend J.J. in The Way We Were (1973).
Dillman also appeared opposite Clint Eastwood in the Dirty Harry films The Enforcer (1976) and Sudden Impact (1983).
In director Richard Fleischer's Compulsion, derived from the infamous Leopold & Loeb case of the 1920s, Dillman and Stockwell starred as the brazen killers Arthur A. Straus and Judd Steiner, respectively, who think they have committed the perfect murder.
Dillman, Stockwell and Orson Welles (who played their attorney) shared best actor honors at the 1959 Cannes Film Festival. The Fox film was an adaptation of a Broadway hit, with Dillman taking on the role that Roddy McDowall had originated on the stage.
Mr. Burgess
David Leader investigates a seemingly senseless murder, and in the course of it is drawn into the labyrinth of a sinisterly unique wealthy family...
Man has finally conquered the ocean. America's first self-contained undersea laboratory is the pride of the nation, and expectations are high for an elaborate undersea mining operation. What wasn't expected was the inhabitants of an undiscovered world.
Walt Simmons
Chad Everett and his crack team of commandoes are sent into enemy territory in South America to recover the black box from a crashed Air Force cargo plane. They are sabotaged every step of the way, and one by one the ruthlessness of their guerilla tactics takes its toll on the commando men.
Frank Simmons
A lawyer, running away from his past, becomes a recluse in the Alabama woods and becomes the primary suspect in the abduction of a local boy.
Eric Noble
A powerful family that controls the world's banks has made a deal with Satan to help the forces of evil take over the world. An underground group named The Judges bands together to try to stop them.
론바이 가족과 친구들은 몬테 카를로에 위치한 카지노의 바에서 술을 마시던 중, 손님으로 가장한 강도들이 카지노 금고를 탈취하여 경찰과 총격전을 벌이는 모습을 보게 된다. 강도들은 경찰을 피해 달아나지만 대부분 총에 맞아 죽고 마지막 남은 강도는 론바이의 부인과 딸을 인질로 잡아 비행기를 이용해 도망치려 한다. 한차례의 격렬한 총격이 끝난 후 범인과 경찰은 죽게 되고 비행기 조종을 못하는 론바이 부인은 위기에 몰린다.
Captain Briggs
어느날 기묘한 살인사건이 발생한다. 범인은 묘령의 제니퍼 스펜서. 제니는 10년전 자신과 여동생을 집단폭행했던 일당을 찾아 복수하려는 것이다. 제니는 일당이 살고 있는 센폴로시를 찾아간다. 한편 해리는 암흑가의 거물 스로커스를 찾아가 사건 수사를 위해 추궁하다 스로커스가 심장마비로 죽자 암흑가의 복수의 대상이 된다. 여론에 쫓긴 국장과 특별수사반 브릭스 반장의 압력으로 해리는 강제로 휴가를 받게 된다. 강력계 도널리 반장은 해리를 기묘한 살인 사건의 배경수사라는 명목으로 센폴로로 보낸다. 센폴로 경찰서장 제닝스는 해리의 출현을 노골적으로 못마땅해하며 수사에 개입하지 말라고 한다. 제니의 복수극이 진행되는데도 제닝스 서장의 사건수사는 별다른 진전이 없다. 해리는 우연히 마주친 제니와 몇번 만난후 사건에 대한 심증을 굳힌다. 제니는 자신과 여동생이 폭행 당하고 여동생이 그 충격으로 식물 인간이 되었으나 범인들이 법의 심판을 받지도 않은 것에 복수극을 결심한 것. 제니는 범인 중 한명을 찾아갔을 때 제닝스 서장의 비밀을 알아내는데...
Walks Far Woman is a squaw of the Blackfoot tribe. She takes revenge on two men who killed her husband and then she is ostracized by her tribe. She then is adopted by the Sioux, the tribe of her mother, and there she tries to start a new life.
Arthur Jaeger
It's 1961. Two servicemen smuggle a box of military gear to USA. Leroy tries out a military camera and accidentally takes a picture of some military facilities. Army finds one of the pictures and thinks they're communist spies.
