Attila Gyula Balázs

Attila Gyula Balázs

출생 : 1984-10-21, Portland, Oregon


Attila Gyula Balázs (A.G. Balázs) was born in Portland, Oregon. His father, Otto Balazs, was a first born American citizen, poet, chef and army photographer. His Mother, Cheri (Creedon), an RN originally from Ontario, Canada who provided him with the means to follow his dreams. Attila moved with his mother to Oklahoma when he was 11 years old. In the late ots, the DSLR revolution lent a familiar feeling in the director's hand, but this new camera had much more potential than his father's military issued Nikon. He quickly began to direct music videos and hacking his camera with magiclantern and fitting ancient legendary lenses on modern cameras. As time went on, he learned every aspect of production, from pre through post as a way to understand the process intimately. While his main focus remains as a producer, director, actor, and editor, his ability to participate in any part of production allows him to be an Auteur for his personal productions. He is the Owner and Director of a boutique production company, Elephant Treehouse, located in the historic FilmRow of Oklahoma City and the Director of Education for The OKCFS. His latest goal, outside of producing personal projects, is to bridge the gap between LA and Atlanta by making Oklahoma City a premier destination for filmmakers worldwide.

프로필 사진

Attila Gyula Balázs
Attila Gyula Balázs

참여 작품

쥬라기 게임
Visual Effects
가상 세계인 게임 속으로 들어가 공룡과 싸워야 하는 인기 리얼리티 TV 쇼 ‘쥬라기 게임’ 잔인한 설정 때문에 인기만큼 논란도 많은 ‘쥬라기 게임’의 새시즌 참가자는 10명의 사형수다. 이들은 4단계에 걸쳐 미션을 수행하고, 오직 단 한 명의 최종 우승자에게만 자유가 주어진다. 서로를 믿지 못하는 참가자들은 시작부터 서로를 공격하고, 배신하며 게임을 이어나가고 이를 지켜보는 시청자들 사이에서의 논란은 점차 커지게 되는데....
Splice Wars
Superhero Nova and her sidekick Polaris fight the evil geneticist Boss Man and his cronies to save the world from certain doom.
Splice Wars
Superhero Nova and her sidekick Polaris fight the evil geneticist Boss Man and his cronies to save the world from certain doom.
Splice Wars
Superhero Nova and her sidekick Polaris fight the evil geneticist Boss Man and his cronies to save the world from certain doom.
Splice Wars
Superhero Nova and her sidekick Polaris fight the evil geneticist Boss Man and his cronies to save the world from certain doom.