Rose Matafeo

Rose Matafeo

출생 : 1992-02-25, Auckland, New Zealand


Rose Matafeo is a New Zealand comedian and actress, based in the UK. She is the creator and star of the BBC/HBO Max romcom series Starstruck.

프로필 사진

Rose Matafeo

참여 작품

The Fringe, Fame and Me
The Fringe, Fame and Me is the story of how a small Scottish arts festival that began 75 years ago this year became a national institution – a crucible where new stars are forged, careers made, and sometimes, dreams dashed. Told by the stars who first found fame at the Edinburgh Fringe, this is the inside story of what it takes to make a name here, from those who enjoyed overnight success to those who slogged for years to make it. Through their triumphs, favourite jokes, and sometimes painful failures, we’ll discover a hidden history of British comedy – revealing how the gags we find funny and the comedians we love reflect our changing culture.
미트 페어런츠-비기닝
수목 관리 전문가인 조이는 산부인과에서 임신이라는 진단을 받자 조충 때문에 임신 양성 반응이 나오기도 한다며 의사에게 엉뚱한 소리를 늘어놓는다. 나무 타기 대회 예선에 통과한 조이가 임신한 몸으로 캐나다에서 열리는 본선에 참여하겠다고 주장하자 남자친구 팀은 말도 안 되는 소리라며 일축한다. 하지만 조이는 엄마가 되기 싫다며 나무 타기 대회 챔피언 되기, 대마초 피기 등 '아기 낳기 전에 꼭 해야 할 일'이라는 목록을 만들어 팀에게 동참하기를 강요한다. 팀은 태교 교실에 참여해 조이가 오기를 기다리지만 조이는 전혀 참여할 마음이 없고 오직 캐나다에 갈 생각으로 들떠 있다. 아빠로서 만반의 준비를 갖추고 싶은 팀과 엄마가 될 생각이 없는 조이 사이에 갈등이 커 가던 끝에 둘은 결국 헤어지게 되는데...
Rose Matafeo: Horndog
Rose Matafeo has kissed nearly 10 men in her life, AKA she’s a total horndog. But what is horniness? Is it that intangible essence of excitement and adventure that has inspired humankind since the dawn of time? An understanding of the overwhelming power of love as the key to true personal flourishing? Or is it simply wanting to bone everyone, all the time? Recorded at The Ambassadors Theatre, London.
Rose Matafeo: Horndog
Executive Producer
Rose Matafeo has kissed nearly 10 men in her life, AKA she’s a total horndog. But what is horniness? Is it that intangible essence of excitement and adventure that has inspired humankind since the dawn of time? An understanding of the overwhelming power of love as the key to true personal flourishing? Or is it simply wanting to bone everyone, all the time? Recorded at The Ambassadors Theatre, London.
Rose Matafeo: Horndog
Rose Matafeo has kissed nearly 10 men in her life, AKA she’s a total horndog. But what is horniness? Is it that intangible essence of excitement and adventure that has inspired humankind since the dawn of time? An understanding of the overwhelming power of love as the key to true personal flourishing? Or is it simply wanting to bone everyone, all the time? Recorded at The Ambassadors Theatre, London.
이별 조작단
Check Out Chick
열정이 식었다. 이별은 두렵다. 사랑을 끝내고 싶은 고객을 위해 이별을 대행하는 진과 멜. 하지만 멜이 점점 죄책감을 느끼면서, 둘의 우정이 끝장날 위기에 처한다.
Upfront: The Queens Of Comedy
The fiercest and funniest ladies of comedy join forces to slay in a night of outstanding wit, charm and lip. Features Demi Lardner, Becky Lucas, Geraldine Hickey, Urzila Carlson, Nikki Britton, Lady Rizo and more.