Harry Flemington
A group of tourists on a "once-in-a-lifetime" European vacation try to rekindle their romances with themselves.
Jason Eddington
A young woman has spent her life tormented by the death of her mother, who was on a ship torpedoed during World War II. When her father hires an investigator to look into the circumstances of the mother's death 30 years prior, it triggers a new rash of emotional turmoil for the young woman and uncovers a heinous crime.
Jack Matthews
Patty Duke loses weight and discovers her husband has been cheating on her.
Dr. Gary Shaw
This horrific dramatization of the Guyana tragedy traces the steps of Reverend Jim Jones, a highly charismatic, but profoundly paranoid clergyman, who after years of evangelism and good deeds, begins his own church in the mid-western United States. When Jim Jones becomes increasingly obsessed with the belief that the CIA is "a wicked enemy" who is out to get him, he emigrates with his congregation to Guyana, where he plans to create a utopia. But Jim Jones' utopia consists of a society where he demands his followers turn their minds, bodies and possessions over to him, one that is rife with orgies, physical violence, mental torture, and sexual abuse of children and adults. Ultimately, Jim Jones' paranoia reaches a fevered pitch that culminates in him taking savage action against his own congregation. (VCI Home Video)
Jim Brickman
Jackie Pruit is the girlfriend of notorious gangster Joe Bomposa. When it looks as if Bomposa's goons are threatening Jackie's life, the FBI moves in to protect her, hoping that she'll have incriminating evidence. Veteran agent Charlie Congers is assigned to watch over Jackie, and while it soon becomes apparent that she knows almost nothing about Bomposa that would be of any use to the FBI, he falls in love with her. Bomposa decides it would be more convenient to have Jackie out of the way, ordering her to be executed. Bomposa's henchmen slip through FBI security and murder her, but now they have to answer the angry and vengeful Congers.
Donald Prince
The widow of a wealthy shipbuilder tries to hold onto his business and becomes involved with boardroom intrigue in her bitter struggle to maintain control of the company. Based on British TV series "The Foundation." Pilot to a prospective series.
Paul Grogan
피서지로 유명한 호반에서 무전 여행을 하던 남녀가 행방 불명되는 사건이 발생한다. 조사에 나선 사립탐정 매기(Maggie McKeown: 헤더 멘지스 분)는 정부의 연구기관에서 비밀리에 식인어 피라나를 사육하고 있었음을 밝혀낸다. 찬물에 강하고 놀라운 번식력을 가진 변이종 피라나를 베트남 전쟁에 투입해 살인무기로 이용하려 했던 것이다. 그러나 식인어 피라나가 강으로 방류되면서 낚시와 보트놀이를 즐기던 가족들이 습격당하고 평화롭던 도시가 갑자기 공포 분위기로 휩싸이게 되는데...
Maj. Baker
미이일 통신 센터의 직원들이 몰살당하는 사고가 발생하자 슬레이터 소장은 원인 규명을 위해 현장에 출동했다가 곤충학자인 크레인 박사(마이클 케인 분)와 의사인 헬레나 대위(캐서린 로스 분)를 만난다. 몰살 원인이 살인 벌떼의 습격으로 밝혀지자 크레인은 사태 수습의 총 책임자로 임명되고, 면역학자 크림 박사(헨리 폰다 분)를 모셔와 해독제 제작에 몰두하게 된다.
Former DEA Agent Quinlan, removed from the force some years earlier for stealing confiscated drug money, is hired by Chung Wei, a leader in the Amsterdam drug cartel, who wants out of the business. Quinlan's job is to use Chung's information to tip DEA agents to drug busts, thereby destroying the cartel. But when the first two "tips" go awry, resulting in murdered DEA officers, the feds must decide whether to trust Quinlan further...
John Wilkes Booth
Speculative Sunn Classics chestnut detailing a wide-ranging government conspiracy to murder the 16th American President and the subsequent cover up and escape of his killers.
