Stunt Coordinator
Stunt Coordinator
Stunt Coordinator
35-year-old Eliska has a wedding and is waiting for her big moment. Instead of his "yes", the groom says "no" and runs away from the altar. Fortunately, overwhelmed Eliska has a great friend with a clear recipe for what needs to be done. She herself alternates boys as socks and therefore immediately bases her profile on a dating site. She doesn't like it very much, but she is middle-aged, she's single and she's afraid the train won't miss her. And she wants to take life more firmly in her hands. She therefore throws herself into a blind date and tries to find new love between a series of catastrophic meetings. At the same time, she has to move quickly and the only option is to live with her half-brother, a weirdo who grows bees on the roof and who does not want her at home.
Stunt Coordinator
Happiness is often found unexpectedly, so what? A lesbian couple raise their two children in perfect harmony when a man from the past intervenes. Violent psychopath demands the custody of his daughter, while his ex-wife suffers his terror. Two teenagers simply run away and a devout man does not have the strength to protect his love.
Stunt Coordinator
Stunt Coordinator
때는 19세기 프랑스. 전국을 돌아다니며 괴물들과 악귀들을 퇴치해 준다는 명목으로 돈벌이를 하는 ‘사기꾼 퇴마사’ 형제 윌(맷 데이먼) 그림과 제이크(히스 레저) 그림. 프랑스 정부는 이들 형제의 어설픈 사기행각을 눈치채게 되고, 그림형제는 목숨을 건지기 위해 정부와 협상을 한다. 정부는 그림형제를 알 수 없는 이유로 처녀들이 연이어 사라지는 정령이 깃든 마법의 숲, ‘마르바덴’으로 이들을 보내버린다. 그 곳에서 살아남기 위해서 그림형제는 소녀들을 구해야만 한다. 마법의 숲 마르바덴에 도착한 두 형제. 미스터리로 가득찬 숲 속에서, 전설에 둘러싸인 ‘거울여왕’(모니카 벨루치)과 맞닥뜨리게 된다. 라푼젤 성에 잠들어 있는 거울 여왕과 그녀의 주변을 맴도는 정체 불명의 늑대인간. 그녀의 정체와 비밀을 파헤치면서 그림 형제는 진짜 모험을 시작하게 되는데…
Construction Manager
What is the meaning of life? What is love, humor, fear and death? Is it all just a dream? Who are we? Will we wake up, will we remember? Do beings from other dimensions help us? Can we finally understand the purpose of the Game? Who is the Creator? Where is the Kingdom of God? The new feature movie called The Meaning and Mystery of Life is looking for answers to these questions and many others as well. Question for Petr Vachler, the author of the story and screenplay, and the movie director: Why did you decide to make such an author-pronounced movie? “As a small kid I used to hide behind the house and cry because there was an end to everything, and there would be NOTHING afterwards. But what was that big NOTHING? This question accompanied me all my life, probably just like it has to the majority of us all.