Harvard Student
미국 여성운동에 앞장선 저널리스트이자 페미니스트인 글로리아 스타이넘의 전기영화
Court Clerk
70 년대 초 노스캐롤라이나주에서 일어난 시민 운동가인 앤 애트워터와 인종차별주의자 클레이본 폴 엘리스의 이야기에 초첨을 맞춘 책 , 오샤 그레이 데이비슨의 “Race and Redemption in the New South” 를 바탕으로 하고 있다 . 앤 애트워터는 하녀 출신에서 사회운동가가 되었으며 클레이본 폴 엘리스는 가난한 백인 노동 계급을 대신하여 도시회의에 참석 하기 시작 하였던 노동자 였으며 , 두 사람은 법원에서 명령한 인종차별 폐지 정책을 가지고 만나게 되면서 펼처지는 이야기 입니다.
Sandy-Haired Woman
A recently dumped divorcee in his late-twenties sets out to plan a wedding-sized divorced party in an attempt to get his life back on track.
Perky Assistant
Single mom Jenna Thompson only five weeks to deliver her next teen novel to her publisher. So, this year's annual beach vacation with her kids will be a working vacation. Upon arrival, the family soon meets their new next-door neighbor, confident, devil-may-care surfer Lucas McKinnon.
Production Assistant (uncredited)
To survive harsh economic times, Calvin and Angie have merged the barbershop and beauty salon into one business. The days of male bonding are gone as Eddie and the crew must now contend with sassy female co-workers and spirited clientele. As the battle of the sexes rages on, a different kind of conflict has taken over Chicago. Crime and gangs are on the rise, leaving Calvin worried about the fate of his son. Together, the friends come up with a bold plan to take back their beloved neighborhood.