Captain McKay
샌프란시스코 경찰 소속의 해리 경위(클린트 이스트우드 분)는 오로지 범죄자들을 소탕하는데 전력을 기울이는 정의의 경찰관이다. 범죄소탕에 필요하다면 서슴지 않고 무기라도 사용하여 범죄를 소탕하고 범인들을 과격하게 다루어 사건을 해결한다. 그러나 경찰의 신분을 이용하여 고위층의 인기를 얻어 정치적인 출세를 하려는 맥케이 서장은 이러한 해리를 못마땅하게 생각한다. 서장은 범죄소탕의 과정에서 시민들에게 피해를 입혔다는 이유로 해리를 강력반에서 인사부로 전출시킨다. 인사부에서 경찰관들의 진급심사를 맡게 된 해리는 승진을 위해 심사를 받으러 온 여성 경찰관인 케이트를 맞아 여자의 능력으로는 위험하고 고된 경찰업무를 제대로 수행할 수 없다는 선입관을 가지고 어려운 질문을 한다. 하지만 케이트는 영리하고 확실한 답변을 하여 해리에게 깊은 인상을 남긴다. 한편 테러 범죄단인 시민혁명단은 경찰의 무기고에서 중무기까지 탈취하고 시장을 납치하여 거액의 몸값을 요구한다. 사태가 위급해지자 서장은 해리를 다시 강력반으로 복귀시키고 사건을 해결하도록 명령하면서 케이트를 파트너 경찰로 임명하는데...
Avery Stanton
In this pilot for the "Kingston: Confidential" series, an investigative reporter, backed by the head of a newspaper and TV chain, uncovers a plot to utilize nuclear power plants in a scheme to take over the world.
Howard Bronstein
In this detective drama, a prosecutor investigates a murder and finds that it is connected to a recent mugging. In the end, he is led to convict a high-ranking crime lord.
A woman is left on her own to raise her two children after the unexpected death of her husband.
Ruben Bass
Two brothers plot to get their third brother out of jail.
An executive falls in love with and marries his secretary. However, he soon begins to suspect that she may be a demon who is after possession of his soul.
Gary Stevens
A former hitman hides out in a remote fishing village but his secret soon begins to surface.
Prof. James Parmiter
지구 중심부의 진동 이후 폭발적으로 생겨난 거대한 바퀴벌레의 돌연변이들이 도시를 위협한다. 카본을 먹어치우고 보이는 대로 모든 생물체에 불을 지르는 이 곤충떼에 아내를 잃은 과학자의 지휘로 마침내 도시엔 다시 평화가 찾아온다.
An American jazz pianist, blinded in a London bank robbery ten years before, makes his first return appearance in England at an engangement party where he believes he hears the voice of the gunman who cost him his sight.
Michael Dominick
Ned McLean
The curse of the legendary blue Hope Diamond on all its owners is dramatized from the gem's discovery in 17th Century India until its donation to the Smithsonian Institute.
Martin Reed
A madman hijacks the luxury cruise liner, S.S. Queen, and threatens to blow it up unless a millionaire pays him the the contents of a safe deposit box. The crew regains control of the ship, but the hijacker dies, taking the codes to disarm the bomb with him.
Lt. Danny Ianello
The wife of an executive finds her husband shot to death and destroys his suicide note in order to claim his insurance.
Michel Lagrange
A young woman with psychic powers is obsessed with having a child. Even though she is unable to conceive, her desire to do so creates a supernatural force determined to fulfill her wishes
Maj. Mike Dunning
Colonel Pete Moore (Glenn Ford) is commander of the Whitney Radar Test Group, which has been experiencing electrical difficulties aboard its aircraft. To ferret out the problem, he sends a four-man crew on Flight 412. Shortly into the test, the jet picks up three blips on radar, and subsequently, two fighters scramble and mysteriously disappear. At this point, Flight 412 is monitored and forced to land by Digger Control, a top-level, military intelligence group that debunks UFO information. The intrepid colonel, kept in the dark about his crew, decides to investigate the matter himself.
Big Eddie
Uncle Frank Kelly calls on Harry Crown to help him in a gang war. The war becomes personal when Harry's new girlfriend is kidnapped by Uncle Frank's enemy, Big Eddie.
