Julie Miel

참여 작품

Valiant Hearts
Costume Design
In August 1942, during the Second World War, Six Jewish children are trying to escape the Nazis. They are hidden by the resistance in the Chambord Castle, where paintings from Le Louvre are being stored as well. The Nazis are looking for paintings from private collections that would be hidden there as well.
사랑의 감각
Costume Design
고등학생인 샘은 곧잘 싸움질하는 불량 학생 트로이를 만나 사랑에 빠진다. 항상 상처로 뒤덮인 몸을 하고 있는 트로이는 샘에게 자신은 사실 통증을 느끼지 못한다고 고백한다. 그는 내성적인 성격의 샘에게 자신을 샌드백처럼 사용해 보라고 제안한다. 한 번도 폭력을 사용해본 적이 없던 샘은 트로이의 제안을 처음에는 거절하지만, 트로이를 구타하면서 어느새 억제되었던 자신의 감정을 서서히 발산하고 쾌감을 느끼는 자신을 발견하게 된다. 트로이를 좋아하는 그녀는 그런 자신이 너무 두렵다.
Auguste Escoffier: The Birth of Haute Cuisine
Costume Designer
A succulent account of the life of French chef Auguste Escoffier (1846-1935) who made the simple act of cooking food a true art by creating the modern concept of haute cuisine, and who also became the main reference point for many generations of future chefs.
더 베어 네세시티
Costume Design
피에르의 인생에 수수께끼같은 줄리엣 웹이 들어온다.
Pasteur et Koch – Un duel de géants dans la guerre des microbes
Costume Supervisor
Le Ramage et le Plumage
Costume Designer
Underground Time
Costume Design
After eight years of close collaboration with her supervisor, Mathilde suddenly finds herself inexplicably victim of moral harassment by him. In parallel, Thibault has just split up with his girlfriend after a frustrating two-year relationship where they exchanged very little. Mathilde and Thibault have never met, they are just two figures among millions of others. Two people who may bump into each other or who may merely pass each other by. But one day in September, their paths meet.