Manfred Steyner
남아프리카공화국의 손더디치 광산의 대표를 맡고 있는 맨프레드는 현장 총감독으로 로드 슬레이터(로저 무어)를 스카우트한다. 우연히 맨프레드의 집에 방문한 로드는 그의 아내 테리와 눈이 맞고 두 사람은 불륜에 빠진다. 그러던 어느 날, 지하의 수맥이 터지는 바람에 광산에 대형사고가 터지고 로드는 인부들을 구하기 위해 위험을 무릅쓰고 지하로 내려가는데… (채널더무비)
Peter Macomber
A group of diverse individuals are suddenly taken from their homes and flown via helicopter to a futuristic bomb shelter in the desert, nearly two miles below the surface of the Earth. There they learn that a nuclear holocaust is taking place and that they've been "chosen" by computer to survive in the shelter in order to continue the human race. The shelter is designed to allow the people to exist underground comfortably for years, but they are faced with a threat nobody could have predicted: a colony of thousands of bloodthirsty vampire bats finds a way into the shelter and launches a series of vicious attacks where they claim the humans one by one.
Matt Clifton
A woman tries to protect her family from supernatural forces who are trying to take control.
Sam Champion
An attorney comes out of retirement to defend a prominent doctor, who has been accused of the mercy killing of his wife.
Willie Oban
Set in 1912, inside a dive bar named The Last Chance Saloon, its destitute patrons eagerly await the arrival of Hickey, who arrives annually and props everyone up with free drinks and spirited stories of his travels. However, when Hickey does show up this year, it is with a message of temperance and an exhortation to give up hopeless dreams and face reality.
대학 캠퍼스에서 마주친 캐티(바브라 스트라이샌드)와 허블(로버트 레드포드), 한 여자는 정치 활동가이고, 한 남자는 소심한 공부벌레. 그 둘은 서로에게 열정적으로 이끌리나 함께 있으면 끊임 없이 부딪친다. 졸업 후 캐티는 정치 활동가로, 허블은 해군 장교로 근무하다 다시 만나 사랑을 확인하고 함께 살기 시작한다. 그러나 이들의 달콤한 사랑은 잠시, 또다시 정치적인 이슈로 다투고 결국은 헤어진다. 따로 헤어져 살아가는 사이, 남자와 여자는 끊임 없이 서로를 사랑한다는 사실을 인정하고, 그리워하여 다시 함께 살며 캐티는 정치 활동을 접고, 허블은 해군 생활을 그만두고 작가가 된다. 그러던 어느날 대학 동창 모임에서 결국 이들은 친구들 사이에 불붙은 정치적 논쟁을 피해가지 못한 채 캐티는 흥분하게 된다. 떨어져 있으면 그리운 이 두 남녀는 그러나 서로 갈 길이 다르다는 사실을 인정하고 헤어져 각자의 길을 간다. 한참의 세월이 흐른 후, 어느 거리에서 정치 선전 전단을 나눠주며 목청을 높이는 캐티를 본 허블, 허블이 어떤 여자와 함께 가는 것을 전단을 나눠주며 바라만 보는 캐티. 두 사람은 여전히 사랑하고, 그리워하지만, 함께 살 수는 없다는 사실을 알고 있기에 그저 바라만 보는 것으로 영화는 끝난다. 그들은 함께 한 그들의 시절을 그리워할 것이다.
Steven Dennis
Several men hiking in the mountains discover an injured skyjacker who parachuted from a plane with $600,000. They kill him, then start fighting each other over the money.
Andrew Rodanthe
After several locals are viciously murdered, a Louisiana sheriff starts to suspect he may be dealing with a werewolf.
Randy Jamison
A government agent with a photographic memory is assigned to solve the disappearance of an entire fleet of old Air Force planes.
Jeffrey Winslow
A young man inherits the ability to see visions beyond the grave.
Sen. Clayton Zachary Wheeler
A U.S. Senator is spirited away to a secret New Mexico medical lab after a serious car crash. His injuries are completely healed by a secret organization that has developed advanced medical technology. What does the organization want in exchange for saving his life? Meanwhile, a reporter who witnessed the accident decides to investigate the senator's disappearance.
Frank Klaner
A deranged mother avenges herself on the man she thinks seduced her daughter by imprisoning him in a cage in her basement.
Jim Meeker
Five young women find themselves at the mercy of a mysterious killer while vacationing on an isolated island.
Lloyd Thomas
An enigmatic man (Sidney Poitier) returns to his Alabama hometown as his sister is dying of cancer and incites the suspicion of notable town officials.
Dr. Lewis Dixon
원숭이가 지배하는 지구의 미래 모습을 알고 있는 코넬리우스(로디 맥도웰)와 지라(킴 헌터)는 인간들에게 이 사실을 알려주기 위해 시간을 돌려 현재로 온다. 사람들은 원숭이 종인 줄만 알고 그들을 동물 보호소에 가두어둔다. 처음엔 신분을 드러내지 않았던 그들은 우연찮게 말을 하게 되고 그것을 보게 된 사람들은 그들이 예사롭지 않다는 것을 인정, 증언대에 세우게 된다. 코넬리우스와 지라는 그들이 미래에서 왔으며 미래에서는 그들이 인간들을 지배한다는 충격적인 발언을 한다. 이 광경이 TV로 전세계에 방영되자 이들을 우습게 보던 사람들은 극진한 대접을 하기 시작하는데...
Bill Delancey
A frustrated pianist himself, music journalist Myles Clarkson is thrilled to interview virtuoso Duncan Ely. Duncan, however, is terminally ill and not much interested in Myles until noticing that Myles' hands are ideally suited for piano. Suddenly, he can't get enough of his new friend, and Myles' wife, Paula, becomes suspicious of Duncan's intentions. Her suspicions grow when Duncan dies and Myles mysteriously becomes a virtuoso overnight.
Duke Paige
The pilot for the 1971 - 1972 series of the same title. Mike Longstreet, an insurance investigator in New Orleans loses his sight and his wife in an explosion and is determined to track down his wife's killers.
Capt. Myerson
War is brewing between the soldiers at an otherwise quiet army base and the civilians of a nearby Southern town. Brian Keith is an officer who tries to keep the peace. However, peace is hard to come by with Ernest Borgnine as a stereotypical dumb hick sheriff who's quick to call in the local militia. Tony Curtis plays a skirt-chasing sergeant who can't stay out of trouble and soon lands in jail. Brian Keith borrows a tank to release his friend from jail. Things get more chaotic after that.
Lyle Fawcett
A scuba team, a marine archaeologist and a Mexican historian join forces to reach the wreck of an historic Spanish galleon before a well-armed commercial expedition does.
Maj. Barnes
1945년 3월 초, 라인 강 유역에 남아있는 유일한 다리는 레마겐의 루덴도르프 교였다. 이 철교가 파괴되는 날에는 연합군이 독일로 진격할 수 없게 될 국면이다. 루덴도르프 교를 책임지고 있는 크루거 소령은 프로이센 출신의 귀족으로 집안의 전통에 따라 군에 입대했으며 본 브록 장군의 명령 하에 있다. 브록 장군은 철교를 폭파하려는 계획을 갖고 있다. 크루거는 미군이 고국으로 돌아가기 위해 다리를 건너기 전에 철교가 폭파되어 오도 가도 못하는 처지에 놓이기 전에 5만 명의 독일군이 철수하고 있다는 사실을 이미 알고 있다. 한편 연합군의 전위부대를 통솔하고 있는 필 하트만 중위는 철교를 사수하고 독일군의 퇴로를 차단하기 위해 이미 5개 사단을 급파한 상태이다. 하트만 중위는 출세를 위해서라면 부하들을 희생시키고도 남을 만한 자신의 상관 반스 소령을 신뢰하고 있지 않다. 설상가상으로 아무렇지도 않게 전우들의 시신에서 귀중품을 훔치는 무자비한 안젤로 상병과 같은 부하도 다뤄야하는 처지이다. 하트만 중위가 레마겐으로 진격해오는 동안 크루거 소령은 독일군의 퇴각을 위한 시간을 벌기 위해 브록 장군을 설득하고 있다. 드디어 연합군과 독일군은 유럽 전쟁 역사상 가장 치열했던 접전지였던 레마겐 철교에서 마주친다.
Jabez Link
Zero Mostel plays an inspector on the trail of criminals who have captured a robot called Chatze(sp?) played by Felix Silas. The inspector has delusions that he is a great Samurai warrior and the movie flashes back and forth between present day and ancient times.
Paul Varney
A psychiatrist specializing in the occult becomes involved in the case of a man who is possessed by a spirit in an antique mirror. The man's fiance discovers that the mirror is able to bring back her former boyfriend, who had been killed in a car accident, from the dead.
Jonathan Fields
After inadvertently ingesting some sugar laced with LSD, a man wakes up with amnesia and in the middle of a murder plot.
Luther Sebastian
The men from U.N.C.L.E must stop a band of would-be sorcerers from using a deadly weapon.
Capt. David Young
During the Korean War Sergeant Paul Ryker is accused of defecting to Communist China and then returning to his unit as a spy. He's court-martialed and sentenced to death but his attorney believes Ryker's innocent and asks for a new trial.
Lt. Stiles
Calamity Jane tries to help Buffalo Bill Cody and Wild Bill Hickock stop an Indian war.
Sidney Tate
Grace Caldwell, a young Pennsylvania newspaper heiress living with her widowed mother, has trouble restraining herself when it comes to the amorous attentions of young men. As word starts to spread about her behavior, Grace becomes a major source of heartache for her mother and a big source of concern to her brother.
Narrator (voice; uncredited)
A rich but unscrupulous old woman plots with a scientist to have her brain implanted in the skull of a sexy young woman.
Documentary focusing on 25 year-old actress Jane Fonda as she and her director Andreas Voutsinas prepare a stage play called The Fun Couple for Broadway.
Francis Bernardone of Assisi
In 13th century Italy, Francis Bernardone, the son of an Assisi merchant, renounces a promising army career in favor of a monastic life and starts his own religious order, sanctioned by the Pope.
Gowan Stevens
In 1920s rural Mississippi, Nancy Mannigoe, an African-American servant, is placed on death row for the murder of Temple Drake's infant child. Temple, the daughter of the governor, pleads with her father to exonerate Nancy of the charges, explaining that Nancy acted in haste to prevent her from resuming her affair with a roguish Cajun called Candy Man. Details of Temple's sordid past are uncovered as she begs mercy for her faithful servant.
Capt. Paul Raine
Unbeknownst to him, a soldier is sent on a doomed mission because of the high likelihood of him divulging secrets if captured and tortured.
Larnier / Claude
A Story of two love triangles...
Arthur A. Straus
1924년 젊은 동성애자 커플이 어린 아이를 무참하게 살해하며 미국을 떠들썩하게 했던 실제 사건을 바탕으로 했다. 다만 영화는 이들의 범죄행각보다 검거 후 벌어지는 법정에서의 부조리한 상황에 대해 집중한다. 오슨 웰즈가 희대의 살인마를 사형에서 구해내기 위해 대담하게 행동하는 피고 측 변호사를 맡았다.
Alan Newcombe
Three Marines take shore leave in San Francisco during World War II. Frankie O'Neill visits his lower-class dysfunctional family; Nico Kantaylis visits his pregnant fiancée; and the upper-class Alan Newcombe visits his high-living playgirl girlfriend. Each must decide whether to make the best of his situation or break out of it. O'Neill drowns his troubles in alcohol, losing the respect of a potential lover; Kantaylis marries his fiancée, but realizes he may not survive the war to see his child; while Newcombe sheds his decadent girlfriend for a pure-hearted Hawaiian nurse. Later, in battle, a heroic act costs one of the Marines his life.
Bertrand Griot
A pretty Parisian law student falls in love with her boyfriend's uncle.
A college student faces embarrassment and expulsion for having cheated on an exam. Her fiance is a member of the university's undergraduate honor board and could quietly make the matter "disappear." The young woman reconsiders, deciding that covering up for her bad behavior would be wrong and build a bad foundation for their marriage.